
  • 网络industrial classification;Industry Classification;classification of industry
  1. 然后按照产业分类剖析舒城县政府在促进农业、工业、商贸服务业各个领域经济发展中职能履行的作用。

    Then according to the classification of industry analysis of Shucheng county government in promoting the agriculture , industry , trade and services in various fields in economic development to fulfill the functions of the role .

  2. 然后,参照《产业经济学》中的增长率产业分类法,将上市公司划分为三个生命周期,即成长期、成熟期、衰退期。

    Then , this paper uses the classification of industry by the growth rate in industrial economics for reference , classifying the listed company into three life cycle stages , that is the growth , maturity , decline stages .

  3. 在TechnicalNote中描述的方法允许发布灵活准确的查询,可以包括WSDL相关信息和其它信息,例如产业分类。

    The approach described in the Technical Note allows flexible and precise queries to be issued that can include both WSDL-related information and other information , such as industry classification .

  4. 简介了国际上信息产业分类中几个比较重要的体系,分别是:波拉特信息产业分类体系,OECD的信息产业分类体系,北美产业分类体系(NAICS)中的信息业。

    Following we briefly introduce the important international information industry classification systems : Borat Information Industry Classification System , OECD Information Industry Classification System , and the North American Industry Classification System ( NAICS ) in the information industry .

  5. 关于产业分类体系对应的研究。

    Regarding the research on the correspondence of industry classification systems .

  6. 产业分类监管与防止重复建设

    The Category-based Industrial Supervision and the Prevention of Repetitive Construction

  7. 本文从产业分类的角度,把价格传导细分为各产业之间的传导。

    This paper fractionize the price transmission into industry .

  8. 五次产业分类法及其指标体系设计

    The Five-Time-Industry Classification Method and Designing of Index system

  9. 信息产业分类体系的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Classification System of Information Sector

  10. 海洋及相关产业分类研究

    Study on Classification of Ocean-related Industries

  11. 基于节能减排的山东省工业绿色距离和产业分类研究

    A study of industrial classification and green gap based on the energy-saving and emissions-reducing in Shandong Province

  12. 评价中国制造业国际竞争力的实证方法研究&兼与波特指标及产业分类法比较

    Research on Empirical Method of Valuing International Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing & Comparing with Porter 's Index and Industry Taxonomy

  13. 由于我国文化产业分类标准确立不久,文化产业相关的数据指标选取上存在许多问题。

    As the culture industry classification standards established not long ago , there are a lot of selection problems on the relevant data .

  14. 根据国家统计局公布的信息相关产业分类标准对我国信息产业就业人员数量进行了估算。

    Secondly , according to the related information industry classification standards released by National Bureau of Statistics the number of employed persons were estimated .

  15. 在本部分的最后结合我国官方体系标准,确定了本文的信息产业分类体系。

    In the last paragraph of this part we introduce the official classification system in our country to use as the information industry classification standard of this paper .

  16. 中国拥有完整的工业体系,是全世界唯一拥有联合国产业分类当中全部工业门类的国家。

    China has a complete industrial system and is the only country in the world that has all the industrial categories in the International Standard Industrial Classification of the United Nations .

  17. 在税收优惠法律制度的视野下,可以通过对最新的《文化及相关产业分类(2012)》加以限缩以明确文化产业的外延。

    Under the legal system of tax incentives , the extension of the cultural industry could be limited and clarified by the latest Culture and Related Industry Classification Standard ( 2012 ) .

  18. 本文利用第二次经济普查数据,严格按照国家统计局的《文化及相关产业分类》标准进行分类及分析。

    This article ues the data of the second economic census , accordance with National Bureau of Statistics ' classification of culture and related industries ' standard strictly for classification and analysis .

  19. 本章参照国际产业分类标准、依据中国知识产业发展现状以及产业结构演变规律,利用产业分类统计法,提出了中国知识型产业分类测度体系。

    Referring to the international class standards , according to the situation and evolvement rule of China knowledge industry , it brings forward classified measurement system for China knowledge industry with the method of industry classification statistics .

