
  1. 前五项规定,对于依其它法律设立之银行或金融机构适用之。

    The provisions of the preceding five paragraphs shall apply to banks and other financial institutions which are established under other laws .

  2. 合同无效的原因主要体现在《合同法》第52条的五项规定中,文章对这五项规定作了具体详细的分析。

    The reasons of causing a contract void are presented in the item 52 of Contract Law . In the following parts , the author gives a detailed analysis to them .

  3. 这一规定在限缩了《合同法》第52条第(五)项规定的同时,也为司法实践带来了新的问题和困扰。

    This provision not only reduces the limit of Section 52 ( e ) of the PRC Contract Law , but also brings new questions and problems to the judicial practice .

  4. 消费者物价指数将在周三发布,有望减轻通货膨胀压力。其调整之公告方式及所称消费者物价指数,准用所得税法第五条第四项规定。

    The public announcement of the adjustment and consumer price index as indicated above shall be applied and interpreted mutatis mutandis to Paragraph 4 , Article 5 of the Income Tax Act .