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shén mínɡ
  • Divine name;name of a deity
  1. 在挪威神话里,有一个神名叫蒂尔(TRY)。

    In Norse mythology , there was a god named Tyr .

  2. 不知何故试图把你引向神名的东西。

    Somehow trying to showyou divinity .

  3. 他们为神名而尖叫。

    They scream His name .

  4. 分析俄罗斯文学作品中古希腊神话的神名称谓和语义特征,对于正确理解和把握作品的深刻内涵具有重要意义。

    The analysis of the way figures in Greek mythology were named in Russian literature and the semantic features behind these names , is of vital importance to the correct understanding and grasping of the connotative meaning of these literary works .