
  • 网络Charles Bridge;Karluv Most;Karlův most
  1. 查理大桥是一座连接老城区和小城区的哥特式大石桥。

    Charles Bridge is a stone Gothic bridge that connects the Old Town and Lesser Town .

  2. 17世纪时,查理大桥的两侧共设有30尊巴洛克风格的雕像。

    A total of 30 Baroque statues began to be placed on either side of Charles Bridge in the 17th century .

  3. 查理大桥也是捷克画家、音乐家和纪念品商贩喜欢的地方,他们的摊位常年占据着桥的两侧。

    Charles Bridge is also popular with Czech artists , musicians and souvenir vendors whose stands line both sides of the bridge year-round .

  4. 捷克馆内的“镇馆之宝”是从布拉格查理大桥上拆下的两块青铜浮雕。

    Meanwhile , two pieces of bronze relief with the statue of Saint Jan Nepomucky on the Charles Bridge in Prague are on display .

  5. 查理大桥起初被称为石桥,1357年7月9日上午5点31分,查理国王四世为这座桥垒上了第一块石头。

    Originally called The Stone Bridge , Charles Bridge 's first stone was laid by King Charles IV , at 5.31am on the 9th of July 1357 .

  6. 这名24岁的年轻女孩已经为全球多个地标创作了绣品,包括布拉格的查理大桥,伦敦的大本钟和澳大利亚佩斯的蜿蜒瀑布。

    The 24-year-old has a series of embroidery reflecting landmarks around the globe including Charles Bridge in Prague , Big Ben in London and the Serpentine Falls in Perth .

  7. 若是有朝一日你身处布拉格,定要在查理大桥上漫步而过,凝望沃尔塔瓦河,去触碰这座历史名桥的记忆。

    Whenever you are in Prague , be sure to wander over the Charles Bridge and stare into the water of the Vltava River as you bask in the history of this historically significant bridge .