
jiāo lián mì dù
  • crosslinking density
  1. 但是由于CE树脂网络结构中含有大量的芳香环,结晶度高,交联密度大,所以其固化物的脆性较大,因此对CE树脂的增韧改性已经引起了极大的关注。

    However , due to a large number of aromatic rings in the crosslinked structure and high crosslinking density , cured CE resin is brittle .

  2. 室温干燥12h,固化反应完成,涂膜交联密度高。

    When the film dried at room temperature for ( 12 h ,) curing reaction can complete and the film has high crosslinking density .

  3. 理论计算了两种凝胶的有效交联密度(eυ)和网链分子量(Mc)。

    The effective cross-linking density (υ __e ) and the molecular mass between crosslinking points ( M_c ) were calculated .

  4. DMA表明,改性后聚氨酯交联密度增大,具有较高的玻璃化转变温度。

    DMA showed that the modified WPU has a higher glass transition temperature .

  5. EPDM相的交联密度逐渐增大,直至趋于一定值;

    The crosslink density of EPDM phase increased gradually up to a certain level ;

  6. 结果表明,Ga占据骨架四面体位置,影响四面体层电荷及Al柱的交联密度。

    The results indicate that the charge of tetrahedral sheet and pillaring density are related to the amounts of Gallium in tetrahedral sheet .

  7. PU/PMMAIPN的分子运动与交联密度的研究

    A study on molecular motion and interpenetrating extent of pu / pmma IPN

  8. 用平衡溶胀法测试共混物的交联密度,表明TAIC共混胶的交联程度大于PDM共混胶。

    The equilibrium swelling method showed that the crosslinking degree of TAIC was higher than that of PDM .

  9. 发现P(NIPA一co一GMA一Dex)凝胶具有较好的力学性能,其剪切模量和有效交联密度均随着r的增加而增大。

    The shear modulus and the effective cross-linking density increased with the increase of r. The applications of poly ( NIPA-co-GMA-Dex ) hydrogels in bioseparation have been investigated .

  10. 采用苯中的平衡溶胀比或交联密度来表征LDPE交联物的交联程度比采用凝胶含量来表征更为确切。

    It is found that equilibrium swelling ratio or crosslinking density is more appropriate parameter to characterize the difference of structure of LDPE vulcanizates by both crosslinking method .

  11. 结果表明:双酚AF和BPP的用量主要影响胶料的交联密度及硫化时间,并对加工性能有一定的影响;

    The results showed that the levels of bisphenol AF and BPP mainly influenced the crosslink density and cure time , and processibility as well .

  12. 研究了溶液pH变化时,凝胶网络中PAA含量、网络交联密度对凝胶纤维的溶胀及溶胀突变行为的影响。

    The effects of PAA content within the network and the network crosslinking density on the swelling and swelling junction behavior of the fiber with the change of pH in environmental solution were studied .

  13. 实验结果表明,NVP具有调节混合物系统官能度与体系黏度、交联密度及影响反应速度的作用,在适量的NVP含量下,光栅的衍射效率得到优化。

    The results indicate that the 1st order diffraction efficiency of grating can be optimized at the NVP concentration of 10 % .

  14. 研究了不同乙二醇焦油(GTO)用量对硅铝炭黑(简称SAC)丁苯混炼胶的硫化活化、交联密度及力学性能的影响,得出了综合三种性能于最佳点的最宜GTO用量。

    The effects of the amount of GTO on the activation vulcanization , the crosslink density and the mechanical properties of SAC black filled SBR compounds have been studied .

  15. 依赖聚合物的共混比例、形态、交联密度和特性,IPNs显示出特殊的性能。

    Depending on the blend ratio , morphology , cross-link density and nature of component polymers , the IPNs show characteristic properties .

  16. 因此,我们可以通过选择合适的交联密度和还原剂DTT的浓度来控制凝胶的药物释放速率。

    Thus , it is easy to control the release rate of drug from the hydrogels by choosing appropriate cross-linking density and concentration of DTT .

  17. DVB用量超过0.6%时,交联密度过大,导致体系粘度增加,乳液的流平性下降,胶膜成膜性变差,易龟裂。

    If percentage of DVB exceeds 0.3 % , crossing density become too much , which make that viscosity of system increase , levelling property and performance of forming film get poor .

  18. 采用化学探测剂脱硫的方法,测定了硫化返原过程中NR的交联密度和交联键分布的变化情况,结果证实了硫化返原的机理;

    The crosslink density and distribution of NR vulcanizate were determined during the reversion by the devulcanization with the chemical probes . The test results were in accordance with the mechanism of NR cure and reversion .

