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  1. 方法:使用职业过劳量表、SCL-90、中国人组织公民行为量表和五种正性组织因素测验对397名企业工作人员进行测量。

    Methods : 397 enterprise employees were assessed by Job-Burnout Scale , SCL-90 , Chinese Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB ) Scale , and 5 positive organizational factors measurements .

  2. 五点正,你们得回到这儿来。

    You will be here at five o'clock precisely .

  3. 五号正是属于她的风格语法。

    No. 5 is the grammar of her style .

  4. 用这五种正多面体去探索自然界的秘密的企图没有成功。

    The attempt to use the five regular solids to ferret out nature 's secrets did not succeed .

  5. 在中国北边戈壁沙漠边缘的酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟五号正蓄势待发。

    At the Jiuquan Space Center near the edge of the Gobi Desert in northern China , Shenzhou 5 is being readied for launch .

  6. 因此,研究机动目标的被动跟踪算法具有重要意义,本文第五章正是应此需求展开研究的。

    In such case , it is of great significance to investigate the problem of maneuvering target tracking , and the work in Chapter V is just done under this requirement .

  7. 同时从工程应变的定义出发,采用Taylor级数展开的方法,建立了单元的五阶近似正应变表达式;

    According to the definition of Green strain , the expression of normal strain of element was constituted using the method of expanding Taylor series .

  8. 研究结果表明,MIP技术反应过程中,催化循环链的引发主要是原料中烷烃质子化,产生五配位正碳离子,使链反应遵循单分子的质子化裂化反应机理。

    The results indicated that the main initiating event was the generation of a penta-coordinated carbonium ion by the protonation of paraffin in the feedstock , and the following reactions took place via monomolecular mechanism .

  9. 五次约会正是完美的时间…

    Five dates happens to be the perfect amount of time ...

  10. 那时我只有五岁,正从噩梦中惊醒哭泣。

    I could be five and just waking up from another nightmare .

  11. 这就使五羟色胺的正性精神作用放大,至少在部分人身上如此。

    That amplifies serotonin 's mood-brightening effect , at least for some people .

  12. 五阶完全正矩阵

    Completely Positive Matrices of Order Five

  13. 吴的《五声反切正均》是近代汉语语音史研究中不可忽视的一本书。

    Wusheng Fanqie Zhengyun written by WuLang is important to the study of the history of modem Chinese phonology .

  14. 第十一宫在第五宫的正对面,第五宫代表了自我表达,那些我们一直在享受的事物。

    The Eleventh House is opposite the5th house , which is our self-expression , what we are already enjoying .

  15. 意外发生时,五名工人正拆卸履带式流动起重机上的猪笼吊臂。

    At the time of accident , five workers were engaged to dismantle the lattice jib of the crawler mounted mobile crane .

  16. 一口气上了五楼,正待按门铃,一股洗麻将牌的声浪夺门而出,间杂着尖锐的笑声。

    Climbing up the five flights of the stairway in a breath , she was about to ring the doorbell when out came a gust of noise , noise of mahjong being reshuffled and shrilling laughter .

  17. 五轴并联机床正解研究

    Study on the direct kinematics of a five axes parallel machine tool

  18. 手的五个手指中正中间的一个。

    The longest finger in the middle of each hand .

  19. 这时才五点半,正是寒气逼人,狂风咆哮的早晨。

    It was five and a half o'clock now , and a raw , blustering morning .

  20. 应用五因素五水平二次正交通用旋转组合设计,研究了氮肥、缩节胺、萘乙酸、防落素、密度对辣椒早期产量和品质的影响。

    By means of orthogonal rotational combination design , a five-factor ( N , Pix , NAA , PCPA and Dens . )

  21. 溶液结晶法生产五水偏硅酸钠溶液结晶法制取五水正硅酸三钠

    Manufacture of Sodium Metasilicate Pentahydrate by Liquor Crystallization . Preparation of sodium silicate pentahydrate by aqueous crystallization method