
  • 网络nitrite;Nitrite Nitrogen
  1. (m2.d)-1、0.5~1.6d时,①氨氮、亚硝态氮和硝态氮的去除率分别为85.8%、56.3%和18.6%,TN去除率为58.0%,TN面积负荷去除率为3.58g。

    Removal efficiency of ammonium nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen is 85.8 % , 56.3 % and 18.6 % , respectively .

  2. 气相色谱法测定亚硝态氮研究

    Study on the determination of nitrite nitrogen by gas chromatography

  3. 土壤中Ca含量与土壤可交换性亚硝态氮和硝态氮显著相关。

    Soil Ca was significantly related with soil exchangeable nitrite N and nitrate N.

  4. 低温SBR反硝化过程亚硝态氮积累试验研究

    Nitrite Accumulation During the Denitration Process in SBR at Low Temperature

  5. pH对催化剂活性影响显著,碱性条件下更利于氨氮和亚硝态氮的氧化还原反应。

    Effect of pH value on catalyst activity was obvious and basic condition favored the coupled ammonia oxidation and nitrite reduction .

  6. 硝、铵态氮肥对旱地土壤氧化亚氮排放的影响亚硝态氮对鲤鱼种血液SOD及GSH-Px的影响

    Effects of nitrogen types on N_2O emissions of dry-land soil Activity of SOD and GSH-Px in the Blood of Fingerling Cyprinus carpio under Different Nitrite Concentration

  7. 通过提高进水基质浓度,分别研究了氨氮和亚硝态氮浓度对ASBR厌氧氨氧化反应器脱氮性能的影响。

    Effect of NH4 + and NO2-to nitrogen removal performance was studied in an ASBR by increasing substrate concentration .

  8. 当COD/N为6~7时,基本能够满足反硝化所需碳源。此时脱氮率大于93%,亚硝态氮在整个反应过程中几乎没有积累,COD去除率在85%左右。

    When COD / N were 6-7 , it can meet the requirement for carbon source during aerobic denitrification , the removal rate of nitrate nitrogen and COD were up to 3 % , 85 % respectively . Almost no nitrite nitrogen accumulated .

  9. 结果表明:利用曝气时间实时控制,在每个周期内氨氧化菌(AOB)降解氨氮质量大于亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB)降解亚硝态氮质量;AOB的净增数量大于NOB净增数目。

    Analysis shows that more nitrogen is oxidized by ammonia oxidizing bacteria ( AOB ) than by nitrite oxidizing bacteria ( NOB ) with more growth of the AOB than the NOB in each cycle when using this method .

  10. 氨态氮和亚硝态氮是虾类养殖环境中最主要的污染物。

    Ammonia-N and nitrite-N are the main pollutants in the shrimp culture environment .

  11. 菌株均能利用硝态氮和亚硝态氮为氮源进行好氧反硝化作用。

    The strain could use either nitrate or nitrite as sole nitrogen source for aerobic denitrification .

  12. 水中无机氮主要指氨氮、亚硝态氮和硝态氮。

    The inorganic nitrogen in the water contains ammonium nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen .

  13. 考察Pt/TiO2耦合催化氨氮与亚硝态氮混合溶液的影响因素。

    Factors that influence coupled ammonia oxidation and nitrite reduction using Pt / TiO_2 and photocatalysis were researched .

  14. 7月30日后,土壤亚硝态氮快速积累,形成高浓度,对植物产生毒害作用。

    After July 30 , soil exchangeable nitrite N accumulated quickly and reached the toxic level for plant .

  15. 系统出水主要以硝态氮为主,亚硝态氮含量很低,不会造成亚硝酸盐的毒害作用。

    The effluent mainly contained nitrate , the nitrite concentration was very little which would not cause toxic effects .

  16. 亚硝态氮共存对硝态氮还原无显著影响,少量硝态氮的加入对亚硝态氮的还原产生抑制作用。

    Coexistence of nitrite had no significant effect on nitrate reduction , little amount of nitrate would inhibit the nitrite reduction .

  17. 氨态氮、亚硝态氮和硝态氮的去除率分别为9.3%、40.0%和25.0%;

    Removal efficiency of ammonium nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen are 9.3 % , 40.0 % and 25.0 % respectively .

  18. 肝脏受到亚硝态氮的毒害要大于氨态氮,但这也并非机体死亡的主要原因。

    Liver was more seriously damaged caused by nitrite-N than ammonia-N , however , that was not the main reason for death .

  19. 长期以来,人们普遍认为硝化反硝化过程的中间产物&亚硝态氮在陆地和水生生态系统中不会产生长期累积,只是反应过程的瞬间产物。

    Ever since a long time ago , nitrite was generally regarded as temperatorly intermediate product during nitrification and denitrification in terrestrial and marine ecosystems .

  20. 菱角中氨氮、硝态氮、总氮和总磷与水体中各氮磷营养物均呈显著或极显著相关关系;亚硝态氮与水体中各氮磷营养物间无相关关系。

    The correlativity between Ammonia , nitrate , total nitrogen and total phosphorus and Nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in water shows significant or highly significant correlation .

  21. 正磷酸盐、总磷、铵态氮、硝态氮、亚硝态氮和总氮的流失负荷均与径流量正极显著的线性关系。

    There was a good linearity relationship between runoff volume and loss load of orthophosphate , total phosphorus , ammonium-N , nitrate-N , nitrite-N and total nitrogen .

  22. 异养氨氧化作用是异养型的细菌或霉菌等将铵态氮或其他负三价氮氧化为羟胺、亚硝态氮或硝态氮的过程。

    Heterotrophic ammonium oxidation is a process that ammonium nitrogen or negative trivalent organic nitrogen are oxidized into hydroxylamine , nitrite nitrogen or nitrate nitrogen by heterotrophic bacteria or molds .

  23. 虽然该区氨氮和亚硝态氮含量并不高,但是从岩溶区特殊的水文地质条件以及氮循环的角度来看,还是存在较大的污染风险。

    Though ammonia and nitrite content were not high , but view from the special hydrogeological conditions as well as the nitrogen cycle , there is still a greater risk of contamination .

  24. 含盐废水硝化过程中,在好氧反应开始1~2h内,由于亚硝态氮浓度低,其对聚磷菌摄磷抑制作用小。

    During the process of nitrification of saline wastewater , the inhibition of nitrite on aerobic phosphate uptake is slight at the initial 1 ~ 2 h due to low nitrite accumulation .

  25. 主要研究结果:(1)受试的10株霉菌均能将铵态氮氧化为亚硝态氮和硝态氮,即均为氨氧化霉菌,提示该类霉菌在鸡粪好氧堆肥中普遍存在。

    The main results were as follows . ( 1 ) All of the 10 strains could oxidize ammonium nitrogen into nitrite and nitrate nitrogen , showing that they are ammonia-oxidizing molds , and indicating that ammonia-oxidizing molds are widely distributed in aerobic chicken manure composting .

  26. 对氨氮、亚硝态氮去除率分别为98.06%-98.72%、93.75%-99.90%,总氮平均去除率为34.96%,但出水硝酸盐氮始终高于进水的硝酸盐氮;

    The ammonia and nitrite removals are 98.06 % - 98.72 % 、 93.75 % - 99.90 % . The average removal efficiency of TN is 34.96 % , but in the test it is founded that the nitrate nitrogen concentration of the effluent is lager than that of influent .