
  • 网络amazon;;AMZN
  1. 谷歌周三发布了售价199美元的7英寸平板电脑——Nexus7,这款产品将与拥有同样尺寸和定价的亚马逊公司的KindleFire在低端市场一决雌雄。

    The seven-inch , $ 199 Nexus 7 tablet from the search giant , released Wednesday , is set to duke it out for the bottom end of the market with Amazon . com 's identically sized and priced Kindle Fire .

  2. 2005年,为了进一步刺激消费者的购买行为,亚马逊公司(Amazon)推出了Prime服务。

    Launched in 2005 , Amazon Prime aimed to get customers to spend more .

  3. 微软首席执行长纳德拉选中的挑战对象是亚马逊公司(Amazon)首席执行长贝索斯(JeffBezos)以及谷歌(Google)首席执行长拉里•佩奇(LarryPage)。

    Nadella dared Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and Google CEO Larry Page .

  4. 亚马逊公司(Amazon)正在测试用无人机投递小包裹。

    Amazon is testing drones for delivering small packages .

  5. 在亚马逊公司(Amazon)正式推出Fire手机两个月后,我们有理由把它称为一款让人失望的产品。

    Two months after Amazon released the Fire phone , it 's fair to call the device a disappointment .

  6. 周三上午,亚马逊公司在曼哈顿举行了一场效仿苹果公司(Apple)的发布会。会上,公司老板杰夫•贝佐斯揭开了新产品的面纱。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) boss Jeff Bezos unveiled the new models at an Apple-like press event in Manhattan this morning .

  7. Fire的定价是200美元,这算是业内标准售价,却跟亚马逊公司长期坚持的低价战略背道而驰。

    Selling the Fire for $ 200 , the industry standard , ran contrary to Amazon 's long-held , company-wide strategy of undercutting the competition .

  8. 亚马逊公司(Amazon.comInc.)可能要小心了。 Inc. ( AMZN ) may want to watch its back .

  9. 例如亚马逊公司(Amazon)已经建立了十分成功的云业务&亚马逊网络服务(AmazonWebServices),但并不在乎设备采用的是哪种操作系统。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) has built a successful cloud business , Amazon Web services , without caring which OS devices are running .

  10. 正如《财富》杂志(Fortune)指出的,利润缩水的原因在于,亚马逊公司为了实现长期的收益,投下巨资拓展多种业务。

    As fortune pointed out , the softer profits come as the company invests heavily to expand multiple businesses to achieve long-term gains .

  11. 第一个案例涉及到全球一流的B2C平台&亚马逊公司。

    The first case discusses Amazon . com , the world 's leading business-to-consumer platform .

  12. eBay在反对收税的大公司阵营中显得有些势单力薄,因为亚马逊公司(Amazon)最近已经签字同意了这项法案。

    EBay is pretty much alone among big companies in opposing the tax , ever since Amazon ( AMZN ) recently signed on .

  13. 上个月,电子商务巨头ebay公布了首次财季收入下滑,而亚马逊公司(amazon)销售额则飙升了18%。

    Last month , ecommerce giant eBay posted its first-ever quarterly revenue decline , while Amazon reported a sales surge of 18 % .

  14. 布拉德•斯通(BradStone)在亚马逊公司传记《一网打尽》(TheEverythingStore)中写道,贝索斯曾提出,亚马逊应像猎豹追逐羸弱的瞪羚那样对待小出版商。

    Mr Bezos once suggested that Amazon treat small publishers the way a cheetah would pursue a sickly gazelle , wrote Brad Stone in The Everything Store , his corporate biography .

  15. 基本上毫无疑问的是,出自亚马逊公司(Amazon)、苹果公司(Apple)和谷歌公司(Google)的平板电脑将会成为新款游戏机。

    There can be little doubt that tablets from the likes of Amazon ( AMZN ) , apple ( AAPL ) , and Google ( GOOG ) are the new consoles .

  16. 在与亚马逊公司(Amazon.comInc.)争夺首选网络购物入口地位的大战中,谷歌(GoogleInc.)去年改造了其颇为赚钱的搜索页面。

    Fighting a battle with Inc. to be the preferred entry point for Internet shopping , Google Inc. last year retooled its lucrative search page .