  20. 因此,在这个时候我们既需要研究京津冀区域过去的产业分类、各产业的总产值和增长指数,还需要分析京津冀区域目前的社会发展水平、产业资源禀赋状况和产业发展优势。

    Thus at this time we not only need study previous industries sort , all industries values and increase index etc. , but also analyze the level of society development , resources and the advantages of various industries .

  21. 按照传统三次产业分类法、生产要素集约程度分类法、两大部类分类法、钱纳里&泰勒分类法,对文化产业进行属性归类,不同的归类有不同的意义。

    Different classified of the cultural industries classified properties have different meanings according to the traditional classification of three industries , the level of factors of production-intensive classification , the two major classification category , Chenery - Taylor classification .

  22. 还有部分学者指出在三次产业分类或制造业内部的基础上讨论长三角地区产业同构问题并没有任何的现实意义,而必须将产业细分到产品层次来讨论同构的问题。

    Other scholars pointed out there is no practical significance on discussing Yangtze River delta area industrial isomorphism problem on the base of three industry classification or in the internal manufacturing unless the industry segments are limited on product level .

  23. 在依据产业分类的理论与方法界定体育产业内涵的基础上,探讨了体育产业统计的范围、对象和计算方法,并对某些有关的学术观点和资料进行了讨论与分析。

    By the theory of the industrial classification and on the meaning of sports industry , there are discussions on the range , object and calculating method of the sports industry statistics , and to analyse some learning viewpoints and datum in this essay .

  24. 传统经济学和现行产业分类方法,将卫生保健置于整个国民经济体系的次要地位,而现行统计体系也在一定程度上低估卫生保健的真实价值和对社会、经济发展的重要贡献。

    Both traditional economics and current practice of industrial classification put health care in a subordinate position in the overall system of national economy . Moreover , current statistics system also underestimates the real value and contribution of health care to social and economic development .

  25. 1998年后政府将住宅业作为群众的消费热点和国民经济新的增长点。在最新的产业分类中,房地产业被划为第三产业,并逐渐成为我国国民经济发展的支柱产业。

    Since 1998 , the housing industry has been cultivated as the consume heat point and the new economic growth point by the new government , and the real estate industry has been developed into the pillar one again as the part of the third industry .

  26. 在这一背景下,原有的体育产业分类方式愈来愈显示出与经济学原理、我国国民经济分类背景及产业发展现状的不相符合。

    As sport industry has developed in China , traditional way of classification made by original National Sport Committee has shown its inadequacy with theory of economics , the industry classification system of domestic economy in China and current status of the development of sport industry .

  27. 基础性开发包括傣文贝叶历史档案的编目、翻译、数字化建设等环节,内涵式发掘则根据我国《文化及相关产业分类》分别从核心层、外围层、相关层三个层面进行实施。

    Basic ways of exploitation for Dai Palm-leaf Manuscripts include cataloging , translation , digital construction , etc. Advanced ways of exploitation are introduced from the core layer , the outer layer and the relevant layer , according to " Classification of Culture and Related Industry in China " .

  28. 为促进信息服务业的进一步发展,日本政府除制定个人信息保护法和实施新的标准产业分类外,在引进IT人才和规范政府采购方面也采取了积极的政策措施。

    In order to promote the further development of information service industry , the government of Japan , apart from formulating laws to protect private information and implementing new industry classification standards , has also taken active policy measures to attract IT professionals and to standardize government purchase conducts .

  29. 同时,借鉴了加拿大的国民经济核算产业部门分类&标准产业分类(StandardIndustriesClassification),对林业相关上市公司进行重新分类,得到了27家林业上市公司,以此界定为实证分析的对象。

    Meanwhile , this article has reclassified Chinese related forestry listed company by referring Canadian national accounting industrial sectors classification-Standard Industrial Classification ( Standard Industries Classification ( SIC ), and has chosen 27 forestry listed companies for the objects of positive analysis .

  30. 中国高技术产业统计分类测算研究

    Classified statistical evaluation of China 's hi-tech industry