  19. 具体研究内容和结果如下:1、研究了三种硫化助剂&丙三醇、三羟甲基丙烷和季戊四醇对共聚型氯醚橡胶(ECO)硫化特性、交联密度及力学性能的影响。

    Details are as follows : 1 . Effects of three kinds of vulcanization assistants ( glycerol , trimethylolpropane , pentaerythritol ) on the curing characteristics , crosslinking densities and mechanical properties of epichlorohydrin rubber have been evaluated .

  20. 考察了CLD的含量对橡胶复合材料硫化特性、交联密度、力学性能、热氧老化性能以及热性能的影响。

    The effects of the loading of CLD on curing characteristics , cross-linking densities , mechanical properties , thermal properties and thermo-oxidative ageing properties were evaluated .

  21. 合成了一系列NCO/OH<1的聚醚氨酯样品,借助动态粘弹仪讨论了交联密度、软硬段种类以及软硬段相对含量对聚醚氨酯动态力学性能和阻尼性的影响。

    A series of polyether based polyurethane composition with NCD / OH < 1 were prepared . By using the visco-elastometer , the vibration damping properties which effected by crosslink density , chemical compositions and hard segment contents were discussed .

  22. 动态力学性能检测结果表明:聚氨酯软段中OH与NCO的比例、软硬段的相对含量以及交联密度,对体系的相容性及阻尼性能都有显著影响。

    The results show that such parameters as OH : NCO ratio of soft and rigid part in polyurethane 、 relative content of soft and rigid part and crosslinking density all have effects on the damping behaviors of IPN samples apparently .

  23. PBA/PMMA型核壳结构增韧剂的合成及表征不同粒径、用量及核层交联密度的核壳微粒(C-S)与聚苯乙烯(PS)共混得到PS/C-S复合材料。

    PREPARATION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF PBA / PMMA CORE SHELL PARTICLES AS TOUGHER The polystyrene ( PS ) composite with different particle sizes , concentration and core layer crosslinking agent of core shell particles were prepared .

  24. 实验结果表明,交联密度是影响聚氨酯阻尼材料损耗因子(tgδ)的重要因素,增加分子链中侧甲基(&CH3)数目,有利于提高材料的损耗因子值,拓宽阻尼温域;

    The experiment results show : The crosslink density is an important factor to influence the loss factor of polyurethane damping materials ,? Increasing the number of lateral methyl of backbone contributes to raise the value of loss factor and broaden the damping temperature range ;

  25. 研究表明:随硫化温度增大,填料间相互作用、交联密度减小,T10和T90明显缩短,压缩永久变形增大。

    The experimental results show that the interaction between filler and crosslinking density decreased with the curing temperature increased , but the cure rate and compression set increased .

  26. 研究结果表明,随着PEI含量增加,PEI/BD/CE树脂体系的冲击和弯曲强度逐渐升高,而交联密度呈逐渐降低趋势,但弯曲模量基本保持不变。

    Results show that with increasing the content of PEI in PEI / BD / CE resins , the impact and flexural strengths increase , and the crosslinking density decreases ; while the flexural modulus almost does not change .

  27. 体系的交联密度增大,混合熵增加,相容性改善,试样中可溶性组份含量随BCN′s的组成而变化。

    The compatibility between components increases with the increasing cross-link density due to the increase in the entropy of mixing . The amount of soluble species varies with composition of BCN 's.

  28. 结果表明,要想制得综合性能优良的EP-TPV,应通过制备工艺控制,使EP-TPV具有适中的胶相交联密度及适中的平均胶相粒径。

    It was concluded that , in order to prepare EP - TPV with excellent mechanical and rheological properties , moderate rubber phase crosslinking density and average rubber particle diameter by means of preparation technology control , were advisable .

  29. 同一浓度下,PVA水凝胶的剪切模量及物理交联密度大于PVA/DMSO凝胶,但氢键活化能小于PVA/DMSO凝胶。

    Secondly , at the same concentration , the shear modulus and physical cross-linking densities of PVA hydrogels were higher than that of PVA / DMSO gels , while the activation energies of hydrogen bonding dissociation of PVA hydrogels was lower than that of PVA / DMSO gels .

  30. 研究了反应挤出型低硬度EPDM/PP共混型热塑性动态硫化橡胶(EP-TPV)胶相交联密度和平均胶相粒径对力学性能和流变性能的影响。

    The effects of rubber phase crosslinking density and average rubber particle diameter on mechanical and rheological properties of low hardness EPDM / PP blend thermoplastic dynamic vulcanizates ( EP - TPV ) prepared by reactive extrusion dynamic vulcanization were studied .