
  • 网络internet security
  1. 随着互联网安全技术的不断发展,Web应用安全防护技术引起了人们的广泛关注。

    With the continuous development of Internet security technology , Web application security technology has aroused extensive attention .

  2. 在病毒编写者与他们的对手互联网安全公司的较量中,web2.0光辉新世界的黑暗面正在暴露。

    A dark side to the shiny new world of Web 2.0 is being exposed by virus writers and the Internet security companies that counter them .

  3. 逐渐成熟、完善的公开密钥基础设施(简称PKI)体系已成为重要的互联网安全解决方案。

    The PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) system is an important network security solution for Internet .

  4. 近年来,随着Internet的飞速发展,面向互联网安全的监测和管理已经成为影响互联网正常应用的重大问题。不同的运营商和管理部门,也相应的建立了不同的互联网安全事件监测系统。

    Recently , along with the rapid development of the Internet , the security monitoring and management based on it has become the import problem to influence the normal applications of the Internet .

  5. HTTPS现在是互联网安全和隐私保护的基石。

    HTTPS is the keystone of Internet security and privacy .

  6. CraigLabovitz是位于美国密歇根州的互联网安全公司ArborNetworks的首席科学家。

    Craig Labovitz is chief scientist at Arbor Networks , an Internet security company in the American state of Michigan .

  7. DDoS攻击是当今互联网安全的主要威胁之一,由DDoS攻击引起的网络安全事件层出不穷。

    DDoS attack is one of the most dominating threats in current Internet and it is the main cause of numerous network security problems .

  8. “点击劫持”(clickjacking)这个词首次出现在2008年,是由互联网安全专家罗伯特汉森和耶利米格劳斯曼首创的。

    The word clickjacking first appeared in2008 , coined by Internet security experts Robert Hansen and Jeremiah Grossman .

  9. 一篇官方新闻报道周日刊登时引用了工业信息技术部负责人LiYizhong说的这样一句话,“互联网安全需要从根子上治理。”

    A state news article published Sunday quoted Li Yizhong , head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , as saying ," Internet security needs to be cured from its roots . "

  10. ESET聪明的安全,也快于其他任何互联网安全套件,这么快你甚至不会注意到它运行。

    ESET Smart Security is also faster than any other Internet security suite , so fast you won 't even notice it running .

  11. 部分互联网安全顾问对于朝鲜政府曾参与过这次数据泄露事件十分怀疑。不过FBI局长詹姆斯•科米(JamesComey)表示,他对FBI的结论有着“高度的信心”,并提到了最近解密的材料。

    Some internet security consultants have cast doubt on Pyongyang 's involvement in the data breach , but James Comey , the FBI director , said he had " high confidence " in the bureau 's conclusion and cited recently declassified material .

  12. 微软互联网安全执行团队的高级律师亚伦•科恩布卢姆(AaronKornblum)表示:对于全球的知名商标而言,域名抢注是一个日益严重的问题。我们希望引导其它商标所有者,鼓励它们采取行动。

    Cybersquatting is a growing problem for brands around the world and we hope to educate other brand holders and encourage them to take action , said Aaron Kornblum , senior attorney on Microsoft 's internet safety enforcement team .

  13. 然而,互联网安全公司f-secure本周公布的一份报告显示,过去几个月,恶意程序的数量已有所增加。

    Over the past few months , however , the number of malicious programmes has increased , according to a report published this week by F-Secure , an Internet security company .

  14. 美国互联网安全公司赛门铁克(Symantec)的最新安全报告显示,一张美国信用卡售价仅为1美元,一张英国信用卡约为2美元,花300美元就可以进入另一个人的网上银行账户。

    A US credit card costs just $ 1 , a UK credit card about $ 2 and access to someone else 's online bank account can be had for $ 300 , according to the latest security report from Symantec , the US internet security company .

  15. 林恩辩称,关键是要提高军方与民间在互联网安全上的合作,目前从网络间谍到信息网络攻击和病毒比如可导致物理破坏的“超级工厂病毒”(stuxnet)的威胁越来越严重。

    The deputy defence secretary argued it was essential to increase military and civilian co-operation on Internet security , as threats increased in severity from cyberespionage to attacks on information networks and viruses , such as the Stuxnet worm , that can cause physical damage .

  16. 因此,人们对互联网安全性和稳定性的的需求与日俱增。

    Therefore , the demand of Internet security and stability is increasing .

  17. 2011年以来,移动互联网安全形势日趋严峻。

    Since 2011 , the worsening security situation in the mobile Internet .

  18. 僵尸网络对互联网安全的威胁和治理措施

    The Threats to Network Security by Botnet and the Countermeasures

  19. 他还下令启动应急项目,以应对互联网安全和垃圾邮件。

    He has ordered up crash projects to tackle Internet Security and spam .

  20. 互联网安全与计算机系统安全标准研究

    Research of Internet Security and Computer System Security Criteria

  21. 而有了抽象的数学,才保证了互联网安全,保证计算机不会一秒钟崩溃一次。

    Abstract maths allows internet security and computers not to crash every second .

  22. 客户侧攻击和僵尸网络的扩张逐渐变成互联网安全的主要威胁。

    Client-side attacks and the expansion of Botnet are becoming serious threat nowadays .

  23. 实施的功能为自动延长授权使用卡巴斯基互联网安全的。

    Implemented functionality for automatic extension of the license to use Kaspersky Internet Security .

  24. 互联网安全审计系统在校园网管理中的应用

    Analysis of the Application of an Internet Security Audit System in Campus Network Management

  25. 神经网络混沌加密算法及其在下一代互联网安全通信中的应用研究

    Chaotic Encryption Scheme Based on Neural Networks and Its Application in Secure Communications of IPng

  26. 互联网安全的复杂性

    Research about Internet Security Complex System

  27. 互联网安全问题分析和解决问题思路

    Problems and Solutions of Network Security

  28. 目前还不清楚中国方面计划采取哪些步骤来加强互联网安全。

    It was unclear what steps Beijing planned to take to beef up its internet security .

  29. 而互联网安全与应急保障成为网络信息安全的重中之重。

    And the internet security and emergency support to become the top priority of network information security .

  30. 尽管互联网安全隐患重重,比如最近发生的多起网络钓鱼邮件和垃圾邮件。

    Despite high-profile examples of internet security breaches , such as the recent incident of phishing email scams .