
  • 网络quzhou;Quzhou City
  1. 在简要介绍swot模型的基础上,对衢州市旅游资源开发过程中存在的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了详细的分析;

    This paper analyzes the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of tourism exploitation on Quzhou City based on describing the SWOT model .

  2. 利用SWOT模型,对衢州市休闲农业的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了相关数据的分析和整理,得出一个客观的结论。

    Using the SWOT model , the Quzhou City strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and challenges of leisure agriculture has carried on the related data analysis and summarize , an objective conclusion .

  3. 衢州市虽属浙江省欠发达地区,但从人均GDP来看,位居我国同期人均GDP中值,具有较强的代表性。

    Quzhou is less developed regions in zhejiang , but ranked the median of China per capita GDP over the same period , with strong representation .

  4. 衢州市CIDA-WHO中国结核病控制项目实施效果分析

    Effect of the CIDA-WHO tuberculosis control project in Quzhou city

  5. 衢州市城乡居民体质调查分析

    A rural-urban investigation and analysis on residents ′ physique in Quzhou

  6. 衢州市竹业综合开发技术效益评估

    Evaluation on Comprehensive Development Achievement of Bamboo Industry in Quzhou City

  7. 浙江省衢州市土地资源的合理利用

    The rational use of land resources in Quzhou of Zhejiang Province

  8. 生态公益林地籍信息系统的应用及完善研究&以浙江省衢州市为例

    Application and Improvement of Cadastral Information System for Ecological Forest in Quzhou

  9. 统筹规划,推进区域教育的跨越式发展&浙江省衢州市教育发展策略研究

    Unified Planning for Promoting the Leap-forward Development of Regional Education

  10. 2007年衢州市肠出血性大肠埃希菌O157:H7监测报告分析

    Surveillance report on E.coli O157 : H7 in 2007 in Quzhou Municipality

  11. 2005-2007年浙江省衢州市其他感染性腹泻监测流行特征分析

    Epidemiology of infectious diarrhea in Quzhou , Zhejiang , 2005-2007

  12. EPON+EOC技术在衢州市有线电视双向网络改造中的实践

    Implementation of EPON + EOC Technology in DTV Bidirectional Transformation in Quzhou

  13. 衢州市可持续发展中的粮食生产问题探讨

    Discussion on sustainable development of grain production in Quzhou Municipality

  14. 衢州市马尾松林生态因素数量分类的研究

    Study on Quantity Classification of Ecological Factors of Pinus massoniana Stands in Quzhou

  15. 衢州市2007年布鲁氏菌病监测报告分析

    Surveillance Report on Brucellosis in 2007 in Quzhou Municipality

  16. 衢州市性病门诊患者梅毒感染情况分析

    Analysis of Syphilis Infection in Outpatients for Sexually Transmitted Diseases In Quzhou City

  17. 衢州市推进农业机械化促进效益农业发展

    Advancing Agricultural Mechanization to Develop Benefit Agriculture in Quzhou

  18. 衢州市开化县涂阳肺结核治疗效果影响因素调查分析

    Factors influencing the treatment of smear-positive TB in Kaihua county , Quzhou city

  19. 衢州市社会经济系统及水环境系统预测

    The Prediction of Social Economic System and Water Environment System in Quzhou City

  20. 衢州市2001年食品卫生抽样检测分析。

    A sampling detection and analysis of food hygiene in Quzhou City in2001 .

  21. 对衢州市茶叶产业发展规划(2006-2010)的建议

    Proposal to the development plan of tea industry for 2006-2010 period in Quzhou City

  22. 衢州市竹子害虫名录初报

    List of bamboo pest insects in Quzhou City

  23. 衢州市食品卫生质量现状与评价分析

    Evaluation of food hygienic quality in Quzhou City

  24. 欠发达地区农村养老模式探析&衢州市枫村花村养老的经验研究

    On old-age supporting model in undeveloped area

  25. 结论衢州市网络直报工作逐步完善,总体运行良好。

    Conclusion Network reporting system in Quzhou City is gradually improving and operating well overall .

  26. 1985-2007年衢州市狂犬病流行情况及监测分析

    Epidemic situation and investigation of surveillance on rabies in Quzhou city from 1985 to 2007

  27. 衢州市2005~2006年食品中食源性致病菌监测分析

    Surveillance and analysis for foodborne pathogens in food products in Quzhou from 2005 to 2006

  28. 区域公路网规划研究及衢州市公路网规划

    The Study of Method of the Regional Highway Net Planning and Quzhou City Highway Net Planning

  29. 安全标准化工地不安全&浙江衢州市崇文山水苑7楼惊曝安全事故

    Unsafe Building Site of Safety Standardization

  30. 衢州市肺结核病人住院及住院费用流行病学调查

    The epidemiological investigation of the status of tuberculosis inpatients and the correspondingly medical expense in QuZhou city