
  • 网络CMRR;Common Mode Rejection Ratio;Cmr;CMMR;KCMR
  1. 测试结果表明,电路直流开环增益为125dB,共模抑制比120dB,失调电压18μV,压摆率0.6V/μs。

    Results show that it has achieved an open-loop gain of 125 dB , a CMRR of 120 dB , an offset voltage of 18 μ V and a slew rate of 0.6 V / μ s.

  2. 新型高共模抑制比生理电信号前置放大器设计的研究

    Research on Novel High CMRR Biopotential Amplifier

  3. 两种基本减法运算电路共模抑制比(CMRR)的分析

    Analysis of CMRR of Two Basic Subtracting Circuits

  4. 在100kHz时,该系统仍具有65dB的共模抑制比。

    Its common mode rejection ratio ( CMRR ) was 65 dB at 100 kHz .

  5. AD623具有优异的交流共模抑制比(CMRR),并且随着增益提高而增大,因此可确保误差极小。

    The AD623 holds errors to a minimum by providing superior ac CMRR that increases with increasing gain .

  6. 在此基础上,设计了一种具有高共模抑制比的恒定跨导运算放大器。该运算放大器具有Rail-to-Rail的输入、输出能力。

    An operational amplifier with high common-mode rejection ratio ( CMRR ) is designed based on this transconductance , which provides rail-to-rail input and output .

  7. 本文分析两种基本减法电路,由于电阻元件配合准确度的偏差而引起的电路共模抑制比(CMRR)的差异。

    This paper analyzes the differences of CMRR caused by the deviation of accuracy of resistance matching in two basic subtracting circuits . It expounds that the subtracting circuit consisting of single amp .

  8. 文中介绍一种提高运算放大器共模抑制比的全差分结构,并且应用该结构设计一输入输出rail-to-rail方式的高性能集成运算放大器。

    A full differential structure is presented to improve the CMRR of Op Amp in this paper , and using this structure we composed a high performance Op Amp with input / output rail-to-rail mode .

  9. 该设计提高了电源抑制比(PSRR),并具有较高的共模抑制比(CMRR)。

    Simulation shows that the power supply rejection ratio ( PSRR ) of the circuit has been greatly improved , and high common mode rejection ration ( CMRR ) has been achieved for the cascode OTA .

  10. 介绍了一种由DAC电压衰减器作为集成运放反馈电路的低噪声、低漂移、高输入阻抗和高共模抑制比的可编程精密差动测量放大器。

    By means of applied technology of IC operational amplifiers , digital to analog converter and single chip microcontroller , a programmable precision measuring differential amplifier with low noise , low drift , high input impedance and high common mode rejection ratio is developed and introduced .

  11. 如果不能得到适合的匹配电阻,可以使用AD623单电源仪表放大器替代AD8603,确保高共模抑制比。

    If you cannot obtain tightly matched resistors , you can use an AD623 single-supply instrumentation amplifier in place of the AD8603 , ensuring high common-mode rejection .

  12. 模拟前端电路由前置放大电路、高低通滤波电路和后级放大电路组成,前置放大电路用的是仪表放大器,因为它有高输入阻抗、高共模抑制比(CMRR)、低噪声、低漂移。

    Analog front-end circuit consists of preamplifier , low pass filter circuit and back stage amplifier circuit , preamplifier circuit instrumentation amplifier is used because it has a high input impedance , high common mode rejection ratio ( CMRR ), low noise , and low drift .

  13. 电源工作电压1.8V~5.5V,静态工作电流仅为μA级,并具有80dB的开环增益、高电源电压抑制比和高共模抑制比等特点。

    The static operating current is only several μ A at 1.8 V ~ 5.5 V supply voltage . The amplifier achieves an open-loop gain higher than 80 dB , and had high power supply rejection ratio ( PSRR ) and high common mode rejection ratio ( CMRR ) .

  14. 折叠共源共栅放大器的增益、共模抑制比等。

    And gain , common mode rejection ration in folded cascade amplifier .

  15. 一种新的测量放大器的共模抑制比计算模型

    New Calculation Model of CMRR Based on Instrumentation Amplifier

  16. 测量运算放大器共模抑制比的新方法

    A New Measuring Method for CMRR of Operational Amplifiers

  17. 一种高共模抑制比恒定跨导运算放大器

    A High CMRR Constant-Transconductance Rail-to-Rail CMOS Op-Amp

  18. 论仪器放大器的高共模抑制比

    Discussions on instrumentation amplifier 's high CMRR

  19. 引入浮地电路,提高了信号的共模抑制比,防止电路自激。

    Floating circuit improved the common-mode rejection ratio of SEMG and prevented the circuit self-excited .

  20. 一种测量共模抑制比的方法

    A method of measuring CMRR

  21. 以接收光功率与入射光功率比映射轴角曲线关系具有高的共模抑制比。

    The graphs of incidence light power and receiving light power VS shaft angle have high CMRR .

  22. 此仪器具有很高的共模抑制比和同类型仪器中最小的形状误差。

    The instrument has a high common-mode rejection ratio and smallest form error among the same kind of existing profilometers .

  23. 系统采用分光双路检测,具有高共模抑制比和信噪比。

    Depend on the method of duplex detecting with spectro-polarization , the system has great CMRR and high signal-noise ratio .

  24. 该结构不需要任何精确匹配的电阻就能达到高的共模抑制比,并且其带宽不受带宽增益积的限制。

    It does not need any matched components to reach high CMRR and its bandwidth is not gain-bandwidth product limited .

  25. 该放大器具有高输入阻抗、高共模抑制比、低噪声和宽频带等特性。

    The device is features very high input impedance , super high CMRR , low noise and wide gain bandwidth .

  26. 运算放大器电源电压抑制比、开环电压增益和共模抑制比的关系

    On the Relation Between Power Source Rejection Ratio , Open Loop Voltage Gain and Common Mode Rejection Ratio of an Operational Amplifier

  27. 仪表放大器电路以其高输入阻抗、高共模抑制比、低漂移等特点在传感器输出的小信号放大领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Instrumental amplifiers with high input impedance , high CMRR and low drift are widely used in the small signal amplifying field .

  28. 而其全差分结构相对单端结构在几乎所有性能提升一倍的同时,还获得很好的共模抑制比和电源抑制比。

    The full differential structure maintains good CMRR and PSRR while its GBW and slew rate doubles , compared to the single-output structure .

  29. 误差放大器的核心部分采用电流镜、折叠式共源共栅等结构,显著提高了增益、电源抑制比和共模抑制比;

    By using the structures such as current mirror , folded-cascode and so on , The gain , PSRR and CMRR are improved remarkably ;

  30. 直流开环增益各挡量程的校准以及共模抑制比各挡量程的校准。在介绍实用电路的同时,给出具体操作步骤,也给出了必要的计算过程和结果。

    It introduces some practical circuits , at the same time indicates the operating steps , the necessary processes and the results of calculation .