
  1. 它是约翰·雷(JohnRay)和弗朗西斯·维鲁格比(FrancisWillughby)的著述《鱼类溯源》中的组图之一,该书于1686年由英国皇家学会出版,并于近日上传到互联网,以飨五州学者。

    It is one of a set from John Ray 's and Francis Willughby 's book " Historia Piscium , " published in 1686 by the Royal Society and recently put online by them for the edification of scholars everywhere .

  2. 第五个州——印第安纳州已经开始试行。

    A fifth , Indiana , has experimented with it .

  3. 布什在另外五个州又获得了胜利

    Bush has racked up victories in another five states .

  4. 这五个州仍在当前拥有卓越AAA信用评级的15个州之列。

    The five are among the 15 states currently with stellar triple-A credit ratings .

  5. 1788年的今天,康涅狄格成为加入美国的第五个州。

    1788-Connecticut becomes the fifth state to join the United States .

  6. 有五个州内最大的移动网络。

    We have the largest cellular network in the five state .

  7. 但却在相邻的五个州得到通过。

    But it was allowed in five other states nearby .

  8. 下面是列出的前五个州:

    These were the top 5 states on the list :

  9. 这个第五大州正在宣布进入灾难状态。

    AZUZ : The fifth largest state is under a statewide disaster declaration .

  10. 还有一个朋友建立了一个零售帝国,扩张到五个州;

    another friend had started a retail empire that expanded to five states ;

  11. 米特·罗姆尼今天要去五个州,第一站是爱荷华州。

    Mitt Romney will be in five states today .

  12. 总而言之,凯泽·波莫恩特医院未遵守五条州定法规和十五条联邦法规。

    In all , Kaiser failed to adhere to five state and15 federal regulations .

  13. 其他五个州设置了多选题的笔试,但并不非常困难。

    Five others have multiple-choice written exams , but they are not very hard .

  14. 我打电话找遍附近五个州

    I called everywhere in five states .

  15. 最适合在职妈妈的五个州

    The 5 Best States for Working Moms

  16. 第五节州规章与联邦破产法

    E. state regulation and federal bankruptcy law

  17. 矶鹞渡在五个州都设有中心

    Sandpiper has facilities in five states .

  18. 今天,立法者在五个州至少召开了10场市政厅会议。

    Lawmakers are holding at least ten town hall meetings in five states just today .

  19. 在美国,官方统计的失业人口为1400万,足以组成该国的第五大州。

    In America the 14m people officially jobless would form the fifth-most-populous state in the union .

  20. 经历这一挫折后,蓝色起源考虑了位于五个州的发射台,最终选中了36号发射设施。

    After that setback , Blue Origin looked at options in five states before deciding on Launch Complex 36 .

  21. 卫生官员正在调查为何有五个州的病人会因注射药物而感染罕见的脑膜炎。

    Health officials are investigating how patients in five states contracted a rare kind of meningitis from injected drug .

  22. 只有五个州要求他们向公众披露所使用的化学物,但这种披露程度有限,而且披露要求也不统一。

    Only five states require public disclosure of the chemicals used , and only to limited and varying degrees .

  23. 滑雪场最多的五个州是:纽约,密西根,威斯康星,加州和宾夕法尼亚州。

    The five states with the most ski areas were New York , Michigan , Wisconsin , California and Pennsylvania .

  24. 美国的24个州和哥伦比亚地区已经颁布立法或采纳规章,放开电力市场引入竞争机制。截至2000年7月,已经有五个州对零售用户实行绿色电力的竞争销售。

    Twenty-four states and the District of Columbia have enacted legislation or adopted rulemakings to open their power markets to Competition .

  25. 有大约三分之五的州已经开始关注联邦政府的资金,已经把其放到本年预算中。

    Some three-fifths of states have already factored in the federal money in drawing up their budgets for the current fiscal year .

  26. 今年秋天,将有五个州——包括最引人瞩目的加利福尼亚州——就是否加入这一俱乐部进行投票。

    This fall , five states - including , most significantly , California - will vote on whether to join that club .

  27. 从我请求国会提高最低工资的那年起,五个州已经出台了提高当地最低工资法律规定。

    In the year since I asked this Congress to raise the minimum wage , five states have passed laws to raise theirs .

  28. 周二,墨西哥在五个州启动了针对教师和其他教育人员的新冠免疫计划,这些疫苗来自中国康希诺公司。

    Mexico launched its immunization plan against COVID-19 for teachers and other educational personnel in five states on Tuesday with vaccines from Chinese firm CanSino .

  29. 美国五个州已有超过48名的确诊病例,但没有患者因猪流感死亡。

    The United States has more than forty-eight confirmed cases in five states . But , no one has died from swine flu in this country .

  30. 还有五个州303位选举人的投票归属未定,6月7日将在这五个州举行预选,届时特朗普会轻易把它们收入囊中,避免7月克利夫兰共和党党代会的火药味太浓。

    With 303 delegates at stake in five state primaries on June 7 , Trump will easily pad his total , avoiding a contested convention in Cleveland in July .