
yà má yóu
  • linseed oil;flax seed oil
亚麻油[yà má yóu]
  1. 用松节油和亚麻油,比例为3:2。

    Use turpentine and linseed oil , three parts to two .

  2. 不同脂肪酶催化亚麻油水解反应性能的比较

    Comparison of the Catalytic Property of Different Lipases in Linseed Oil Hydrolysis Reaction

  3. 棒球的家庭跑动之王b也曾承认使用过他的训练员告诉他是亚麻油的一种物质。

    Baseball 's home run king Barry Bonds has admitted using a substance his trainer Greg Anderson told him was flaxseed oil .

  4. 异构化亚麻油固化过程的FTIR监测

    Monitoring of the curing process of isomerized linseed oil by FTIR

  5. 多种维生素片,鱼油,亚麻油,钙片,维生素B,镁,葡(萄)糖胺和维生素E。这些都很昂贵,但是她相信这是在为健康投资。

    A multi-vitamin , fish oil , flaxseed oil , calcium , B-vitamins , magnesium , glucosamine and vitamin E. It 's expensive , but she believes it 's an investment in her health .

  6. 建立了以精制亚麻油和DOP测定高白氢氧化铝填料吸油量的方法。

    The method was developed for the determination of oil absorption value in high-whiteness aluminum hydroxide for filler by DOP and linseed oil .

  7. 以亚麻油(LO)为分散介质,由蓖麻油(CO)和甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)反应制备了端部为&NCO的聚氨酯/环烷酸钴催干的亚麻油(PU/LO)复合涂料。

    By mixing castor oil ( CO ) with toluene diisocyanate ( TDI ) in linseed oil ( LO ) as dispersion medium , a composite coating of polyurethane ( PU ) / LO was prepared when cobalt naphthenate was used as drier .

  8. 在15mg添加水平,按照微晶纤维素粉消失率从小到大的顺序排列,4种植物油处理的顺序为:亚麻油、豆油、棉籽油和菜籽油,与不饱和度顺序一致。

    At the adding level of 15 mg , four oil treatment were ranked as linseed oil , soybean oil , cottonseed oil and canola oil according to the disappearance of cellulose powder from low to high , the same as unsaturation sequence of these four oils .

  9. 结果显示阜康红花籽精制品的主要质量指标已达到GB-8235-87亚麻油1级指标,可制成碘化油注射液,已用于新疆缺碘地区大面积人群的防治。

    The results showed that the main index of this refined oil conformed to the grade one of linseed oil in GB-8235-87 and iodinate oil injection was prepared and used for treatment of iodine-lack disease in Xinjiang area .

  10. 利用亚麻油内冷却防止漆料胶化

    Using Linseed Oil as Inner Cooling Agent to Avoid Paint Livering

  11. 脱羧腰果壳液改性聚氨酯/亚麻油复合涂料

    Polyurethane / linseed oil composite coating modified by cashew nut shell liquid

  12. 亚麻油日粮抗感染柔嫩艾美耳球虫的效力研究

    The Studies of Effect of Flaxseed oil in Diets Against E.Tenella Infection

  13. 过氧化氢一步法制备环氧亚麻油工艺

    One-step Process for the Production of Linseed Oil Epoxidess from Hydrogen Peroxide

  14. 亚麻油组份的红外和拉曼光谱分析

    The Analysis of Linseed Oil by FTIR and FT-Raman

  15. 亚麻油中主要组分的定量分析法

    Quantitative analysis method of primary components in linseed oil

  16. 添加亚麻油对肉鸡脂肪沉积影响的研究

    Research of the Effect of Dietary Linseed Oil on Fat Deposition of Broiler

  17. 亚麻油氧化预聚和辐射聚合的研究

    Study on oxidative and radiation polymerization of linseed oil

  18. 由亚麻油制备α-亚麻酸的方法研究

    Preparation of α - linolenic acid from linseed oil

  19. 亚麻油改性特-辛基酚醛树脂的合成及性能研究

    Preparation and characteristics of linseed oil modified t-octyl-phenolic resins

  20. 亚麻油粉末油脂制备的研究

    Study on the microencapsulation of linseed oil

  21. 介绍溶剂法制浅色酚醛漆料工艺中,采用亚麻油内冷却防止漆料胶化的方法。

    In manufacture process of tint phenolic paint , cooling in linseed oil prevents retrogradation .

  22. 结果:亚麻油中α-亚麻酸含量为54.13%;

    Results : The content of α - linolenic acid in linseed oil is 54.13 % ;

  23. 氧化预聚亚麻油的电子束固化

    EB curing of oxidative-polymerized linseed oil

  24. 亚麻油日粮增加了肝脂的沉积。

    Lipid content of liver was increased by linseed oil diet and reduce d by dw gene .

  25. 这为今后亚麻油的定量分析和在线监控提供了重要的依据。

    This is useful for the further on line quantitative analysis and quality control of linseed oil .

  26. 该法可用于亚麻油中主要组分的实时成分分析。

    This method can be developed into a real time quantificational analysis of primary components in linseed oil .

  27. 亚麻油用季戊四醇醇解后与松香对辛基酚醛树脂进行改性合成了醇酸改性辛基酚醛树脂。

    The alkyd modified t-octylphenolic resin was prepared by alcoholized linseed oil with pentaerythritol , rosin and octylphenolic resin .

  28. 这一切,除非我们指望胶水,亚麻油,我用来整理。

    And that 's all , unless we count glue , and linseed oil which I used for finishing .

  29. 一种类似油灰的胶泥,由氧化铁和煮沸的亚麻油混合而成,具有抗酸性。

    A cement resembling putty ; made by mixing ferric oxide and boiled linseed oil ; is acid resistant .

  30. 面状的胶泥,由白垩和煮沸的亚麻油混合而成,尤用于填补木制品上的小洞和固定窗上的玻璃。

    A dough-like mixture of whiting and boiled linseed oil ; used especially to patch woodwork or secure panes of glass .