
  • 网络Asia Pacific Airlines
  1. 就在咨询机构亚太航空中心(centreforasiapacificaviation)发布上述预测的前一天,新加坡航空(singaporeairlines)公布了历史上最大的客运量月度下降数字。

    The prediction from the centre for Asia Pacific Aviation , a consultancy , comes a day after Singapore Airlines recorded one of its worst monthly falls in passenger loads .

  2. 人们正开始记录这次事件提出的一些问题,亚太航空公司协会(AssociationofAsia-PacificAirlines)总干事安德鲁赫德曼(AndrewHerdman)说。

    People are beginning to file away some questions that this episode raises , says Andrew Herdman , director-general of the Association of Asia-Pacific Airlines .

  3. 根据亚太航空中心(CAPA)咨询公司的数据,印度航空公司在2011-12财务年度的预计亏损为14.5亿美元。

    Air India made an estimated loss of $ 1.45 billion in the 2011-12 fiscal year , according to the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation ( CAPA ) , a consultancy .

  4. 可以说,亚太航空的境况比世界上其它航空公司好得多。

    For the most part , Asia-Pacific airlines are faring better than airlines in other parts of the world .

  5. 在权衡轻重之后,亚太航空中心认为,变革的动力已经成为不可阻挡的趋势,并会在2008年继续向前迈进!

    On balance , the Centre believes that momentum for change has now become irresistible and will move ahead in2008 .

  6. 2008年,亚太地区航空公司损失了近40亿美元。

    The region 's carriers lost almost $ 4 billion in 2008 .

  7. 国际航空运输协会表示,随着印度和中国市场出口主导型需求的下滑,亚太地区航空公司的损失预计会超过30亿美元。

    IATA says Asia-Pacific carriers are expected to have losses of more than $ 3 billion , with the downturn in the India and China markets following the slide in export-driven demand .

  8. 亚太地区的航空公司正处在“临界点”。

    Airlines in the Asia-Pacific region are at a " tipping point " .

  9. 亚太地区主要航空公司营运效率分析

    Asia & Pacific Major Airlines Operation Efficiency Analysis

  10. 航空物流中心是确立浦东机场成为亚太地区国际航空物流枢纽的重要基础,从目前来看,航空物流中心的建设主要有两种方案。

    Airport logistics center is the key base for PuDong Airport that will be Asia-Pacific International aviation logistics hinge .

  11. 亚太区国泰航空使用微博来回答乘客的疑问和不满,业内人士称之为推动公共关系的明智之举。

    Cathay Pacific is using micro-blogging to respond to customer questions and complaints , which is seen as a smart PR move by industry insiders .

  12. 2008年下半年,到达亚太地区的航空游客数量减少了约三个百分点,旅行社、酒店和航空公司的日子都很不好过。

    Travel agents , hotels and airlines have faced tough times , with visitor arrivals to the Asia-Pacific region falling nearly three percent in late 2008 .

  13. 在力争高端旅行者的同时,亚太地区的航空公司正引领着航空业的复苏,但高端品牌要想从竞争者中脱颖而出也绝非易事。

    The region 's carriers are leading the sector 's recovery by battling for high end travellers , but premium brands are finding it hard to stand out from their competitors .

  14. 北美和亚太地区的航空公司业绩增长最快,而欧洲各航空公司的股价和净利润增长均落后于其它地区。

    Airlines in North America and Asia Pacific have had the biggest boost in performance while those in Europe have seen their share prices and underlying profits lag behind those in other regions .

  15. 亚太地区未来的航空枢纽&上海浦东国际机场

    The Future Air Transport Hub in Asian Pacific Region