
zhù jié
  • celebrate a victory
祝捷 [zhù jié]
  • [celebrate a victory] 庆贺或欢庆成功与胜利

祝捷[zhù jié]
  1. 在皇家餐厅举行了祝捷盛宴。

    A grand victory banquet was served in the royal dining room .

  2. 因为谁会误解辩证法本质中的乐观成份,即每次结局的祝捷欢呼,而独能在冷静的清醒和自觉中呼吸自如呢?

    For who among us can close his eyes to the optimistic element in the nature of dialectics , which sees a triumph in every syllogism and can breathe only in an atmosphere of cool , conscious clarity ?