
  1. 在定制课程的排名中,尽管Iese商学院只在一项指标——国际客户上排名第一,但该校在15项指标中的11项上都跻身于前五所商学院之列。

    While Iese is top for only one criterion - international clients - in the ranking of customised programmes , the Spanish school is in the top five for 11 out of 15 criteria .

  2. 该项目是由美国、中国、荷兰、墨西哥和巴西的五所商学院合办的。

    The programme draws together five business schools in the US , China , the Netherlands , Mexico and Brazil .

  3. BAE想跻身成为美国五大军火商,这一雄心如今看来有了悬念,但其中主要原因并非美国司法部的调查。

    BAE 's ambitions to break into the US top-five appear on hold for now , but not particularly because of the Department of Justice probe .

  4. 第五章证券商的内部控制制度。

    In the last chapter , the inner-control system of securities dealers was studied .

  5. 例如,来宝是美国第五大供电商。

    It is the fifth largest distributor of electricity in the US , for example .

  6. 为了准备申请材料和面试,他拜访了五位塔克商学院的学生,并在电话里向另外八位来自该校的学生请教。

    To prepare for writing his application and the interview , he met with five Tuck students and interviewed another eight by phone .

  7. 第五章讨论商与西周都城防御体系的演变并分析其所造成的影响。

    The fifth chapter discussed the evolution of the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties capital city defense system and analyzes the impact of its .

  8. 我们是唯一一个在金融危机中没有陷入衰退的发达国家,同时我们也是五大矿产商之一,并涉及大部分重要的商品。

    We were the only developed nation not to fall into recession post the GFC and we are also a top five minerals producer across most of the key commodities .

  9. 该公司首席执行长歌布瑞利(JoseSergioGabrielli)表示,公司计划跻身世界五大石油生产商之列。

    The company plans to become one of the world 's five largest producers , Petrobras Chief Executive Jose Sergio Gabrielli has said .

  10. 韦耀国表示,中国市场能容纳四、五个大型啤酒商,而嘉士伯将成为其中之一。

    Mr Rasmussen says there is room for four or five big brewers in China and insists Carlsberg will be among them .

  11. 前言:目的研究家兔前肢太阴经五腧穴:少商、鱼际、经渠、太渊和尺泽的层次结构。

    Objective To study the structure of the Five Shu points : Shaoshang , Yuji , Jingqu , Taiyuan and Chize of the Taiyin meridian in rabbit 's forelimb .

  12. 2008年国内五大电信运营商拆分重组以来,伴随着行业政策管制的松动以及大量新技术的开发和应用,整个电信业随着市场的饱和,其竞争愈来愈趋激烈。

    In China , since 2008 several telecom operators had been consolidated . As the loosening of the telecommunications industry control and new technologies applied , the wireless telecommunications market is saturated and fierce competition is increasing .

  13. 阿里巴巴向潜在买家推介自己的全球路演之旅刚刚进行了五天,承销商即告诉负责销售的员工,计划于周三停止接受对该集团股票的认购。这一消息由知情人士于上周五透露。

    Only five days into the company 's global journey to promote itself to prospective buyers , its underwriters have told their sales staffs that they plan to close orders for the stock sale by Wednesday , people briefed on the matter said on Friday .