
  • 网络political organization;polity
  1. 下述文字摘自某政治组织的时事通讯。

    The following appeared in a newsletter from a political organization .

  2. 他与这个政治组织紧紧地拴在一起。

    He was tied hand and foot to the political organization .

  3. 加州大学河滨分校有400多个组织,包括政治组织、空手道俱乐部,想象一下,当我踏进它的校园时,我有多么吃惊。

    Imagine my surprise when I stepped foot onto UCR 's campus , where over 400 organizations exist , ranging from political organizations to karate club .

  4. 监管方式一般应与政治组织形式相适应。

    The regulatory mode is generally in accordance with political system .

  5. 对宗教、事业或政治组织的忠诚支持。

    Faithful support for a religion or cause or political party .

  6. 并发展与之相适应的信念和政治组织。

    And to develop the beliefs and political organizations appropriate to it .

  7. 一个派别或者政治组织最喜欢的话。

    A favorite saying of a sect or political group .

  8. 你在中国参加了什么政治组织吗?

    Are you one of any political parties in china ?

  9. 政党上司控制政治组织。

    Environmental control organization domination of a political organization by a party boss .

  10. 他们认为,这可能会使宗教组织变成政治组织。

    They say it could religious groups political organizations .

  11. 索马里各政治组织首领宣言

    Declaration of the Leaders of the Somali Political Organizations

  12. 日本的军力、经济力和政治组织力虽强,但这些力量之量的方面不足。

    Japan 's military , economic and political-organizational power is great but quantitatively inadequate .

  13. 当然,政府仍将是主要的政治组织形式。

    States , of course , will remain the dominant form of political organisation .

  14. 组织起来以促进革命的政治组织。

    A political unit organized to promote revolution .

  15. 政治组织更不惜利用宗教来招兵买马和团结人心。

    Any political entity would invoke religious solidarity to muster its strength in numbers .

  16. 如果企业或政治组织对新闻编辑决策施加影响,就应当予以披露。

    If business or political affiliations influence their editorial choices , they should be disclosed .

  17. 政治组织与行动的发展;

    Growth of political organization and action .

  18. 克雅民族进步党成立于1957年,作为克伦尼军政治组织。

    The KNPP was set up in1957 as the political wing of the Karenni Army .

  19. 同任何政治组织无联系的人们。

    People unattached to any political organization .

  20. 土生土长的农村民间政治组织在其生成、发展壮大之时与农村发展的诸方面紧密相连。

    The rural non-governmental political organization is closely connected with every aspect of rural development .

  21. 政治组织的一个联盟。

    A union of political organizations .

  22. 这项研究和我自己对巴以政治组织的记录结论不谋而合

    The research squared up with my own documentation of political organizing in Israel and Palestine .

  23. 科技只是一个平台,它并不能替代政治组织,以及鼓动与说服工作。

    Technology is a platform , not a substitute for political organising , advocacy , or persuasion .

  24. 所有经济组织之间的竞争,无一例外地,都是与政治组织之间的竞争交织在一起的。

    No doubt , All competitions among the economic organizations always interweave with the competition among the political organizations .

  25. 二是按照小政府大社会的基本模式构建农村的政治组织和经济组织;

    Second , constituting the countryside political organization and economic organization onthe pattern of small government and large society ;

  26. 没有证据表明拥有更好的教育使他们更多地参与到公民生活或政治组织。

    There was little evidence that having more education made them more engaged in civic life or political organisations .

  27. 地区部落不仅是一种自治的政治组织,而且也是一种军事组织;

    The local tribe was not only a self - governing political body , but also a military body ;

  28. 我们依然是一个弱国,我们在军力、经济力和政治组织力各方面都显得不如敌人。

    We are still a weak country and manifestly inferior to the enemy in military , economic and political-organizational power .

  29. 更低调,显然要注意不要为了政治组织越线,”他说道。

    much more low-key and clearly is careful not to cross the line into political organizing , " he said .

  30. 数不清的数字化连接打破了国家之间的边界,也化解了关于不同政治组织体系的持久争论。

    The billions upon billions of digital connections defied national borders or crusty arguments about competing systems of political organisation .