
  • 网络financial health
  1. 监管机构此举突显出对花旗财务健康状况、企业治理和以首席执行官潘伟迪(VikramPandit)为首的管理团队能力的担忧。

    The regulator 's action highlights Citi 's financial health , governance and the strength of its management team , led by Vikram Pandit , chief executive .

  2. 有关人士认为,这笔迄今为止最大的网络管理交易,是爱立信的一记妙招,也是sprint一系列举措中的最新一项,目的是简化运营、防止客户流失和恢复财务健康。

    The deal , believed to be the largest network management deal to date , represents a coup for Ericsson and the latest in a series of moves by sprint to streamline its operations , stem customer defections and return to financial health .

  3. JamesE.Hunton等的研究证明,收益预测值因公司的财务健康状况而有明显地不同。

    James E Hunton 's research found that the earning forecast value varies a lot in different financial conditions .

  4. 今年,凯西和40名分店经理共同出席了Villa首届财务健康研讨会。

    This year Cathey joined about 40 other store managers at Villa 's first financial fitness workshop .

  5. 因此,Zynga是一家运营良好、财务健康的公司。

    This is a well-run , financially healthy company .

  6. 他说,在过去两年里,有些公司在香港上市后出现了严重问题,这说明它们的ipo招股说明书未能如实反映公司的财务健康状况。

    Over the past two years several companies have floated shares in Hong Kong and then suffered significant problems , he said , suggesting that their IPO prospectuses failed to give a true picture of their health .

  7. Clarksons的马丁斯托普福德(MartinStopford)表示,唯一的好处是,在船东报废船舶、重组债务,或者以其它方式恢复财务健康之前,全球运输成本应该会维持在近乎可忽略的水平。

    The only benefit , according to Martin Stopford of Clarksons is that , until shipowners scrap vessels , restructure their obligations or otherwise claw themselves back to financial health , world transport costs should stay at near negligible levels .

  8. 他们应该把重点放在机构的财务健康方面。

    Their focus should be on the health of the institution .

  9. 良好的公司治理结构是保持公司财务健康的必要条件。

    A sound corporate governance is necessary to a healthy financial condition .

  10. 用这些简单的等式来看看你的财务健康状况如何吧:

    Use these easy equations to determine how financially healthy you are :

  11. IT治理帮助您度量您的企业的成长和成功,包括它的财务健康。

    IT governance helps you measure your business 's growth and success , including its financial health .

  12. 具有讽刺意味的是,对于嘉汉林业财务健康的担忧,目前可能引发一场流动性危机。

    The irony is that worries about its financial health now threaten to trigger a liquidity crisis .

  13. 他警告称,这同看病一样,“自我诊断”可能损害投资者的财务健康。

    He warns that like medicine , " self diagnosis " can be damaging to your financial health .

  14. 马来西亚政府在2014年8月将其私有化,试图恢复这家公司的财务健康。

    The Malaysian government took the airline private in August in an attempt to restore its financial health .

  15. 根据上面这些条建议,你将能更好地在整个大学期间保持你的财务健康。

    With these tips , you 'll have a better chance of maintaining your financial health throughout college .

  16. 实际上,银行的会计报表未能就其财务健康状况提供真实且公允意见。

    In effect , banks ' accounts fail to present a true and fair view of their economic health .

  17. 然而受到金融危机和国家政策的影响,很多房地产类上市公司在财务健康状况上均出现了不同程度的问题。

    However , many real estate listed companies reveal financial problems under the influence of financial crisis and national policies .

  18. 维持财务健康不需要花费太多的时间,却可以拯救你的生活。

    Looking after your financial health doesn 't take a lot of time ; but it could save your life .

  19. 一个营运良好、财务健康的企业不但可以提高自身竞争力,也能使投资者信心倍增。

    A corporation with good business and healthy finance will promote not only its competition capability but also investors ' confidence .

  20. 这一监管程序直至新的联邦房产金融机构认为它们已经财务健康为止。

    This process of supervision will continue until the new Federal Housing Finance Agency decides they are back in financial health .

  21. 利用填有联邦储备委员会要求的银行资料,“时报”核查了940家中小型银行的财务健康状况。

    The Journal , using data contained in banks'filings with the Federal Reserve , examined the financial health of940 small and midsize banks .

  22. 它的财务健康和增长潜力很可能激发投资者的投机性买入,甚至有可能产生溢出效应,拉动其他网络股上涨。

    Its financial health and promise of growth could , perversely , spur speculative buying that could spill over into other web stocks .

  23. 在机构方面,很多面临巨大资金缺口的养老基金正重新研究缴款和退休金水平会如何影响它们的长期财务健康。

    On the institutional level , many pension funds facing large shortfalls are re-examining how contributions and benefit levels affect their long-term financial health .

  24. 同时,盈余质量是会计信息质量的核心内容,是评价企业财务健康状况的重要方面。

    Meanwhile , Earnings Quality is the core content of Accounting Information Quality , which as important aspect in appraising the financial health of enterprise .

  25. 瑞银表示,通过本次配股,其一级资本比率将从今年3月份的10.5%升至11.9%。一级资本比率是衡量财务健康状况的一项关键指标。

    UBS said the offering would increase its Tier 1 capital ratio a key measure of financial health from 10.5 per cent in March to 11.9 per cent .

  26. 这首次表明,纽约联储的官员们不仅怀疑银行故意低报借款成本以掩盖财务健康问题。

    It is the first indication that suspicions among officials at the New York Fed went beyond deliberate underreporting of borrowing costs by banks to mask their financial health .

  27. 渣打表示,它的目标是将普通股一级资本充足率(衡量银行财务健康状况的关键指标)提升至11%到12%。

    The bank said it aimed to increase its common equity tier one ratio a key measure of financial strength to between 11 per cent and 12 per cent .

  28. 中国五大银行以自诩拥有9%至11.2%的一级资本比率&衡量财务健康状况的关键指标。

    China 's largest five banks boast a tier one capital ratio – a key measure of financial health – ranging from 9 per cent to 11.2 per cent .

  29. 该公司正敦促监管机构结束长达6个月的等候期,允许其发行政府支持债券,以减轻投资者对其财务健康日益增加的担忧。

    The company is pressing regulators to end a six-month wait and allow it to issue government-backed bonds in an effort to allay mounting concerns over its financial health .

  30. 关键在于,夫妻双方都应对家庭的财务健康负有责任,都要对家庭的财务状况有清醒的认识。

    The point is that you both have an obligation to the family 's financial well-being , and both spouses need to be aware of the household 's financial situation .