
gòng xiǎng
  • share;community;enjoy together
共享 [gòng xiǎng]
  • (1) [share]∶共同分享

  • 邀请邻居共享感恩节晚餐

  • (2) [enjoy together]∶共同或在一起享受或庆祝

  • 共享欢乐

  • 晚上,一家人围坐在火炉旁,说说笑笑,共享天伦之乐

共享[gòng xiǎng]
  1. Scounix下共享打印机的配置

    Distribution of Printer under SCO Unix Enjoy Together

  2. 加强公用共享的服务设计;

    To strengthen service design for communal and enjoy together ;

  3. 办公室网络让用户共享文件和软件,并使用中央打印机。

    The office network allows users to share files and software , and to use a central printer .

  4. 稀有的水资源被两个互不信任的国家所共享。

    Scarce water resources are shared between states who cannot trust each other

  5. 他们互通有无,共享大量信息。

    They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis .

  6. 科学家们现在为了资金不得不相互竞争,互相之间也不会共享信息。

    Scientists now have to compete for funding , and do not share information among themselves

  7. 我们集思广益,共享信息。

    We pooled ideas and information

  8. 44岁女士寻觅年龄相仿、体贴诚实的男士为友,共享快乐。非诚勿扰。

    44-year-old woman seeks caring , honest male of similar age for friendship and fun . Genuine replies only

  9. 他们愿意让失业的邻人共享餐食,真的十分慷慨。

    It was very generous of them to share their meal with their out-of-work neighbours .

  10. 尽管有些复杂和担心,共享的优势仍非常显著。

    Despite complications and concerns , the upsides of sharing can be significant .

  11. 一方面,共享运动正得到官方支持。

    On the one hand , the drive to share is gathering official steam .

  12. 一些人强烈鼓励,还有一些人要求建立一个可以让数据共享的数据管理计划。

    Several strongly encourage , and some require , a date-management plan that makes data available .

  13. 一些人担心共享的潜在影响太大,特别是在职业生涯的早期阶段。

    Some fear that the potential impact of sharing is too high , especially at the early stages of a career .

  14. 这种担忧或许是人们在分享数据时徘回犹豫的一个原因,即使是期刊发表时要求共享数据。

    Those fears may be a factor in a lingering hesitation to share data even when publishing in journals that mandate it .

  15. 但是很多年轻的研究者,特别是没有接受过开放科学指导的那些研究者,他们对是共享还是保持私有仍不确定。

    But many young researchers , especially those who have not been mentored in open science , are uncertain about whether to share or to stay private .

  16. 最后,与同事共享数据、软件和材料能够帮助初级研究者获得认可,这也是成功的关键部分。

    In the end , sharing data , software and materials with colleagues can help an early - career researcher to gain recognition -- a crucial component of success .

  17. 争夺资源的斗争将给整个地球带来灾难,除非人类学会与彼此和植物共享生命。

    The fight over the appropriation of resources will lead the entire planet to hell unless humans learn to share life , both with each other and with plants .

  18. 研究生和博土后通常是依靠实验室主箮的资金,如果他们的主箮或者其他资深的冋事反对共享的话,他们可能也没有别的选择。

    Graduate students and postdocs , who often are working on their lab head 's grant , may have no choice if their supervisor or another senior opposes sharing .

  19. 植物给我们的教训是,共享生命可以扩大和增强生命的范围,而将生命划分为所谓的自然资源或人类资源则会削弱生命的范围。

    The lesson taught by plants is that sharing life expands and enhances the sphere of the living , while dividing life into so-called natural or human resources diminishes it .

  20. 布莱恩·诺塞克是社会心理学家、开放科学中心执行董事,他指出通过使用这种标记,《心理科学》期刊的平均数据共享率从2013年至2015年间增长38%,翻了十倍。

    According to social psychologist Brian Nosek , executive director of the Center for Open Science , the average data-sharing rate for the journal Psychological Science , which uses the badges , increased tenfold to 38 % from 2013 to 2015 .

  21. 另一方面,科学家对于他们分享多少数据和何时分享数据持有不同的观点,他们对共享数据到底是会加速科学发展、促进科学繁荣,还是会带来伤害和问题也各执己见。

    On the other hand , scientists disagree about how much and when they should share date , and they debate whether sharing it is more likely to accelerate science and make it more robust , or to introduce vulnerabilities and problems .

  22. 曾经他们可以购买二手课本,或者和朋友共享复印本,但数字系统根本无法避免。

    While they could once buy second-hand textbooks , or share copies with friends , the digital systems are essentially impossible to avoid .

  23. 但是因为全部数字化,这就淘汰了旧书市场,消除了任何形式的共享。而且由于作业和考试是通过一个访问代码进行的,所以也消除了任何不参与其中的可能。

    But because it 's all digital it eliminates the used book market and eliminates any sharing and because homework and tests are through an access code , it eliminates any ability to opt out .

  24. 加州大学戴维斯分校(UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis)的一项研究表明,在全球范围内以电动自动驾驶共享汽车替代燃油私家车可使2050年的交通运输碳排量减少80%,还能降低40%的交通基础设施和运营成本。

    A study from the University of California at Davis suggested that replacing petrol-powered private cars worldwide with electric , self-driving and shared systems could reduce carbon emissions from transportation 80 % and cut the cost of transportation infrastructure and operations 40 % by 2050 .

  25. 经用户同意,政府可以下令共享某些类型的数据。

    Govemments could order the sharing of certain kinds of data , with users ' consent .

  26. 儿童具有而黑猩猩没有的核心思维是托马塞洛所说的共享意向。

    The core of what children 's minds have and chimps ' don 't is what Tomasello calls shared intentionality .

  27. 无人驾驶汽车的到来是一个机会,能确保这些车辆是环保的,并可以更多地共享。

    The arrival of driverless vehicles is a chance to make sure that those vehicles are environmentally friendly and more shared .

  28. 从最初的几年,他们就决定帮助他人、共享信息并参与实现共同的目标。

    From the earliest ages , they decide to help others , to share information and to participate a achieving common goals .

  29. 他在办公室里会用到密码保护软件来与病人共享信息。

    His office uses password-protected software to share information with patients .

  30. 我们每个人都与70亿人共享这个星球。

    Each one of us shares this planet with seven billion others .