
  • 网络huaiyang cuisine;Jiangsu cuisine;Huaiyang Dishes
  1. 今天我们大家都要去品尝一下著名的淮扬菜。

    We 're going to taste the great Huaiyang Cuisine today .

  2. 这也正是淮扬菜精致的一个表现。

    The cutting work of Huaiyang cuisine is very refined .

  3. 中国加入WTO组织,给淮扬菜的发展带来了机遇,同时也提出了严峻的挑战。

    China 's joining in the WTO organization will bring not only opportunities to Wei Yang Dish series , one of the four dish series in China , but also severe challenge .

  4. 而扬州恰是淮扬菜的中心和主要发源地。

    Yangzhou is just the center and home of Jiangsu cuisine .

  5. 这是淮扬菜的另外一个特点,以炖焖见长。

    This is a characteristic of Huaiyang cuisine , stewing and braising .

  6. 也希望这淮扬菜能让您大饱口福。

    We hope you 'll also get a feast for your appetite .

  7. 淮扬菜现状与发展策略研究

    The Present Condition of Huaiyang Cuisine and the Strategic Study of Its Development

  8. 你也别光顾着吃啊,你倒是说说,这淮扬菜的味道怎么样?

    Don 't just eat the dishes , tell us how these dishes taste ?

  9. 我这里有的是地方,全都留给淮扬菜。

    I 've got tons of room here , all reserved for Huaiyang food .

  10. 扬州是淮扬菜的家乡。

    Yangzhou is the home of Huaiyang Cuisine .

  11. 非常有幸今天能品尝到二位师傅为我们做的淮扬菜。

    It is our honor to be able to taste the dishes you 're preparing today .

  12. 那个时期也使淮扬菜从乡土化、平民化走向贵族化、豪奢化。

    From that period also native of Huai Yang , civilians into aristocratic , extravagant technology .

  13. 淮扬菜在其漫长的发展过程中曾演绎过辉煌的历史。

    Huaiyang cuisine , in its long developing process , has witnessed a period of brilliant history .

  14. 餐厅装修高雅豪华,经营精品新概念粤菜、淮扬菜及各类海鲜、江鲜。

    Hotel ′ s premier Chinese Restaurant featuring fusion Cantonese and Huaiyang cuisines as well as seafood from the Changjiang River .

  15. 淮扬菜是我国传统的四大菜系之一,开国第一宴选用的就是淮扬菜。

    Jiangsu cuisine is one of the traditional biggest cuisine in china which are selected to use for the celebration ceremony in1949 .

  16. 江苏境内的四大风味菜可以称得上“菜系”的只有淮扬菜和苏锡菜;

    There are four flavor dishes within the boundaries of Jiangsu , among which Huaiyang food and Suxi food can be called Cuisine .

  17. 摘要淮扬菜是中国最著名的菜肴风味流派之一,而扬州菜是淮扬菜的主体。

    Huaiyang dish is one of the most famous dish styles in china , and in which Yangzhou dish plays a principal part .

  18. 淮扬菜的历史悠久,源远流长,它以鲜明的风味特色和显著的文化个性成为我国四大菜系之一。

    With the time-honored past , Huaiyang cuisine , as one of the four Chinese cuisine families , is noted for its flavor style and unique cultural deposit .

  19. 基于本文的原型系统,我们开发了数字科技馆的虚拟生物实验室部分和淮扬菜数字文化博物馆的虚拟烹调美食体验馆部分。

    Based on prototype system , we developed a virtual genetic laboratory , which is a part of Digital Science and Technology Museum , and Cooking Huaiyang Cuisine system of Digital Culture Museum .

  20. 淮扬菜有着悠久的历史和深邃的文化底蕴,但近年来没有像川菜、粤菜一样在我国餐饮市场占据领军地位。

    Huaiyang cuisine boasts a long history and deep cultural sense , however , in recent years , it hasn 't taken a leading position in catering market such as Sichuan and Cantonese cuisine .

  21. 从对全国乃至全世界的历史和现实影响分析,江苏菜的代表应是淮扬菜,淮扬菜的代表是扬州菜。

    From analyzing the historical and realistic influence on China and even the whole world , the representative flavour of Jiangsu food should be Huaiyang Cuisine and the one of Huaiyang Cuisine should be Yangzhou food .