
  • 网络Internet funds
  1. 中国储户热烈追捧互联网货币基金,因为其收益率远高于银行存款利率。

    Chinese savers have rushed to internet money funds because they have much higher yields than the interest rates on bank deposits .

  2. 互联网货币基金提供的年收益率约为6%,几乎是一年期银行存款平均利率的两倍。

    Internet money funds offer yields of around 6 per cent per year , almost twice the average interest paid on a one-year bank deposit .

  3. 这些储户可以通过安装在手机上的应用购买互联网货币基金,也可以通过同样方式在任何一个工作日赎回基金。

    These savers can buy internet money funds through apps on their mobile phones and can then make withdrawals the same way on any business day .

  4. 泽奔分析师克里斯鲍尔斯(ChrisPowers)说:最近一切都发生了很大改变,中国基金业如今已由互联网货币市场基金主导,这是个重大新闻。

    Chris Powers , an analyst at Z-Ben , said : Everything has changed a lot recently and the domestic fund industry is now dominated by online money market funds , which is a big story .

  5. 基于互联网的科学基金项目网络管理信息系统

    An introduction of the Internet-based Science Information System

  6. 那么这些互联网货币市场基金会带来哪些益处和风险,以及应该如何对它们进行监管?

    What are the benefits and risks of these internet money market funds , and how should they be regulated ?

  7. 中国银行业协会(ChinaBankingAssocation)在上周发布报告中称,货币市场基金(例如由互联网公司销售的基金)应留出准备金以应对流动性短缺风险。此举将使货币市场基金与银行类似,将降低货币市场基金的回报率。

    The China Banking Association said in a report last week that money-market funds -- like those marketed by Internet firms -- should set aside reserves to meet liquidity shortages , making them more like banks and potentially denting their profitability .

  8. 监管机构一直在放松对利率的管制,不过他们打算以一种渐进方式推进利率市场化进程。有鉴于此,余额宝及其他基于互联网的货币市场基金的成功对这一渐进式策略构成了巨大挑战,并仍有可能招致严格审查。

    Given that regulators have been loosening their grip on interest rates but want to proceed in a gradual manner , the success of Yu'E Bao and other internet-based money market funds poses a big challenge to that strategy and could yet invite more scrutiny .