
zhù jiǔ cí
  • toast
  1. 用餐终了,伯戈因被邀请致祝酒词。

    At the end of the meal Burgoyne was asked to propose a toast .

  2. 他冗长的祝酒词已使我们不胜其烦。

    We have already become tired of his discursive toast .

  3. 这对于克林顿先生来说可能是个安慰。周三庆典上的祝酒词中,光是朗读90年代《新共和》就他与希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿(HillaryRodhamClinton)的报道中的辱骂之词,他就可以马拉松般说上半天。

    That might come as a relief to Mr. Clinton , who could deliver a marathon self-roast at Wednesday 's gala simply by reading choice vituperative " 90s-era coverage of him and Hillary Rodham Clinton in The New Republic .

  4. 在这个婚宴上一般是伴郎他来说祝酒词。

    At weddings the best man will always make a toast .

  5. 他打算跟我说一遍新的祝酒词。

    He 's trying to walk me through the new toaster .

  6. 尼克松对一切都很满意,颇有些情不自禁地发表了他的即席祝酒词。

    Nixon carried away with it all , delivered his extemporaneous toast .

  7. 他自己的祝酒词虽然也颇为动人,但是比较松散而冗长。

    His own toast was discursive and overlong , though rather touching .

  8. 盛大的婚礼,美妙的祝酒词,美味的食物。

    Great wedding , beautiful toast , touching stuff .

  9. 请允许我更正我的祝酒词吗?

    May I be permitted to change your toast ?

  10. 问:对未来新娘、新郎的祝酒词应如何措词?

    Q. How might a toast to the future bride and groom be worded ?

  11. 同时,祝酒词具有鲜明的政治性。

    Toast is highly political , too .

  12. 我可以来段祝酒词吗?

    Can I propose a toast ?

  13. 尼克松访华祝酒词

    Toast Speech by Richard Nixon

  14. 很高兴再见到你们,我想致祝酒词。

    It 's so great seeing you guys again . I 'd like to make a toast .

  15. 但到目前为止,还没有学者将其应用于英语祝酒词的语篇分析当中。

    However , so far no attempt has been made to apply it to the analysis of English Toast .

  16. 为了记住一篇演讲稿,祝酒词或者考试材料,先朗读材料,然后录入电脑。

    To memorize a speech , toast or test material , read your notes , then type them into the computer .

  17. “为太后的阴道干杯,”一个醉汉在上方的阳台庄严宣告,举起酒杯为她说出戏弄的祝酒词。

    " Queen Cunt ," a drunkard pronounced solemnly from a balcony above , lifting his cup to her in a mocking toast .

  18. 正如你在祝酒词中讲的那样,中国人民是伟大的人民,美国人民是伟大的人民。

    As you said in your toast , the Chinese people are a great people , the American people are a great people .

  19. 话说,刚刚被洪水打搅,我还挺乐的,因为先前的祝酒词我还不怎么满意,正想要从头来过。

    In a way , I 'm almost glad that flood interrupted us , because I don 't like the toast I was giving .

  20. 正如您在祝酒词中时讲的那样,中国人民是伟大的人民,美国人民是伟大的人民。

    As you said in your toast , the Chinese people are a great people , and the American people are a great people .

  21. 这句情话感觉象贺卡上的短语,实际上,这句话进入了婚礼,也成了祝酒词。

    This romantic sentiment may sound like the message on a greeting card , but it now makes its way into wedding speeches and toasts .

  22. 苏联人常用的一句祝酒词一语道破苏联大众对外部政治的态度:让他们畏惧我们!

    One popular expression , often used as a drinking toast , summed up the Soviet common take on the external politics : Let them be afraid of us !

  23. 孩子们是不应当喝酒的,但他们可以说一些“干杯”之类的祝酒词,祝愿祖父母和父母健康长寿,这样无疑会令长辈们非常开心。

    Although , teenagers are not supposed to drink any alcohol , you can still say " Ganbei " and toast the longevity and health of your grandparents and parents . This is sure to please them .