  17. 亚马逊公司“送出”的是KindleFire平板电脑,但它希望通过亚马逊商店向KindleFire用户提供更多其他商品。

    Amazon ( AMZN ) is " giving away " the fire tablet so that it can sell lots of other stuff to fire owners through the Amazon store .

  18. 尽管这款应用尚处于用户测试阶段,亚马逊公司仍旧相信他们的产品足以匹敌同类型的AppleMessages及WhatsApp。

    Despite messaging apps being an incredibly tested space for newcomers , Amazon believes it has enough clout to rival even the likes of Apple Messages and WhatsApp .

  19. 《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)本周四报道,据消息人士称,亚马逊公司将在纽约开设首家实体店,开业时间正好选在今年的圣诞购物季之前。

    The Wall Street Journal on Thursday reported that AMZN - 2.27 % will open its first physical store in New York in time for the holiday shopping season , citing people familiar with its plans .

  20. 过去在eBay上,从古驰(Gucci)手包到汽车,几乎什么都能买到。但是由于面临来自亚马逊公司(Amazon)的激烈竞争,eBay的增长也陷入了停滞。

    Growth in eBay 's marketplace , where users sell everything from Gucci handbags to cars , had stalled amid intense competition from .

  21. 布拉德•斯通(BradStone)在亚马逊公司传记《一网打尽》(TheEverythingStore)中写道,贝索斯曾提出,亚马逊应像“猎豹追逐羸弱的瞪羚”那样对待小出版商。

    Mr Bezos once suggested that Amazon treat small publishers " the way a cheetah would pursue a sickly gazelle , " wrote Brad Stone in The Everything Store , his corporate biography .

  22. 几个月来,科技业界一直在猜测亚马逊公司(Amazon)何时而非是否会征集剧本以及增强其内容创作团队,以大举进军原创电视节目领域。

    For months , the technology world has wondered when not if Amazon would get into original TV programing by soliciting scripts and beefing up its nascent in-house staff .

  23. 巴茨执掌雅虎期间,公司的纳斯达克(Nasdaq)指数上升了61%,而谷歌公司(Google)和亚马逊公司(Amazon)则分别增长了70%和292%。

    The NASDAQ is up 61 % during the Bartz era , while Google ( GOOG ) is up 70 % and Amazon ( AMZN ) is up 292 % .

  24. 华尔街给亚马逊公司(Amazon)定的标准是每股净收益5美分,而它却净亏损了2美分。

    Still others , like Amazon , posted a net loss of 2 cents a share when Wall Street had been looking for a net profit of 5 cents a share .

  25. 亚马逊公司还致力于开发人工智能服务和个人数字助手,Alexa。

    It 's continuing to develop artificial intelligence services and its personal digital assistant , Alexa .

  26. 最便宜的Kindle,一种亚马逊公司生产的电子书阅读器,售价为79美元,相比较,2007年发布的第一代则是399美元。

    The cheapest ane , an e-reader from Amazon , sells for $ 79 , against $ 399 for the first version launched in2007 .

  27. 在推出其主要云平台Azure之后的4年中,微软一直都在和亚马逊公司(Amazon)及其云服务“亚马逊网络服务”(AmazonWebServices)在性能和价格上激烈竞争。

    In the four years since introducing Azure , its main cloud platform , Microsoft has been fiercely battling Amazon AMZN 0.85 % and its cloud service , Amazon Web Services , on features and pricing .

  28. 亚马逊公司(Amazon)首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯【科技网站GeekWire(GeekWire)】

    - Jeff Bezos , Amazon CEO ( geekwire )

  29. Anytime并不是亚马逊公司推出的首款即时消息应用,它在今年的早些时候已经推出了Chime,意在商务消息平台上叫板Slack。

    The launch of Anytime wouldn 't be Amazon 's first messaging app - it released Chime earlier this year , attempting to rival Slack in the work-messaging stakes .

  30. 威利宣布将创建一家名为奥德赛(odyssey)的出版公司,意在把电子图书独家卖给亚马逊公司(amazon),彻底让出版商失去存在的必要。

    Mr Wylie had announced that he was creating a publishing imprint called Odyssey to sell e-books on an exclusive basis to Amazon , eliminating the need for a publisher .