
shén nónɡ jià
  • Shennongjia Forest
  1. 神农架大型真菌资源及其开发利用

    Development and utilization of the macro-fungus resource in the Shennongjia Forest District

  2. 神农架林区森林火灾的火源统计分析

    Statistics and analysis to fire source of Shennongjia Forest District

  3. 神农架北坡表土常见花粉的R值研究

    A Study on the Representation of Common Pollens in Soils on the Northern Slope of Shennongjia Mountains

  4. 神农架地区五味子科植物成分的研究II.五味子酯F的分离与结构研究

    Studies on the Constituents of Schisandraceae Plants in Shennongjia District ⅱ . The Isolation and Structure of Schisantherin F

  5. 根据表土孢粉分析和植被样方调查的比较研究,获得了神农架北坡表土常见花粉的R值。

    The representation of common pollens in soils on the northern slope of Shennongjia mountains area is studied in the light of sporo pollen analysis and plantation sample investigation .

  6. 基于PPT战略的神农架旅游深度开发探讨

    Study on Shennongjia Tourism Deep Exploration Based on PPT Strategy

  7. 湖北神农架自然保护区土壤中的暗色丝孢菌I.半知菌纲的一科其菌丝或分生孢子成暗黑色。

    Notes on soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Shennongjia Natural Conservation Area , Hubei Province I. family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia .

  8. 研究了华中神农架自然保护区毛金竹(Phyllostachysnigravar.henonis(Mitford)Stapf.exRendle)从发笋到成竹的营养生长行为。

    In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China , the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo ( Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis ( Mitford ) Stapf . ex Rendle ) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm establishment .

  9. 通过定量估算气候适生性指数(CFI),对神农架周边区域不同海拔条件下气候状况、气候适生性进行了综合评价并把不同海拔高度下的气候条件与国外烟区进行了相似性分析。

    The climate feasibility indexes ( CFI ) were quantitative estimated , climate status and climate feasibility indexes at different altitudes were evaluated , and similarity analysis of climate conditions between Shennongjia surrounding areas and high-quality tobacco-growing areas overseas was analyzed .

  10. 本文运用系统科学、经济学以及生态学的基本理论,借鉴昂谱(RMP)分析的理论,利用国际成功案例的经验分析,对神农架生物圈保护区旅游产品开发构想及旅游开发支持系统进行系统性研究。

    This essay , with basic theories in system science , economics and ecology , and with reference to RMP analysis theory and successful international case analysis , carries out systematic study on tourist products development and tourism development support system in Shennongjia biosphere preserve .

  11. 神农架野生兰科植物资源及其保护发展必要性的探讨

    Study on the Wild Arethusa Resource Protection and Development in Shennongjia

  12. 神农架种子植物中国特有属的分析

    The Analysis of Chinese Endemic Genera of the Spermatophytes in Shennongjia

  13. 神农架自然保护区土壤的研究Ⅲ.神农架垂直带土壤粘粒矿物组合及其特点

    The clay mineral association and characteristics in the Shennongjia mountain area

  14. 2005年神农架马陆大发生原因及防治措施。

    Outbreak cause and control measure of millipedes at Shenlongjia in2005 .

  15. 神农架式铁矿特征简介

    A brief introduction of the characteristics of the Shennongjia type iron deposit

  16. 中国神农架国家森林公园苔藓中的缓步动物

    Tardigrades from some mosses of Shennong frame state forest park in China

  17. 神农架国家重点保护植物优先保护的定量研究

    Quantitative Assessment to Priority of Conservation of the State-protected Plants in Shennongjia

  18. 神农架森林火灾发生率的长期预报

    An Experiment on Long-term Forecasting of Forest Fire Occurrence in Shennongjia Area

  19. 鄂西神农架自然保护区巴山冷杉林的研究

    Studies on Farges fir forests of Shennongjia Nature Preserve in West Hubei

  20. 神农架林区大型真菌资源调查研究

    Investigation on Macro - fungus Resources in Shennongjia Forest District

  21. 从湖北神农架原始森林土壤中分离的高毒力苏云金芽孢杆菌

    Bacillus thuringiensis Isolates from Soil in Primitive Forest of Sheng Nong Jia

  22. 神农架旅游形象定位与设计研究

    A Study of Tourism Image Niche and Design of Shennongjia

  23. 神农架自然保护区蝶类资源调查

    Research of Bi butterflies resource in Shennongjia Natural Reserve

  24. 论长江流域山岳旅游地发展对神农架开发的启示

    Destination development in Yangtze Basin Mount tourism in Shennongjia

  25. 湖北环神农架烟区烤烟质量综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Flue-cured Tobacco Quality in Shennongjia Tobacco-planting Area of Hubei Province

  26. 从神农架白熊的线粒体部分基因分析其分子系统发生关系

    A Molecular Phylogeny of Shennongjia White Bear Based on Some Mitochondrial Gene Sequences

  27. 湖北神农架刨花板厂总图设计特点

    Features of Layout Design on Hubei Shennongjia Particleboard Factory

  28. 神农架自然保护区百合科植物区系及资源植物分析

    Flora and resources plants analysis on Liliaceae in the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve

  29. 湖北省的神农架原始森林吸引着生态旅游者。

    Shennongjia prime Forest in Hubei province attracts eco-travelers .

  30. 神农架山地河岸带中珍稀植物群落特征

    Characteristics of Riparian Rare Plant Communities on the Shennongjia Mountains , Central China