
  • 网络Johnston;Reginald Johnston;Reginald Fleming Johnston
  1. 您要说什么,庄士敦先生?

    What do you have to say , mr , johnston ?

  2. 我要个时髦的妻子,庄士敦,会说英语和法语!

    I want a modern wife , johnston , who speaks English and french !

  3. 1933年庄士敦的儒学演讲及其对儒学的认知

    Reginald F.Johnston'Lecture in 1933 and His cognition of Confucianism

  4. 庄士敦:他生活在很久以前,殿下。

    Reginald Fleming'R.J.'Johnston : He lived a long time ago , your majesty .

  5. 佩林家与庄士敦之间的关系此后经常处于紧张之中,主要是因为探视问题。

    The relationship between the Palins and Johnston since then has often been strained , mostly over visitation issues .

  6. 在政治方面,庄士敦对政治理性主义的警惕和拒斥在今天仍然不失其鲜活价值,而他对温和、审慎改革精神的强调,也提醒我们更加珍视当下这种宝贵的保主义倾向。

    Johnston alerts and rejects the political rationalism , which still keeps alive without losing its value today . His stress on the spirit of moderate , cautious reform also reminds us to cherish this precious conservative tendency .