
  • Huaihai,the area centered around Xuzhou in the north of the Huaihe River
淮海 [huái hǎi]
  • [Huaihai,the area centered around Xuzhou in the north of the Huaihe River] 指以徐州为中心的淮河以北及海州(现在的连云港市西南)一带的地区

  1. 淮海路是与南京路齐名的旅游、购物街。

    Huaihai Road and Nanjing road is a famous tourist shopping street .

  2. 其他两个是淮海战役和平津战役。

    The other two were the Huai-Hai and the Peiping-Tientsin campaigns .

  3. 淮海战役长而且非常复杂。

    The Huai Hai Campaign was long and very complex .

  4. 淮海经济区空间组织优化研究

    A study on the spatial organization of the economic zone of Huai-Hai

  5. 他自称他参加过淮海战役。

    He represented that he had fought in the Huai Hai campaign .

  6. 淮海战役一打完,以后就没有什么大仗了。

    No major battles were fought after the Huai-Hai campaign .

  7. 浅析淮海经济区发展

    A preliminary study of the development Huai-Hai Economic Zone

  8. 我在淮海路178号南园宾馆工作。

    Im working at Nanyuan Hotel at178 Huaihai Road .

  9. 但是你得在淮海路换乘26号无轨电车。

    But you 'll have to change for trolleybus No.26 at Huaihai road .

  10. 他住的地方在淮海西路附近。

    His place is off Huaihai West road .

  11. 淮海战役对解放战争的胜利至关重要。

    The Huai-Hai Campaign was essential to the victory of the war of liberation .

  12. (四)你们以十一、十二两月完成淮海战役。

    You are to complete the Huai-Hai campaign in two months , November and December .

  13. 淮海路:国际时尚街魅力

    Huai Hai Road : International Fashion Street

  14. 这里的公交基本只到淮海路靠近人民广场的地方。

    The buses here can only reach Huaihai Road which is near People 's Square .

  15. 他舅舅住在淮海路307号。

    His uncle lives at307 Huaihai Road .

  16. 迎接淮海战役的时候,总的形势很好。

    When we prepared to join in the Huai-Hai Campaign , the general situation was excellent .

  17. 淮海经济区煤炭资源开发与基地建设布局探讨

    A discussion on exploitation of coal resources and industrial base construction in Huai Hai economic region

  18. 省际边缘区的就业空间结构模式及动力机制&以淮海经济区为例

    Employment Spatial Models and Mechanism of Provincial Border-Regions : A Case of the Huai-Hai Economic Region

  19. 在总结前人研究以及实地调查的基础上发现,上海已经形成了虹桥开发区、陆家嘴金融贸易区、静安南京路、卢湾淮海路和黄浦外滩5个办公中心。

    Based on former studies and field investigations five major office centers were found in Shanghai .

  20. 地铁淮海路逆作法工程的技术与管理对策

    The technology of reverse constructing method applied in Huai Hai road subway project and its management

  21. 西汉时期,淮海地区形成了较为成熟的区域市场。

    In the Western Han Dynasty , the mature regional markets were developed in the Huaihai region .

  22. 徐州方正机械挖斗制造中心是淮海地区专业生产挖掘机挖斗厂家之一。

    Xuzhou Fangzheng Excavator Bucket manufacturing centre is one of professional manufacturers of excavator buckets in Huaihai economic area .

  23. 其他的商业中心还有卢湾区的经典新天地和淮海路,以及徐汇区的徐家汇商业区;

    Other major commercial areas include the classy Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in Luwan district and Xujiahui in Xuhui District .

  24. 著名的购物街如南京路、淮海路、四川路,它们和世界上其他大城市的主要购物街很相似。

    Huaihai , and Sichuan Road are much similar to the main shopping streets of any large city in the world .

  25. 于是,淮海战役发展成为中国人民解放战争中三个有决定意义的最大战役之一。

    The Huai-Hai campaign was one of the three greatest campaigns of decisive significance in the Chinese People 's War of Liberation .

  26. 漫步在南京路与淮海路,便是走在了流行与时尚的前沿。

    Walking along the Nanjing Road and the Huaihai road , you will have a chance to follow the latest vogue and fashion .

  27. 精装修,淮海路上高档公寓,带一流游泳池会所,单价低,看房提前预约!

    Huaihai road of the apartments , with a swimming club , unit price low and see the room have a reservation in advance !

  28. 上海世博会展示中心的地址是上海市卢湾区淮海中路300号香港新世界大厦。

    Shanghai Expo Exhibition Center is located at the Hong Kong New World Tower , No.300 Huaihai Road ( M. ), Luwan District , Shanghai .

  29. 淮海经济区名特优产品展销会将于2009年2月在江苏省徐州市举办。

    In February , 2009 , famous and super quality products fair will be held in Huaihai economic zone in Xuzhou City , Jiangsu Province .

  30. 在教学过程中,进行些小研究并不难,但是淮海战役的课题之大却让我感觉难上加难。

    While teaching , conducting small research projects was possible , but writing on a topic as large as the Huai Hai Campaign was not .