
  • 网络Inoue Yasushi;yasushi inoue
  1. 井上靖与中国

    Yasushi Inoue and China

  2. 孔子这位中国古代的和平使者成了井上靖的化身。

    Confucius , the herald of peace in ancient China , becomes the avatar of Inoue Yasushi .

  3. 中国史传文学的叙事模式等艺术实践经验等方面,井上靖也有所承受与借鉴。

    He inherits and absorbs the artistic experience from the narrative mode of t he Chinese historical biographical literature .

  4. 首先,从作品题材、思想与艺术表现等方面探讨了井上靖与中国史传文学的关系。

    This article mainly research three ones as follow : first , probing the relationship between Inoue and Chinese historical and biographical literature in subject , mind and art ;

  5. 井上靖是日本当代著名作家,20世纪60年代初他的作品开始在我国翻译出版,80年代形成译介井上文学的高潮。

    Iue Osamu is a famous modern Japanese writer . His works began to be translated and published in the early 60 's of the 20th century , reaching the climax in 80 's.

  6. 再次,通过对井上靖文学的分析,指出他的中国形象的特点,以及这一形象与文本所处的特定历史、文化语境的关系。

    Last , by means of an analysis of Inoue 's works , pointing out the traits of his Chinese image , and the relationship between the image and the special history and the environmental culture of text .

  7. 井上靖在青少年时期便受到中国古典文化的熏陶,对中国与中国历史文化产生了极大的兴趣,他以中国为题材创作了大量的历史小说、诗歌以及随笔。

    Inoue Yasushi had been edified by the classical culture of China from his youth , he had great interest in China and Chinese culture , and composed many historical novels , poetry and informal essays , whose themes are China .

  8. 第二部分,分析几部作品中的重要人物形象,作家站在一定的历史高度,赋予小说中的主人公以特定的历史使命,创作了独具特色的井上靖的历史小说。

    In the second part , through the analysis of several main characters , found that the author stood in a certain historical height , giving the heroes in his novels specific historical mission , and created the unique historical novels .

  9. 首先,对井上靖特殊的成长经历进行介绍,他从小所受中国文学文化熏陶所形成的对中国文化特殊感情,这也成了其创作了大量中国题材小说的根源。

    First , it shall give an introduction to the special growing experience of Inoue Yasushi , as well as his special sentiment on Chinese culture because of Chinese cultural edification since his youth , this also became the root of his creating many novels of Chinese theme .

  10. 对井上文学的艺术审美研究、井上文学与日本传统文学的联系、井上文学与西方文学的关系、井上靖与中国关系的研究等课题,有待进一步作深入的研究。

    The subjects such as artistical aesthetic research of Iue 's literature , the connection of Iue 's literature and the Japanese traditional literature , the relation between Iue 's literature and the western literature , the relation between Iue Osamu and China . etc. are to be further studied .