
zhí yè jīnɡ lǐ rén
  • professional manager
  1. 中国职业经理人市场的理论与实证研究

    Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Professional Manager Market in China

  2. 企业家和职业经理人融合路径分析

    An Analysis on the Route of Mixing Entrepreneur and Professional Manager

  3. MBA教育与中国企业职业经理人培养

    MBA education and cultivation of China 's professional managers

  4. 学历MBA,职业经理人为什么却感觉生活紧张呢?

    Education MBA , professional managers feel that life is why so tense ?

  5. MBA教育是培养和造就企业职业经理人的有效办法之一。

    MBA is one of the effective means to cultivate and train professional mangers .

  6. IPM领跑职业经理人的品牌

    IPM-A Brand to a Professional Executive Chief

  7. MBA教育服务市场的开放,已经引起高等教育服务领域的激烈竞争,而竞争的关键取决于MBA教育服务质量的优劣,更取决于MBA教育培养单位所培养的职业经理人的质量。

    Competition of service fields of higher education has been aroused by the opening of service market , and the key to success is the service quality , but also depends on the quality of professional managers cultivated by MBA .

  8. 第二章是职业经理人道德激励研究的意义,全面剖析了现阶段我国职业经理人的状况,指出其面临的道德危机,进而阐述了职业经理人道德激励的意义;

    The second is the meaning of Professional Executive motivation reach ;

  9. 中国职业经理人诚信价值体系探究

    The Study of China Professional Handlers ' Honesty and Credit System

  10. 风险投资职业经理人的价值模型分析

    Analysis of Professional Entrepreneurs ' Value Model in Venture Capital Investment

  11. 经理人素质论企业家素质从国企经理到职业经理人

    From a Manager of a State-owned Enterprise to a Professional Manager

  12. 我国市场经济条件下的职业经理人股权激励研究

    Research on the Equity-Based Incentive of Professional Managers in Market Economy

  13. 民营企业引进职业经理人的信任博弈

    The Game of Trust Between the Private Enterprise and Professional Manager

  14. 民营企业职业经理人流失问题及对策研究

    Problems and Countermeasures of Professional Managers ′ Draining in Private Enterprises

  15. 面向市场的职业经理人选聘研究

    The Research on the Choice of Professional Managers Based on Market

  16. 企业家与职业经理人异同分析

    Analyze on the Similarities and Differences of Enterpriser and Professional Manager

  17. 高级职业经理人的职业枯竭状况及其与工作压力的关系

    The Relationship between Job Burnout and Working Pressure among Senior Professional Managers

  18. 第三章是职业经理人素质测评的理论与方法;

    Chapter three theory and method of professional manager 's quality assessment ;

  19. 职业经理人与政府官员的人格对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Personality on Career Managers and Public Official

  20. 浅议职业经理人知识资源的资本化

    Discussion on the Capitalization of the Knowledge Resources of the Professional Managers

  21. 民营企业高级职业经理人绩效考核研究

    The Research on Advanced Professional Executive 's Performance Evaluation in Private Enterprise

  22. 我国职业经理人的企业文化激励研究

    Research into Corporate Culture Motivation of Professional Executive in China

  23. 职业经理人资源稀缺的制度分析

    System Factors : An Analysis of the Resources Scarcity of Career Managers

  24. 随着现代企业制度的建立与完善,越来越多的现代企业需要通过委托代理方式,交由职业经理人来经营与运作。

    More modern enterprises require professional manager to deal in and operation .

  25. 职业经理人的人格特质与工作满意度的相关关系研究

    Study on the Relationship Between Personality and Job Satisfaction of Professional Manager

  26. 职业经理人能够扩大企业规模,但行事可能过于僵化。

    Professional managers can build scale , but may be too inflexible .

  27. 我国职业经理人市场发展中存在的问题与对策

    Issues and the Countermeasures for the Development of Manager Market in China

  28. 向甘肃职业经理人及企业提供国内外前沿信息。

    Provide advanced information for the professional managers and enterprises in Gausu .

  29. 构建职业经理人市场的激励和约束机制

    Establishment of the Encouragement and Restraint Mechanisms Over Market of Professional Manager

  30. 而家族企业与职业经理人之间存在动态的信任博弈。

    Between the family firms and professional managers exists dynamic trust game .