
  • 网络Orangery
  1. 他在乡村不断换工作,为不同的柑橘园干活。

    He moved around the country working in orange groves .

  2. 柑橘园与龙眼园土壤的有机质质量分数分别为15-35和10-30g·kg-1,其土壤有效性养分质量分数较为适宜。

    The optimum mass fraction of soil organic matter was 15-35 g · kg - 1 for citrus orchard and 10-30 g · kg - 1 for longan orchard , and the mass fraction of available nutrients was optimal .

  3. 柑橘园产量等级界定模式的建立

    Establishment of the yield grading mode for citrus orchard

  4. 湖北省柑橘园土壤养分分级研究

    Study of classification of the soil nutrient status of citrus orchard in Hubei Province

  5. 湖南省柑橘园土壤硫素及施硫效应研究

    Soil sulphur status and citrus sulphur application response

  6. 桂西北环境移民安置区柑橘园土壤环境动态研究

    Dynamics of soil fertility of citrus orchards in demonstration area of environmental immigrants , Northwest Guangxi

  7. 柑橘园土壤水土保持力较差,水土流失严重;

    Weak capacity of keeping water and soil in the orchards leads to serious loss of them .

  8. 湖北省柑橘园土壤&植物养分状况与柑橘平衡施肥技术研究

    Study on Soil and Plant Nutrition Status and Balanced Fertilization Techniques of the Citrus Orchards in Hubei

  9. 柑橘园土壤含水量与月降雨量呈正相关,应在不同月份对柑橘园采取不同水分调控措施。

    Therefore , different measures for management of soil water regime should be adopted for these orchards in different month .

  10. 柑橘园树冠蜘蛛群落物种丰富度与调查株数的关系分析

    Analysis on the Relation between the Species Richness of Crown Spider Community and the Plants Number Investigated in Citrus Orchard

  11. 穿透曲线的峰值大小关系为:河漫滩弃耕地芝麻地柑橘园涵养林。

    The peak values of BTC decreased in the order : flood plain abandon farmland sesame land orangery conservation forest .

  12. 但是在工程理论探讨和布局差异性分析方面不够完善,具有一定的片面性,没有总结出重庆丘陵区不同区域类型的柑橘园规划设计的普遍规律。

    However , there still are some limitations in project theory and distribution differences , and the universal laws were not summarized in different hill district for citrus planting in Chongqing .

  13. 土壤有效硫的地区分布,0&20cm土层,81.3%的调查县中有10.0%~75.0%的柑橘园存在缺硫和潜在缺硫。

    Regarding the available S regional distribution , there were 10.0 % 75.0 % citrus gardens that soil available S in 0 20 cm soil layer was deficient or potentially deficient in 81.3 % of all the investigated counties .

  14. 当发现已经干旱时,再对柑橘园采取措施就为时已晚,所以需要用指标数据对未来一段时间柑橘园含水量状况进行预测,当指标数据偏离某个范围时,就要及时采取灌溉措施。

    When discovery has drought , taking measures of citrus groves is already late , therefore , soil moisture and leaf water are used to predict the future water change of citrus , when data deviates from a range of indicators , it is necessary to take timely measures .

  15. 对桂西北2种不同建园方式的柑橘园的土壤水土流失连续3年定位监测及对4种类型柑橘园土壤含水量年内动态变化进行了研究。

    Monitors of 3 years ' continuous orientation were made on soil and water loss of 2 types citrus orchards of setting up the orchards modes , and studies were made on the contents of soil changes in a year from 4 types citrus orchards in the Northwest of Guangxi .

  16. 柑橘、龙眼园土壤有机质与有效性养分质量分数的相关性

    Correlation between the mass fractions of soil organic matter and available nutrients in citrus and longan orchards

  17. 对湖北省柑橘主产区143个柑橘园0~30cm的土壤样品进行了测试分析。

    Top soil ( 0 ~ 30cm ) samples from 143 citrus groves in Hubei Province were tested and classified .

  18. 而柑橘生长发育的基础是水分,柑橘园水分管理的好坏直接影响到柑橘的产量和果品的质量,尤其是在柑橘生长发育的关键时期,必须保证柑橘供需水份的平衡。

    Citrus growth and development is based on the water , so citrus orchard water management has a direct impact on the yield and quality of citrus , especially in the key period of citrus growth , we must ensure the water balance of supply and demand .

  19. 导致我国柑橘产量低的因素很多,其中重栽轻管,柑橘园立地条件差、土层浅薄、有机质含量低、施肥不合理等是影响我国柑橘单产提高的重要因素。

    Low yield of citrus in China was attributed to many factors , among which low content of soil organic matter and unreasonable fertilization were two of the major factors .