
  • 网络chapman;Anna Chapman;Gary Chapman;georgina chapman
  1. 查普曼先生承认野村证券美国分公司需要提高股票交易技巧。

    Mr. Chapman conceded the need for Nomura 's U.S. unit to improve its trading skills .

  2. 爆炸发生在阿富汗与巴基斯坦接壤的东南边境Khost省一个防御牢固的名叫查普曼前线工作基地(ForwardOperatingBaseChapman)。

    The bombing took place inside Forward Operating Base Chapman , a well-fortified compound in Khost province near the southeastern border with Pakistan .

  3. 政治立场与查普曼对立的反对派活动人士巴拉诺娃(MariaBaranova)在几个小时后也向斯诺登示爱。

    On the flip side of the political spectrum , opposition activist Maria Baranova chimed in hours later with a similar offer .

  4. 将利用这条鲨鱼的生物样品的DNA来研究它的运动,将测试它的脊柱以确定它的年龄,它的生殖器官将帮助确定其成熟情况,查普曼说。

    DNA from the shark 's biological samples will be used to study its movement , its backbone will be tested to determine its age and its reproductive organs will help determine its maturity , Chapman said .

  5. 超级明星、俄罗斯间谍查普曼(AnnaChapman)已经向斯诺登示爱。斯诺登曾承认是美国监控项目高度机密信息的泄密者。

    Superstar Russian spy Anna Chapman has professed her love for the admitted leaker of highly classified details of U.S. surveillance programs .

  6. 伊利诺伊州威尔米特的薪资谈判顾问杰克•查普曼(JackChapman)说,公司裁员能为那些被留用的员工创造加薪机会。

    The layoffs of other workers can create an opportunity for a raise for those who are still employed , says Jack Chapman , a salary-negotiation coach based in Wilmette , Ill .

  7. 俄罗斯前美女间谍安娜。查普曼身穿衬皮毛夹克和黑皮裤,在莫斯科时装周惊艳亮相,就在去年她被美国FBI揭露间谍身份。

    The former Russian spy Anna Chapman , who was unmasked working in America by the FBI last year , made a surprise appearance at Moscow Fashion Week in a fur-lined jacket and black leather trousers .

  8. 《Maxin》杂志将在下期刊出查普曼的照片和采访,该杂志还将其列入俄罗斯百位性感美女榜。

    The photographs and an interview with Chapman will be in the next issue of Maxim , which has included Chapman in its list of Russia's100 sexiest women .

  9. 或许,维克多.查普曼不是自己造的那个假条约,

    Maybe Victor Chapman didn 't make the fake treaty himself .

  10. 查普曼想要乔伊斯,但是我有疑虑。

    Chapman wants joyce , but I have my doubts .

  11. 你知道,你有查普曼太太帮你打扮。

    And you know you had Chapman to help you to dress .

  12. 托尼:我想维克多?查普曼和泰特先生是同谋。

    TONY : I think Victor Chapman and Mr. Tate are partners .

  13. 托尼:没用的,查普曼。泰特招供了。

    TONY : It 's no use , Chapman . Tate confessed .

  14. 菲利普:维克多?查普曼。是他杀了你叔叔。

    PHILIP : Victor Chapman . He killed your uncle .

  15. 戴安娜,我希望你能认识维克多.查普曼,

    Diana , I want you to meet Victor chapman .

  16. 普罗旺斯基金的查普曼先生在等�

    It 's Mr. Chapman already , from Provence Trust .

  17. 如果他认为维克多.查普曼是清白的话,他是在欺骗自己.

    He 's fooling himself if he thinks Victor Chapman is innocent .

  18. 我想维克多.查普曼和泰特先生是同谋.

    I think Victor Chapman and Mr.Take are partners .

  19. 查普曼博士将从真实生活中选取事例来辅助读者理解。

    Chapman illustrates each love language with real-life examples from his counseling practice .

  20. 1932年通过传奇主教练查普曼的游说,吉里斯皮路地铁站被改名为‘阿森纳’。

    Gillespie Road underground station was renamed'Arsenal'in1932 after lobbying by legendary manager Herbert Chapman .

  21. 托尼:维克多?查普曼认识泰特吗?

    TONY : Does Victor Chapman know Tate ?

  22. 维克多。查普曼?著名的艺术品经销商?我不能逮捕他。

    Victor Chapman ? The famous art dealer ? I can 't arrest him .

  23. 查普曼表示,不断上升的法律费用让现有体系难以为继。

    Mr Chapman says the increasing costs of law make the existing system untenable .

  24. 维克多.查普曼.是他杀了你叔叔.

    Victor Chapman . He killed your uncle .

  25. 查普曼是我的一个海军朋友。

    No , Chapman was a navy buddy .

  26. 但警察穷于应付该监视系统带来的诸多线索,并未注意查普曼的出现。

    But police were inundated with hits from the system and did not follow up .

  27. 查普曼坦言,她现在还没有太多关于这份报纸发展方向的详细计划。

    She admitted to have no plans yet on her future job at the newspaper .

  28. 斯通侦探,我知道凶手是谁…是维克多.查普曼.

    Detective Stone , I know who the killer is ... It 's Victor Chapman .

  29. 1930年,查普曼带领枪手战胜哈德斯菲尔德获得足总被&这是俱乐部的第一座重要奖杯。

    Herbert Chapman led the Gunners to victory against Huddersfield in1930-the Club 's first major trophy .

  30. 查普曼承认二级谋杀罪,并因此被判20年至终身监禁。

    Chapman pleaded guilty to second degree murder and deserving a 20 years to life sentence .