
  • 网络Trading Platform;Exchange;OTC;TWs
  1. 周三,全球最大的比特币交易平台、总部设在上海的比特币中国(BTCChina)停止允许客户使用人民币购买比特币。

    On Wednesday , the world 's largest bitcoin exchange stopped allowing customers to use yuan to buy bitcoin .

  2. 上个月中国央行要求国内一些支付公司停止为中国最大的比特币交易平台比特币中国(BTCChina)提供支付与结算服务。

    China 's central bank last month asked some domestic payment processors to stop trading with the country 's biggest bitcoin exchange , BTC China .

  3. 上海一位数字交易平台人士对《中国日报》表示,监管部门上周约见了几个比特币交易平台的负责人,讨论了比特币行情波动时托管平台的运行方式。

    Authorities visited executives of a number of bitcoin trading platforms last week , and have inquired how the platform works when value of the virtual currency plunges and surges , a person at a Shanghai-based digital trading platform told China Daily .

  4. 基于Internet实时交易平台设计

    The Design Project Of Internet Real - Time Trading Flat

  5. NET技术(包括ASP.NET,ADO.NET)以及数据库技术来架构新型网上人才交易平台。

    NET technique ( including ASP . NET , ADO . ENT ) and database technique .

  6. 基于J2EE构架下的典型网上交易平台实现技术

    The Realization Technology of Typical Web Trade Platform Based J2EE Structure

  7. JSP与XML及其在农产品交易平台中的应用

    Application of Online Trading Platform of Agricultural Product Based on JSP and XML

  8. 基于ASP的建设工程电子交易平台研究与实现

    Construction Project Electronic - trading - Platform Based on ASP

  9. 量贩交易平台是基于Web的应用程序,因此在架构设计上采用了JSP+Servlet+JavaBean的方案。

    The wholesale platform is a Web-based-on application , so JSP + Servlet + JavaBean is adopted for the architecture , which abides the principle of MVC .

  10. 这样的结构使得交易平台有很高的性能,并且可以透明地增加APServer以扩充平台性能。

    This makes a high performance trade platform , and it is easy to add AP Server to improve the performance .

  11. 将动态Web技术应用于企业网上交易平台系统可以极大提高企业的工作效率,减少成本支出。

    If we put use of the automatic Web technology into the enterprise trade system can improve the efficiency of the enterprise smartly and decrease the cost and expense .

  12. 基于SOA技术的虚拟物品交易平台与网络游戏对接系统的实现

    The Linking Implementation of the Trading Platform of Good Hope Virtual Goods and the Internet Game Based on the SOA Technology

  13. 所以,他在电子交易平台eBay上提供了一台来出售。

    So he offered one on eBay , an Internet marketplace .

  14. 随着互联网应用技术发展,网络广告内容交易平台成为新的互联应用盈利模式,此类网站往往要同时承担大量用户的的web请求。

    With the development of web application , online advertising platform has become a new profitable way , which will undertake the web requests from a large quantity of users simultaneously .

  15. 因此,本文将DEA方法引入到化工行业物流金融交易平台的信用评价中,以控制平台的融资业务风险。

    DEA method is introduced to the chemical industry logistics financing trading platform for SME credit evaluation .

  16. 最后,对基于ASP的建设工程电子交易平台技术的研究进行总结,并对面向建设工程领域电子交易技术的发展趋势进行了展望。

    Finally , this thesis makes a conclusion about ASP-based construction project electronic-trading-Platform and its development tendency in the future .

  17. 本项目的MOB(MessageOrientedBus)平台就是实际开发的证券交易平台中典型的底层通讯基础平台。

    The MOB ( Message Oriented Bus ) platform project is actually the developed typical bottom network communication platform of securities trading platform .

  18. 上周,中国的阿里巴巴(Alibaba)推出了它首个全球企业在线交易平台。

    Last week , China 's Alibaba launched its first platform for international on-site transactions between companies .

  19. 文章以买方Agent的观点对交易平台上获得的对方Agent历史协商信息进行分析,并根据其特点做初步过滤。

    This paper states the algorithm from the respective of the buyer agent . The negotiation history of the opponent agent is analyzed firstly , which is obtained from the trade platform .

  20. 私人IPO的蓬勃发展催生了企业、企业员工和投资者对二级市场交易平台的需求。

    This boom in private primary offerings has translated into demand for secondary trading platforms from companies , their employees and investors .

  21. 对使用的新增数据交换报文,采用XML来描述其内容和结构,改进了核心交易平台的打包、解包处理过程,使得报文更具有通用性。

    Using XML to describe the structure and content about the new exchange data , and makes the message more universal , improved the core trading platform packing and unpacking process .

  22. 中国网通的ERP及其延伸系统主要包括:ERP核心系统、全面预算管理系统、关联交易平台、资金管理系统等若干系统。

    China Netcom ERP extension system include : ERP Core System 、 Comprehensive Budget Management System 、 Associated With Trading Platform 、 Funds Management System and another systems .

  23. 台湾网络游戏供应商华义国际数位娱乐股份有限公司(WayiInternationalDigitalEntertainmentCo.)表示,公司计划接受比特币,将来甚至可能成为一个交易平台。

    Wayi International Digital Entertainment Co. , a Taiwanese online game provider , has said it intends to accept bitcoin and may even become an exchange .

  24. 研究了构件库的组织与检索技术,并在一个B2B的电子交易平台项目中得到应用。

    We studied the organization and research methods about component library , and applied them into a B2B bargain platform .

  25. 李小加面临的挑战将是如何提高利润,同时击退来自上海证交所(ShanghaiStockExchange)和可能会夺走市场份额的另类交易平台(又称暗池)的竞争。

    Mr Li 's challenge will be to boost profits while fighting off competition from the Shanghai Stock Exchange and from alternative trading platforms , known as dark pools , which threaten to take market share .

  26. 各交易所和bats等交易平台都迫切希望能吸引业务,因而出现了回扣。

    It is business that the exchanges and platforms such as bats are keen to attract hence the rebates .

  27. DME的新办事处及其在线期货交易平台(由CME拥有的CMEDirect系统)均已获得新加坡的监管审批。

    DME has received regulatory approval in Singapore for both its office and its online futures trading platform , the CME-owned CME Direct .

  28. 伦敦证交所正在与turquoise这类交易平台争夺蓝筹股交易的市场份额。

    The LSE is battling platforms such as Turquoise for its share of trading in blue-chip stocks .

  29. 在此基础上,深入分析了上述交易平台的各项需求,并通过UML语言表述了其主要功能与核心流程的需求模型。

    On this basis , this thesis has analyzed the needs of the trading platform in-depth , and this thesis has expressed its main function and demand model of core process through the UML language .

  30. 本公司近来发现有不法份子模仿ASA交易平台,利用ASA公司名义进行行骗。请各位客户留心,小心受骗。

    A counterfeit ASA trading platform was found recently , the name of ASA has been embezzled for illegal issue . , please be cautioned for it .