
  • 网络The Prague Castle
  1. 在布拉格城堡和高中生一同照相

    a photo op with high school students at Prague Castle

  2. 布拉格城堡的建造时间绵延公元9世纪到公元18世纪。

    The Prague Castle was a work in progress between the 9th and 18th centuries .

  3. 布拉格城堡——捷克共和国,布拉格

    Prague Castle - Prague , Czech Republic

  4. 1848年的布拉格城堡。

    The Prague castle in1848 .

  5. 在布拉格城堡的特殊典礼上,105岁高龄的温顿被捷克总统颁发了最高荣誉奖章白狮勋章。

    Winton , now 105 , was presented with the Order of the White Lion by the Czech president in a special ceremony at Prague Castle .

  6. 一天之中参观这座大桥的上佳时段当属日落时分,你可以欣赏到夜幕下灯火通明的布拉格城堡,那是一番让人屏息的美景。

    A great time of day to come to the bridge is at sunset when one can enjoy a breathtaking view of the fully lit Prague Castle against the evening sky .

  7. 这张照片是我们在布拉格城堡的路上拍的,布拉格城堡是图中的背景。当我意识到这个雕塑时,我想它是我们拍有趣照片的好时机。

    This photo was taken while on our way to Prague Castle , which is pictured in the background , when I noticed this sculpture and thought it would make for an interesting photo opportunity .

  8. 据《吉尼斯世界纪录》记载,布拉格城堡是世界上最大的城堡之一,也是世界上最大的古堡,约570米长、130米宽。

    One of the biggest castles in the world , and according to Guinness Book of Records , the biggest ancient castle , Prague Castle is about 570 meters in length and an average of 130 meters wide .

  9. 其中最具影响力的城堡有:德国的新天鹅堡、法国的凡尔赛宫殿、新西兰的布拉尼城堡、葡萄牙的辛拉特宫殿、土耳其的拉普拉卡宫殿、捷克共和国的布拉格城堡和英国的利兹城堡。

    Some of the most impressive examples include Germany 's Neuschwanstein Castle , France 's Palace of Versailles , Ireland 's Blarney Castle , Sintra Palace in Portugal , Turkey 's Topkapi Palace , Prague Castle in the Czech Republic and Leeds Castle in England .

  10. 当你站在布拉格全球最大的城堡前拍完照,发现根本找不到自己。

    You 'll feel worse when you look back and realize you have no photos of yourself standing in front of the world 's largest castle in Prague .

  11. 酒店推荐布拉格洲际酒店(Parizska30;420-296-631-111;icprague.com)处在核心位置,可以欣赏老城和布拉格城堡的风景。

    Where to Stay The InterContinental Prague ( Parizska 30 ; 420-296-631-111 ; icprague . com ) is centrally located and offers nice views of Old Town and Prague Castle .