
yà qū
  • subregion;subzone
  1. PCR-SSP方法作HLA-DR亚区的基因分型

    Genotyping for HLA DR subregion by PCR SSP method

  2. 区系性质属于印度西太平洋区的中国日本亚区。

    These species belong to Chinese-Japanese subregion of Indo-West-Pacific region .

  3. 手部A2滑车的解剖学及Ⅱc亚区内肌腱的滑动

    Anatomy of the A_2 pulley and tendon gliding in zone ⅱ c

  4. 杏仁核点燃鼠海马不同亚区BAXmRNA的表达

    The expression of Bax mRNA in the hippocampus-subareas in amygdala - kindled rats

  5. 兔扣带回亚区东莨菪碱干预对P(3a)波影响的实验研究

    An experimental study of the effects of scopolamine on rabbit P_ ( 3a ) potential

  6. 猪瘟病毒E2糖蛋白A1抗原亚区的表达

    Expression of antigenic subdomain A1 of glycoprotein E2 of classical swine fever virus

  7. 目的··:探讨吗啡依赖对小鼠海马不同亚区一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性的影响。

    Objective : To study the impact of morphine dependence on the activity of NOS in subareas of mice hippocampus .

  8. 在电镜下观察了4-10个月人胎儿海马CA2亚区多形细胞层突触复合体的发育。结果,4个月胎儿即见到含少量、分散的圆形无芯小泡的对称型轴-树突触。

    The development of synaptic complex at stratum oriens of CA_2 subarea of hippocampus in human fetus aging from four to ten month have been researched under electron microscope .

  9. 正常及突变角蛋白K1部分螺旋亚区分子模拟及其比较

    Comparison of two molecular models between normal and mutated segment coil domain of keratin 1

  10. 借助MRI绘制的图像,研究者试图辨认出这两种老年易患疾病(糖尿病和脑卒中)对海马区的哪个亚区造成影响。

    Using the MRI maps , the researchers then tried to identify which of the hippocampal subregions were affected by these two types of late-life disease ( diabetes and strokes ) .

  11. 指屈肌腱IIc亚区损伤的修复

    Repair of flexor tendon injury in zone IIc

  12. 方法:采用NADPH-d组化法对戊四唑致痫后,服用抗痫胶囊的小鼠诲马不同亚区NOS活性变化的进行研究。

    Methods : NADPH-diaphorase histochemical method was used to study the changs of NOS activity in different hippocampal Subareas of epilepticus by pentylenetetrazol .

  13. 目的表达伯氏疟原虫顶端膜抗原1(PbAMA-1)胞外区E及其各亚区,分析其免疫原性和免疫保护作用。

    Objective To express and evaluate the immunogenicity of ectodomain and its subdomains of Plasmodium berghei apical membrane antigen 1 ( PbAMA-1 ) .

  14. 对研究区29个表层样进行了Q型聚类分析,结合沉积环境和沉积物分布特征,将研究区划分为5个沉积地球化学亚区。

    By conducting Q-type cluster analysis for all samples and combining sedimentary environment with distribution characteristic of sediment , it then divides study area into five sedimentary geochemical subareas , subsequently gave a account of the distribution characteristic of abundance for each subarea .

  15. 推测这一构象变化可能主要发生在蛋白质的LA亚区,并且很可能是一种促使IA亚区变得更加开放的绞链式运动。

    It is inferred that such a conformational transition may mainly occur in the IA subdomain of the proteins , and is likely to be a " hinged movement ", which makes the IA subdomain become more open .

  16. 结果:NT和LENK标记神经元在CA的外侧亚区(CL)分布最密集,在CL还观察到NT&LENK双标神经元。

    Results : NT and LENK neurons were observed in subdivision of CA , the distribution in CI was the densest , and a few in CM ; NT-LENK double labeled neurons were only observed in CL.

  17. 结论去卵巢行雌激素替代可选择性地使基底前脑不同亚区NOS、Nestin阳性神经元数升高,这可能与雌激素高调了NOS和Nestin的表达有关。

    Conclusion Estrogen can selectively increase the numbers of NOS-IR and Nestin-IR neurons in the different subregions of the basal forebrain , and this may be related to estrogen stimulation of the expressions of NOS and nestin .

  18. 对于神经系统条件性基因敲除而言,选择一个大脑亚区和时间特异性启动子指导Cre的表达是至关重要的。

    It is important to choose a specific promoter to control Cre recombinase expression in certain region of brain and certain time of development during the conditional gene knockout in nervous system .

  19. 从各棉亚区来说,中熟棉亚区是平均光合生产力最大的棉亚区,平均光合皮棉生产力为21155.020kg·hm-2;

    As for the Sub-region , the average photosynthetic productivity of lint in Mid Maturity Sub-region was highest and the value was 21155.020kg · hm-2 ;

  20. 目的探讨胰岛素治疗对1型糖尿病脑病大鼠学习记忆障碍以及海马各亚区细胞凋亡和Bax与Bcl-2蛋白表达的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of insulin administration on the Impairments in Learning and Memory as well as on the Abnormalities in Apoptosis and in Bax or Bcl-2 Protein Expression in the Hippocampal Subfields ( CA1 ~ CA3 ) of Rat with Type 1 Diabetic Encephalopathy .

  21. 甲醛炎性痛引起的伤害性信息传入可诱导海马各亚区HO-1表达增加;这种表达改变以注射甲醛后24h时最为明显,72h基本恢复至正常水平。

    Peripheral nociceptive information induced by formalin inflammatory pain could induce the elevation of HO-1 expression in hippocampus subregions ; The most obvious change was at 24h , and returned basically to normal level at 72h after the formalin injection .

  22. 然后在多因素相互作用关系矩阵基础上,定义了工程地质条件评价因子(EGAF),根据EGAF,对每个亚区的工程地质条件进行了半定量的评价,验证了初步工程地质分区的正确性。

    Then the Engineering geological assessment factor ( EGAF ) is defined on the foundation of an multifactor interaction matrix , with which the engineering geological conditions of every zone or subzone are semi-quantitatively evaluated , and the rationality of preliminary engineering geological zonation is validated .

  23. 小鼠下丘脑室旁核的亚区

    Subdivisions of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus in mouse

  24. 新疆含油气亚区非生物成因天然气远景地质储量估算及寻找大油气田方向的探讨

    Abiogenic gas in Xinjiang oil and gas area and its resource estimation

  25. 对此亚区划分及其意义进行了讨论。

    The functional signification of this subnuclear division was discussed .

  26. 大鼠丘脑束旁核的亚区划分

    Subnuclear division of the nucleus PARAFASCICULARIS in the rat

  27. 鸽子丘脑圆核(N.Rotundus)的机能亚区

    Functional subdivisions in the pigeon 's thalamus nucleus rotunds

  28. 各稻区、亚区、省内部的籼粳遗传多样性也呈现同样的规律。

    It is the same in each ecological zone , subzone and province .

  29. 试论特早熟棉亚区棉花生产问题

    Study on Production Technology of Cotton in Special Early-maturing Cotton Area of Xinjiang

  30. 江西森林立地亚区划分

    Forest site Sub district Classification for Jiangxi Province