
  • 网络industrial building;industry buildings
  1. 然而,我国旧产业建筑普遍存在着一些共同的题目。

    However , there are some common questions in the China 's old industrial building .

  2. 第二部分(第二章):国内外旧产业建筑再利用概况研究。

    Part II ( chapter II ): Overview of old industrial building re-use in China and the other countries .

  3. 从广州信义会馆解读产业建筑再利用的设计策略

    Design Policies of Industry Building 's Reuse with Case Study of Xinyi Fair

  4. 产业建筑的保护、改造和再利用

    Protection , Reconstruction and Reutilization of Industrial Architecture

  5. 旧产业建筑“阁楼”改造的分类讨论

    The Classified Debate about the Loft Renovation

  6. 本文以国内外产业建筑改造为研究内容。

    This treatise is mainly involved in reconstruction of industrial architectures being deserted for many years .

  7. 产业建筑的新生

    Rebirth of the Industrial Buildings

  8. 天津产业建筑更新中创意产业类型选择和布局研究

    The Research on the Type Selection and Layout of Creative Industries in The Regeneration of Tianjin Industrial Buildings

  9. 汉口原租界区内近代产业建筑保护和再利用研究&以日军汽船仓库为例

    Conservation and Reuse of Modern Industrial Buildings in Hankow Concession District & Taking the Japanese Steamboat Warehouse as an Example

  10. 在十一五规划的进程中,对旧产业建筑再利用课题的研究具有积极的意义。

    In the process of the Eleventh Project , the research to available utilization of resource , as many people reflect , has positive meanings .

  11. 在可持续发展思想指导下,通过价值系统的方法进行分析,证明产业建筑改造和在利用的可行性。

    In the background of sustainable ideology and with the analysis of Value Engineering System , the thesis illustrates the rationality and the inevitability of renovation and adaptive reuse of industrial construction .

  12. 本论文是关于产业建筑可适性再利用,尤其是城市中的产业建筑结合地区新兴的创意产业功能,被改造为多元化创意社区的产业建筑可适性再利用方式的研究。

    This paper studies the adaptable recycle of industrial building in the city , especially the recycle of those buildings when they were reconstructed into multi-function community combined with the rising creative industry .

  13. 分别从室内设计、产业建筑再利用、居住工作相结合的生活方式三个角度展开分析了当代中国的阁楼现象,并对其在相应方面的发展前景提出看法。

    The discussion on lofts phenomenon expands on the topics of interior design , reuse of industrial architecture , and lifestyle of living and working together , and the opinion is given on each topic .

  14. 通过与国内外案例横向和纵向的对比研究,运用多学科交叉的研究方法,从物质、经济、文化等层面对青岛产业建筑遗产的保护更新进行了深入的探讨。

    With domestic and international cases of horizontal and vertical contrast , the use of interdisciplinary research methods , from physical , economic , cultural and other aspects of the heritage of Qingdao industry heritage buildings protection updates in-depth discussion .

  15. 文章还针对产业建筑和民用建筑的不同特点研究了旧城与创意产业空间的适应性,指出旧城不同建筑类型分别适合发展何种类型的创意产业。

    In accordance with industrial construction and civil construction , the thesis also study the space adaptability of and creative industries and the old city , point out that which type of creative industries is suitable for which type of the old city buildings .

  16. 接着出现了经济繁荣,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。

    An economic boom followed , especially in housing and construction

  17. 瑞士产业历史建筑及地段的适应性再利用

    Adaptive reuse for the industrial historic buildings and sites in Switzerland

  18. 第四章则具体分析空间要素及其相互关系,包括空间的量、空间的形、空间的界面以及空间的联系,并且简要分析了创意产业园建筑空间的物理环境设计。

    Then this part also analysis the design of the physical environment .

  19. 本文试图通过分析影响创意产业园建筑空间的各种因素,分析其主要特点,指出其设计策略和发展趋向。

    This article analyses the various elements that affects the architecture of the creative industry building .

  20. 第五章的主要内容是对创意产业园建筑空间发展趋向的展望。

    The fifth part is the suggestion about the future of architectural space of creative industry cluster .

  21. 行业收入差距:从劳动生产率的角度分析&以高新技术产业和建筑业为例

    Income Gap among Different Sectors : in View of Labor Productivity & Based on High-tech Industry and Building Industry

  22. 生态设计意识与住宅生态学已成为各国房产业、建筑业广泛关注的重点。

    The idea of ecological designing is the emphases that the construction and estate industry have paid more attention to .

  23. 中国的景观行业是伴随房地产业和建筑业发展起来的一个新行业。

    Landscape Industry in China is a rising business accompanied with the fast development of urban architecture and real estate industry .

  24. 伴随着房地产业和建筑业的不断发展,因为建设工程合同产生的各类纠纷也不断增多。

    With the continuous development of real estate and construction , various types of construction contract disputes have continued to increase .

  25. 建筑业是我国国民经济的重要支柱产业,建筑业诚信是全社会信用体系的有机组成部分。

    Construction is a mainstay industry in national economy . The credit of construction is an organic component of the social credit system .

  26. 作为劳动密集型产业,建筑业正面临着过度竞争与市场容量增大利润渐少的现状,生存压力与日俱增。

    As a labor-intensive industry , the construction industry is facing excessive competition and market capacity increases profits have diminished the status quo , increasing pressure to survive .

  27. 最后将研究理论与实践相结合,探讨我国创意产业园建筑设计的发展方向,为我国创意产业园的建筑设计提供一定的指导意义。

    Finally , the thesis further studies the direction of developing architectural design in Creative Industry Park and provides guidance to the architectural design Creative Industry Park in China .

  28. 在城市发展历程上,产业类建筑及地段具有功不可没的历史地位,由其所产生的独特的产业景观是城市重要组成部分之一。

    Industrial buildings hold a definite place in the history of urban development , and " Industrial Landscape " concerned is one of the important components of a city .

  29. 近年来,作为国民经济支柱产业的建筑业一直保持高速增长的势头的同时,劳资矛盾也日益浮出水面。

    In recent years , the building industry as a pillar industry of national economy has maintained rapid growth momentum at the same time , labor - management conflicts , increasingly surfaced .

  30. 作为国民经济第三大支柱产业的建筑业在社会发展中的地位也将随之加强,因此如何对建筑施工企业进行有效的管理是一个关键的问题。

    Construction industry , as the third main pillar industries in our national economy , is becoming more and more important . So how to manage construction enterprises effectively is being the key problem .