
  • 网络Five Human Relationships
  1. 五缘湾湿地公园内,环境优美,步行至五缘湾游艇帆船港码头约10分钟。

    In the Wuyuan bay , you can walk to Wuyuan bay marina in10 minutes .

  2. 海峡两岸闽台之间公认的名人文化旅游资源,植根于两岸五缘关系。

    The generally acknowledged tourism resources of celebrity culture between Fujian Province and of Taiwan Province are deeply rooted in five-special-relationship of the two regions .

  3. 闽台区域自然背景及历史文化具有相似性和完整性,且闽台因五缘而关系密切。

    Nature of Fujian and Taiwan have similar background and history and culture and integrity , and Fujian and Taiwan because of " FIVE " and close .

  4. 在五缘文化和民族情结的推动下,华商为祖国的改革开放和国内经济建设做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    Advanced by " Wu-Yuan Culture " and nationality complex , Chinese businessman has greatly contributed to his country from domestic economic construction , reform and opening .

  5. 海外华商网络是以海外华人商人群体为特定主体,以家族、族群、地区、行业、社团等为社会基础,以五缘关系为联结纽带,以共同利益为核心的泛商业网络。

    Overseas Chinese Merchants Network is a pan-commercial network with the family , region , industry and association as the social foundation and with the common interests as the connecting point .

  6. 中华传统文化是增强民族凝聚力的宝贵资源,本文从中华缘文化入手,从五缘文化中的物缘文化、物缘情结、家国情怀入手,阐明了中华民族凝聚力独特的表现形式和超人的魅力。

    Traditional culture of China is invaluable resource for enhancing national cohesion . The unique form and fascination of Chinese national cohesion were clarified based on the five origin culture such as matter origin culture , matter origin complex and native land emotion .