
zhuānɡ yuán jīnɡ jì
  • manorial economy
  1. 在此管理体制、方法及思想的共同作用下,英国庄园经济于十三世纪末达到其鼎盛时期。

    For these reasons , manorial economy of England reached its peak at the end of the 13th century .

  2. 西欧的城市则不断进行反对封建领主的斗争,破坏封建庄园经济,催生了资本主义的生产关系

    West European cities constantly had a struggle against feudal lords and destroyed the feudal manorial economy and therefore brought about the capitalist relationship of production

  3. 庄园经济条件下土地权属问题探析

    To Research the Land Tenure Under the Condition of Manor Economy

  4. 农村山区庄园经济发展的理论探讨

    Theoretical research on the manorial economic development in rural mountain area

  5. 溧阳城郊庄园经济发展模式的实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Developmental Pattern of Manor in Li Yang Outer City

  6. 越南庄园经济的发展及其存在的问题

    The Development and Problem of Manor Economy in Vietnam

  7. 对我国农村实施庄园经济发展模式的探讨

    Reflections in implementing manor economy in the rural area

  8. 这一特色的形成与古代日本的稻作经济、封建庄园经济有密不可分的关系。

    The formation of this character is close related to the rice economy and feudal estate economy .

  9. 东欧再版农奴制庄园经济的性质问题&与美洲奴隶种植园经济的初步比较

    The Nature of the East European Neo-Serfdom Manor Economy : A Preliminary Comparison with American Slavery Plantation Economy

  10. 他们的产生、发展与消亡与美国南方的庄园经济息息相关。

    The appearance , development and disappearance of the Southern Gentlemen have a close relation to the manor economy system of the South America .

  11. 士族不仅在政治上拥有特权,庄园经济的发展,也为他们悠游闲适的生活提供了物质保障。

    The people from these families did not only have political privilege , but also had comfortable lives because of the development of manorial economy .

  12. 中世纪西欧农奴制是西欧封建社会的一种经济形态,与自给自足的庄园经济相适应。

    The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society , and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy .

  13. 为研究清代皇室经济,特别是盛京的皇室庄园经济的研究提供了丰富的史料。

    For the study of the Qing Dynasty royal family economy , in particular , provides a wealth of historical data of the Mukden royal manor economy .

  14. 庄园经济是民间资本与农业相结合的农业资本经济,其实体是现代农业企业。

    So-called " the manor economy " is the agricultural capital economy which is unified by the folk capital and the agriculture , and its entity is the modern agricultural enterprise .

  15. 不仅客观上为我们勾勒了十八世纪满族庄园经济的基本轮廓,同时又以贾府具体的实例揭示了乾隆时期日益严峻的旗人生计问题。

    It not only outlines the elementary contour of Manchu manor economy in 18th century , but also reveals increasingly grim livelihood question of Eight Banners in the Qianlong period by concrete example of the Jias .

  16. 中世纪时期西欧社会实行的封君封臣制和封土制,让中世纪时期的西欧庄园经济在欧洲经济发展史上具有独特的地位和特点。

    During the Middle Ages , Western Europe practiced the enfeoffment vassal system and the mound system , which let the medieval Western European manorial economy have a unique status and characteristics in the history of European economic development .

  17. 四川汉画像砖主要体现日常生活面貌、生产劳动场景及建筑艺术上,更能全面地体现汉代的庄园经济,凸显四川地区的地域特色,如四川特有的桑蚕、井盐、蜀锦等文化。

    The contents of portrait brick in Sichuan are daily life , scene of labor production , construction art and they can more comprehensively reflect the manor economy , such as Sichuan unique silkworm , well salt , Silk Brocade and other cultures .

  18. 在城郊选择一定的形态发展庄园经济,迎合地方发展实际,符合区域经济发展规律,顺应经济发展潮流,研究城郊庄园经济的发展具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    The development of manor in outer city meets the needs of local economy according to the developing rule of region economy , fulfilling the tide of economic development . There are important theoretic value and practical significance in studying manor economy in outer city .

  19. 本文在对相关文献、考古资料进行挖掘、整理和深入分析的基础上,从冶铁、水利、庄园经济等三个方面,对汉代南阳盆地的经济地理进行了初步探讨。

    Based on the digging up , arrangement and in-depth analysis of correlative literatures and archaeological data , we elementarily discussed the economic geography of Nanyang Basin in Han Dynasty , from the three aspects of iron smelting , water conservancy and manor economy in this dissertation .

  20. 南阳盆地的庄园经济在发展过程中与农田水利建设结合得相当紧密,农田水利设施的兴修促进了庄园内种植业的发展,反过来又提高了庄园主兴修水利的热情。

    Manor economy in Nanyang basin , kept a tight contact with the construction of farmland and irrigation works . And the construction of the facilities promoted the development of plants in manors which in reverse enhanced the enthusiasm of the landholders to build irrigation works as well .

  21. 种族问题是南方庄园制经济发展中的关键问题。

    The racial problem is a crucial problem in the growth of plantation economy .

  22. 诺曼征服之后,英国庄园制经济得到迅速发展,并于13世纪臻于极盛,但14、15世纪之后便渐趋式微,并在16世纪最终瓦解。

    The manorial economy developed rapidly in England after Norman Conquest , prospered in the 13th century , then declined in the 14th and 15th century and ultimately collapsed in the 16th century .

  23. 庄园是领主经济的生产单位,通过权力机构庄园法庭领主对农民行使司法权。

    Medieval manor is production unite of demesnes which carry out jurisdiction over peasant through its manor court .

  24. 西汉以自耕农为主体的经济结构到东汉以庄园为主体经济结构的转变,客观上形成了汉晋之际社会思潮变迁的重要依托。

    The transformation of economic structure from Western Han to Eastern Han , is a important basis to the change of society thought .

  25. 传统的庄园组织没有为经济发展提供足够的激励。

    Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth .

  26. 庄园会计作为当时社会经济发展水平的核算体系,是在庄园经济的基础上产生并发展起来的。

    Manor accounting as an accounting system , was produced and developed by being based on manorial economy .