
  • 网络Masaru Ibuka
  1. 对于这种跨文化传播活动,日本政府几乎没有参与,大部分工作都是铃木镇一及其支持者开展的。其中包括索尼公司联合创始人井深大(MasaruIbuka),他本人就是著名的儿童早期教育倡导者。

    The Japanese government had little to do with this cross-cultural dissemination : Much of it was the work of Mr. Suzuki and his supporters , including Masaru Ibuka , Sony 's co-founder and himself a great early-childhood education advocate .

  2. 索尼公司的共同奠基人井深大说过这样至理名言:“如果你跟在其他人后面,你永远不会在技术、经营或其它事业上取得成功。”

    Masura Ibuka , the co-founder of SONY , said it best : " You never succeed in technology , business , or anything by following the others . "