
  • 网络Amazon tribe
  1. 凯布朗利博物馆可能只有六年的历史,但它的展览方式却有些复古怀旧,回到了过去那种较为大胆的时期:以展出人类的头皮和亚马逊部落的皱缩头颅(如图)为荣。

    The Quai Branly museum may be just six years old , but it is in its way old-fashioned , a throwback to a less timorous time when museums were proud to display human scalps and heads shrunken by Amazon tribes ( pictured ) .

  2. 他认为那些线索可以帝我们到亚马逊人部落去。

    He thought it may lead us to the Amazon mans tribe .

  3. 或者,如果我们访问一个亚马逊深处的部落,他们过着或多或少石器时代的生活。

    Or what if we were to visit a tribe deep in the Amazon that lived a more or less Stone Age existence .

  4. 来自亚马逊丛林的好战部落。

    Warlike tribes from the Amazon jungle .

  5. 巴西政府官员证实了亚马逊热带雨林原住民部落的存在,在此之前卫星监测到一个200人的部落。

    Government officials in Brazil have confirmed the existence of an uncontacted population in the Amazon rainforest after the tribe of 200 was spotted by satellite .