
  • 网络complementarity principle;complementarity;the principle of complimentarily
  1. 本文的合作型FDI模型的最主要特征是在借鉴协调博弈理论的基础上,结合古典经济学的比较优势理论和赫克歇尔&俄林的要素禀赋理论,将协调博弈的互补性原理应用于FDI分析。

    The main character of the model is to apply complementary principle to analyze FDI , by integrating the Comparative Advantage of the classic economic and the Theory of Factor Endowment , on the base of the theory of coordination game .

  2. 从玻尔与爱因斯坦的争论看量子力学中互补性原理的基础地位

    The Basic Position of Reciprocal Principle in Quantum Theory From the Argument Between Einstein and Bohr

  3. 本文着重阐述的是集成的相容性原理、互补性原理、界面选择原理、功能倍增原理和适应进化原理。

    The paper mainly expounds the compatibility principle , compensation each other , interface alternative principle , function multination principle , adaptation and evolution principle of integrated theory .

  4. 从集成系统的视角,探讨了集成供应链物流系统的基本原理,即相容性原理、互补性原理、集成界面原理、功能重组原理等,旨在为系统地研究集成供应链物流系统提供理论基础。

    In the view of integrated system , the paper discusses the basic principle of integrated SC logistics system in order to provide a theoretical basis for studying the system systematically .

  5. 「可以将量子力学当成是某个基础理论的低能量极限。从玻尔与爱因斯坦的争论看量子力学中互补性原理的基础地位

    Therefore , nature could be classical at its most detailed level yet look quantum-mechanical because of dissipation . The Basic Position of Reciprocal Principle in Quantum Theory From the Argument Between Einstein and Bohr