
  • 网络Interchange code;Ebcdic;ASCII;American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  1. 美国标准资讯交换码(ASCII)是最普遍用来表示电脑内的文数字资料的编码。

    American Standard Code for Information Interchange ( ASCII ) is the code that is most commonly used to represent alpha-numeric data in a computer .

  2. 用模拟电话交换码的方式来拨打全球免费电话.

    Mimicking telephone router codes To make free calls around the world .

  3. 美国信息交换标准码:把键盘字符转换成字节的系统。

    ASCII : American Standard Code for Information change ; a system used to translate keyboard characters into bits .

  4. 长期以来大多数网页上所使用的都是美国信息交换标准码——一种字符编码方案。2012年,美国拒绝签署一项受俄罗斯和中国支持的国际通讯协议,该协议的目的是使互联网摆脱以美国为中心的管理架构。

    ASCII , thecharacter-encoding scheme that was long used on most web pages , is short forthe " American Standard Code for Information Interchange . " In 2012 , the UnitedStates refusedto sign an international telecommunications treaty , supported by bothRussia and China , that would shift the Internet away from its currentU . S. - centric form of governance .

  5. 在美国信息交换用标准码和数据通信中,包括头标和正文的一系列字符。

    In ASCII and data communication , a series of characters including headings and texts .

  6. 在此基础上,提出了两种产生伪随机数序列的方法:码控字节交换法和码控位交换法。

    Accordingly , code controlled byte swapping and code – controlled bit swapping for the generation of pseudo random sequences are put forward .

  7. 一种新型光交换技术-光码标签突发包交换技术。

    This paper proposes a new optical switching technology , optical code label burst switching , or OC-LBS.

  8. SS/CDMA系统能为多波束对地静止卫星的固定业务提供多址和交换功能,该系统上行接入采用CDMA,下行采用码分复用,星上交换采用码分交换,整个系统采取按需分配控制。

    An SS / CDMA system can provide both multiple access and switching to a multibeam geostationary fixed satellite service . The uplink access method is based on CDMA , the downlink on code division multiplexing ( CDM ), and the onboard switching on code division switching ( CDS ) .