
lún xiàn qū
  • enemy-occupied area
沦陷区 [lún xiàn qū]
  • [enemy-occupied area] 战争中被敌军占领的国土。如抗日战争中被日军占领的我国国土。

  1. 沦陷区故园诗歌析

    An Analysis on the Hometown Poems in the Enemy-occupied Area

  2. 河南沦陷区农民负担浅析

    Burdens of the peasants in enemy-occupied area of Henan

  3. 抗战时期日本在华中沦陷区的殖民统治及破产

    Japanese Colonial Rule in the Occupied Middle of China in Anti-Japanese Wartime

  4. 日伪在华北沦陷区新闻统制述论

    On the news control by the Japanese in the enemy-occupied North China

  5. 一个伟大的战略决策:向沦陷区发展

    A Great Strategic Decision : Expand to the Enemy - Occupied Area

  6. 这种矛盾冲突的实质是争夺沦陷区的统治权。

    The essential of contradiction conflict is the dominion power of occupied region .

  7. 在沦陷区,则一切被日本帝国主义所独占。

    In the occupied areas everything is in the hands of Japanese imperialism .

  8. 上海沦陷区学者散文群体创作研究(1941-1945)

    On the Group Authoring of Scholar Prose in Shanghai Irredenta ( 1941-1945 )

  9. 也谈沦陷区文学的评价问题

    Evaluation of the literature in the enemy occupied areas

  10. 论抗战时期沦陷区人民的社会心理

    On the People 's Social Psychology in the Enemy-occupied Area during the Anti-Japanese

  11. 华北沦陷区粮食的生产与流通

    On Grain Production and Circulation in the Occupied Zones by Japan in North China

  12. 抗日战争时期山东沦陷区农村经济

    The rural economy of the occupied Shandong during the war of resistance against Japan

  13. 鸦片严重戕害了沦陷区人民的身心健康。

    Opium damaged physical and mental health of people in the occupied area seriously .

  14. 沦陷区的职业学校是日伪奴化教育的重要基地。

    The vocational school was the important base that enslaving education of Puppet Government .

  15. 东北沦陷区文学史研究50年寻踪

    Tracing the 50 Years Study of History of Literature in the Northeast Occupied Area

  16. 抗战时期我国沦陷区经济地位附庸问题再探讨

    Further discussion on enemy-occupied areas ' economic " appendage status " in anti-Japanese war period

  17. 本论文第一部分是对两地沦陷区的文学的比较。

    In the first section , I compare the colonial literatures of the two areas .

  18. 第三章、第四章着重论述了沦陷区话剧的创作形态。

    The third chapter , the fourth chapter focuses on the enemy-occupied area drama creation .

  19. 在沦陷区,则是日本帝国主义及其傀儡的统治。

    In the occupied areas there is the rule of Japanese imperialism and its puppets .

  20. 沦陷区青年知识女性是特定时期的特殊人群。

    The sciential females in the enemy-occupied areas are special people during the specified period .

  21. 抗战时期,湖南省处于大后方与沦陷区的交接地带,战略地位十分重要。

    In the Sino-Japanese War time , Hunan Province had a very important strategic position .

  22. 它的提出对沦陷区文学的发展有着重要的意义。

    The posing of it has important significance to the development of the enemy-occupied area literature .

  23. 日伪在沦陷区的棉花增产与棉花统制

    Puppet Japanese ' Policy of Cotton Yield-increasing and His Control Over Cotton In the Enemy-occupied Area

  24. 沦陷区语言殖民直接引发了沦陷区作家对汉语的思考。

    Language colony in enemy-occupied areas directly makes the writers there to think of the Chinese .

  25. 抗战时期华中蚕丝股份有限公司在沦陷区的活动

    Activities of Central China Sericulture Co Ltd in Enemy-Occupied Areas During the War of Resistance against Japan

  26. 隐喻的相似性特征为沦陷区文学提供了广阔的表达空间。

    The comparability feature in metaphor has provided a broad expression space for the enemy-occupied area literature .

  27. 它是日本侵略者在沦陷区实行思想奴化活动的帮凶。

    It is the accomplice of Japanese invaders to carry out ideological enslavement activities in enemy-occupied area .

  28. 近年来,沦陷区的研究成为史学界关注的热点。

    During recent years , the research of enemy-occupied area of china has become the focus of historiography .

  29. 此外,还有日本法西斯党遍于沦陷区。

    In addition , everywhere in the occupied areas there are the fascist parties created by the Japanese .

  30. 四十年代国统区与沦陷区小说中的知识分子形象研究

    The Study on the Images of Intellectuals in the KMT-controlled Areas and the Enemy-occupied Areas in the 1940s