
  • 网络exchange program;teacher exchange program
  1. 这次旅游组织者samlutomia说,他很高兴这次交换项目产生了很好的影响。

    Trip organizer Sam lutomia says he is happy with the levels of energy the exchange program has produced .

  2. 我爱你胜过Mary,Jane,Susie,Penelope,Ingrid,Gertrude,Gretel--我那时候在一个德国的交换项目里。”

    I love you more than Mary , Jane , Susie , Penelope , Ingrid , Gertrude , Gretel -- I was on a German exchange program then .

  3. 相比之下,欧洲商学院的mba毕业生当中,仅有11%参与了类似的海外交换项目。

    By comparison , just 11 per cent of MBA graduates from European schools took part in similar overseas exchanges .

  4. 当我即将进入第四个(也是最后一个)学期时,我可以回顾自己在中国以及去纽约斯特恩商学院(sternschoolofbusiness)做交换项目时那个学期的生活,并加以比较。

    As I head into my fourth and final semester , I can look back on my year in China and my semester on exchange at Stern School of business , New York , and make some comparisons .

  5. 在少年时期,她花了一年时间参加了一个交换项目,去了美国路易斯安那hahnville的一个家庭。

    As a teenager , she spent a year on an exchange programme with a family in hahnville , Louisiana , us .

  6. 同时运用进度控制理论,针对新疆软交换项目的特点,提出了PDCA动态控制的方法和流程,应用调整工作逻辑关系等进度控制方法,得到了进度控制的成果。

    The use of the progress of control theory , for Xinjiang soft switching characteristics of the project , proposed a the PDCA dynamic control methods and processes , application of adjustment of the logical relationship progress control method to control the outcome of the progress .

  7. 副院长路易斯帕伦西亚(luispalencia)辩称,较长的课程能实现更深远的变化,也能够安排更长的实习和与其它学校的交换项目。

    Luis Palencia , Associate Dean at Barcelona-based IESE , one of the few European schools offering a two-year MBA , argues that the longer period allows for more profound changes , as well as for longer internships and exchange programmes with other schools .

  8. 他已经完成了交换项目,回到了澳大利亚。

    he had completed his exchange program and left for Australia .

  9. 1992年,里克被选入美国—英国皇家空军试飞员交换项目。

    Rick was chosen for US-British test pilot exchange program in 1992 .

  10. 我在法国的交换项目中过得相当愉快。

    I 'm having a great time ② on my exchange program in France .

  11. 任何信息交换项目的首要任务都是收集并分析您的需求。

    The first task in any information exchange project is to gather and analyze your requirements .

  12. 这就促使了创建同类人群住宅交换项目的时机成熟,吸引着新人的加入。

    This makes the time ripe for a peer-to-peer home-swapping venture that draws new people in .

  13. 第四,我们希望推进新大学生去中国的学生交换项目和实习机会。

    Our fourth priority is to enhance student exchange programmes and internships in China for SMU students .

  14. 通过在海外开辟校园或是组织交换项目,大学热切地把它们的跨国学历擦得亮光闪闪。

    Whether opening campuses abroad or organising exchange programmes , universities are keen to burnish their multicultural credentials .

  15. 中国将承担培训教师、购置教材、开设一流文化课程以及进行学生交换项目的预算费用;

    China will cover budget costs for teacher training , materials , top-notch cultural programs and student exchanges .

  16. 我在这儿的交换项目的学业已完成了,我很快就要回中国了。

    My studies here under the exchange program are completed now , so I 'll be returning to China very soon .

  17. 土耳其外交部长达武特奥卢说,土耳其已准备好在伊朗的铀交换项目中充当中介人。

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says his country is ready to play an intermediary role in a uranium exchange program .

  18. 她同时还申请并获得了中国中心的红口袋奖学金,以帮助她支付交换项目所需的部分费用。

    Jasmine also applied for and was awarded a Red Pocket Scholarship to help defray the costs associated with the exchange .

  19. 在新大,我们的学生都被鼓励参与实习、社区服务项目和国际交换项目。

    At SMU , our students are encouraged to take up internships , community outreach projects , and international exchange programmes .

  20. 演习地点选在俄勒冈州,是中美1997年确定的常规交换项目之一。

    The drills in Oregon are part of institutional exchange program set up between China and the United States in 1997 .

  21. 福布莱特教师和管理人员交换项目是真正意义上的交换——意味着两个人在一段时间内交换工作。

    The Fulbright Teacher and Administrator Exchange Program offers a true exchange -- meaning two people trade jobs for a time .

  22. 有一些是参与交换项目的,有一些是在攻读学位,他们有4年的时间和我们在一起。

    Some are on an exchange program , some are involved in degree seeking program who are actually with us for4 years .

  23. 如果没有参加那个交换项目,我可能因为文化冲击就退学了,她说。

    Had I not done the exchange program , I would have dropped out just from the culture shock , she said .

  24. 1996年时,我18岁,我获得了一个国际交换项目的宝贵机会。

    In 1996 , when I was 18 years old , I had the golden opportunity to go on an international exchange program .

  25. 斯特拉斯迪主张采用药物疗法、智能警务、性教育、针具交换项目等方式预防传染病。

    To prevent disease , Strathdee is an advocate of methods like drug treatment , smart policing , sex education and needle exchange programs .

  26. 本次是第十三次演习,同时它也是1997年中美建立双方交换项目的一部分。

    The 13th of its kind , the drill was part of institutional exchange programs between China and the United States established in 1997 .

  27. 2003年,迪伦赴首尔参加亚洲作曲家系会的交换项目,上演了并演奏了自己的作品。

    In2003 Dylan travelled to Seoul for the Asian Composer League exchange forum where he received performances of works and also featured as a performer .

  28. 同时,如果雇主没有提供医疗保险,小企业的员工和他们的家庭将可以在我们的交换项目中获得保险。

    And small business workers and their families will be able to seek coverage in the Exchange if their employer is not able to provide it .

  29. 介于此,扎维萨克获得了每年分配给老挝学生的仅有的几个美国大学交换项目名额。

    That accomplishment earned him a spot in a university exchange program in the United States , one of only a handful given to Laotian students every year .

  30. 项目资助的内容之一是支持在靠近老挝边境的一个偏远地区由教育人员实施针头交换项目。

    One of the activities supported is in a remote area of Vietnam near the Lao border , where " peer educators " run a needle exchange program .