
  • 网络Konstanz;constance
  1. 宾夕法尼亚州立大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)经济学家JeremyGreenwood、巴塞罗那研究机构Markets,OrganizationsandVotesinEconomics(MOVE)研究教授NezihGuner、德国康斯坦茨大学(UniversityofKonstanz)经济学家GeorgiKocharkov以及曼海姆大学(UniversityofMannheim)

    A research paper -- by University of Pennsylvania economist Jeremy Greenwood ; Nezih Guner , a research professor at Markets , Organizations and Votes in Economics ( MOVE ) , a research institute based in Barcelona ; University of Konstanz economist Georgi Kocharkov ;

  2. 在今年年初的康斯坦茨(Konstanz)年度研讨会上,与会者不仅对欧洲央行应制订什么样的政策意见不一,而且对欧洲央行目前实行的是什么政策也持不同看法。

    Participants in the annual Konstanz seminar earlier this year-including top European and US monetary economists-disagreed not only about what ECB policy should be but also about what it is .

  3. 布雷根茨是坐落在阿尔卑斯山和康斯坦茨湖之间的奥地利的美丽城镇。

    Bregenz is a pretty Austrian town that nestles between the Alps and lake constance .

  4. 2007年,他获得了德国康斯坦茨大学的计算机科学博士学位。

    He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from Konstanz University in Germany in 2007 .

  5. 这是一个有趣的结果,不过多米尼克教授在德国的康斯坦茨大学的一些同事所做的第二个试验将这一结论进一步引向深入。

    That is an interesting result , but some of Dr de Quervain 's colleagues at the University of Konstanz , in Germany , were able to take it further in a second experiment .

  6. 德国康斯坦茨大学的一项试验发现,对比能够看着食物进餐的人,蒙住眼睛进食的受试者要少摄入9%卡路里。

    An experiment by the University of Konstanz , in Germany , found that people who were blindfolded consumed nine per cent fewer calories before they felt full , compared to those who could see .

  7. 接受理论源于德国康斯坦茨学派,其核心内容是诠释文学作品意义的开放性和多样性,并且强调读者能动接受的重要意义。

    The core element of reception theory , which originated from Konstanz School of literary studies , is the openness and diversity in the interpreting of the meanings of literatures , with the emphasis on the significance of the active reception of readers .