
  • 网络asian financial crisis;the Asian crisis;financial crisis
  1. 上世纪90年代亚洲金融危机期间,尽管拥有广东省政府的隐性担保,广东国际信托投资公司(guangdonginternationaltrust)仍走向了破产。

    During the 1990s Asian financial crisis , the Guangdong International Trust went bust , in spite of an implicit Guangdong state government guarantee .

  2. 本文通过自回归条件异方差(ARCH)模型证明了亚洲金融危机后中国汇市在干预下的弹性。

    This paper proves the elasticity of China 's exchange market under interference after the Asian financial crisis by adopting Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity ( ARCH ) model .

  3. 当时,亚洲金融危机被视为大萧条(GreatDepression)以来最为严重的一场危机。

    Then , the Asian crisis was viewed as the worst since the Great Depression .

  4. 通过运用Kalman滤波技术对中国的资本流动性进行动态分析,并没有发现1997年亚洲金融危机后中国采取更加严格的资本管制对资本流动性产生影响的证据。

    Lastly we evaluate the capital mobility in China with Kalman filter .

  5. 原因之一是1997年亚洲金融危机的惨痛回忆,当时国际货币基金组织(imf)迫使多个亚洲国家实施了财政紧缩。

    One reason is the bitter memory of the 1997 Asian financial crisis when the International Monetary Fund imposed fiscal austerity on several Asian countries .

  6. 继1991年创立以来,上海股市跌跌撞撞地走过了亚洲金融危机和本世纪的前5年,当时中国的国内生产总值(GDP)以10%的平均速度增长。

    Launched in1991 , Shanghai yawned its way through the Asian financial crisis and the first half of this decade , when China was reporting average GDP growth of10 per cent .

  7. 但那些与IMF打交道时有过可怕经历例如亚洲金融危机(期间)的经历的国家,仍会尽量避免向其求援。

    But countries who have had terrible experiences with the IMF , such as [ during ] the Asian crisis , will still do a lot to avoid going there .

  8. 在亚洲金融危机即将结束时,被视为处于亚洲科技公司前沿的三星(samsung)创办了一家风险投资分支机构。

    Samsung , considered at the leading edge of Asian tech companies , started a venture capital arm as the Asian financial crisis was coming to an end .

  9. 曾预见到1997年亚洲金融危机的经济学家吉姆沃克(JimWalker)预测,人民币在未来一年里将贬值5%,因为中国企业的财务状况正出现戏剧性恶化。

    Jim Walker , an economist who predicted the 1997 Asian financial crisis , forecasts a 5 per cent depreciation over the next year because corporate financials in China are deteriorating dramatically .

  10. 虽然上世纪90年代末发生的亚洲金融危机降低了外国资本对这一地区的兴趣,但IMF的数据显示,和邻国相比,外商投资在越南的恢复速度更慢。

    And while the Asian Financial Crisis squeezed foreign interest across the region in the late 1990s , foreign investment was slower to recover in Vietnam than in neighboring countries , the IMF says .

  11. 任志刚表示,没有什么制度是绝对的或神圣不可侵犯的。在亚洲金融危机期间,任志刚曾于1998年大举出击,阻击乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)的投机操作,捍卫港币盯住美元的汇率制度。

    Nothing is absolute or sacrosanct , said Mr Yam , who waged war against George Soros in 1998 to protect the Hong Kong peg during the Asian financial crisis .

  12. 自亚洲金融危机以来,韩国国内的银行均已落入外资之手,该行行长兼首席执行官朴海春(ParkHae-choon)表示。

    Domestic banks have been captured by foreign capital since the Asian financial crisis , said Park Hae-choon , Woori 's president and chief executive .

  13. 另一方面,亚洲金融危机还显示出以IMF为支柱的当前国际金融制度安排对于防范和处理地区性金融危机存在的局限性,因此东亚地区人民应致力于推进地区性的金融合作。

    On the other hand , Asian financial crisis also demonstrated that the current international monetary system had its limitation for preventing and dealing with regional financial crisis . So East Asia should be devoted to advancing regional financial cooperation .

  14. 鲁宾在亚洲金融危机时期执掌财政部,而保尔森是当时说服美国证交会(SEC)不要对其公司施行审慎准备金要求的五大投行CEO之一。

    Mr Rubin was in charge of the Treasury during the Asian financial crisis , whereas Mr Paulson was among the five major investment banking chief executives who persuaded the Securities and Exchange Commission not to extend prudential reserve requirements to their companies .

  15. S.D.电气公司希望通过快速扩大它在中国的业务,减少预期亚洲金融危机可能带来的影响。

    S. D. wanted to rapidly expand its business in China in order to offset the projected consequences of the Asian Financial Crisis .

  16. 1998年,当亚洲金融危机在韩国以及亚洲其他国家肆虐时,sungtaekhwang决定辞去在现代金融(hyundaifinancial)的安逸职位,创建自己的独立证券公司。

    In 1998 , as the Asian financial crisis raged through South Korea and the rest of the region , sung taek Hwang decided to leave his comfortable position at Hyundai financial to establish his own independent securities firm .

  17. 韩国资产管理公司(Kamco)昨天宣布了在中国收购不良贷款的雄心勃勃的计划。该公司是韩国在亚洲金融危机后成立的国营机构,职责是处置国内的不良贷款。

    Korea Asset Management Corp , the state-run agency set up to dispose of domestic bad loans following the Asian financial crisis , yesterday outlined ambitious plans to buy non-performing loans in China .

  18. 但在这之后,亚洲金融危机于1997年中影响到了泰国。

    But then the Asian financial crisis struck Thailand in mid-1997 .

  19. 亚洲金融危机让人们意识到金融市场不完善带来的弊端。

    The Asian crisis now leads to emphasize financial market imperfections .

  20. 亚洲金融危机对世界石油市场的影响

    Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis on the World Oil Market

  21. 亚洲金融危机对海外华人金融业的影响&兼论海外华人金融业的发展进程

    The influences of Asian financial crisis upon overseas Chinese financial community

  22. 与1997-98年的亚洲金融危机做一番比较,将是有益的。

    Comparisons with the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 are salutary .

  23. 受亚洲金融危机影响,净出口也在减少。

    And decrease in net exports influenced by Asian financial crisis .

  24. 资产价值、国际竞争力和金融危机&关于亚洲金融危机的再思考

    Caption : Value of Assets , International Competitive Capacity and Financial Crisis

  25. 中国在97年的亚洲金融危机中之所以没有受到直接的冲击,主要依赖于一直对资本项目实行严格的控制。

    Relying on stringent capital controls , China survived in Asia Crisis .

  26. 亚洲金融危机的教训及壳牌投资目标

    Lessons learned from the Asian economic crisis and Shell 's investing strategy

  27. 在亚洲金融危机过后不久的1999年,该集团宣告破产。

    The group collapsed in 1999 shortly after the Asian financial crisis .

  28. 亚洲金融危机与中国经济法的改造

    The Asian Financial Crises and the Reform of the Chinese Economic Statutes

  29. 亚洲金融危机几乎使亚洲经济瘫痪。

    A : The Asian financial crises have almost paralyzed Asian economy .

  30. 亚洲金融危机冲击石化市场及对我国的挑战

    Asian Financial Crisis Attacking Petrochemicals Markets and Challenging Our Country