
  1. 泛珠三角产业互补性及其合作前景研究

    Research on Pan-PRD 's Industry Complementary 、 Cooperation and Its Foreground

  2. 穗港澳会展产业互补性强,三地合作发展会展经济应势所趋。

    Guangzhou Hong Kong and Macao 's convention and exhibition industry is supplementary , cooperative development should be potential hasten .

  3. 该系统具有产业互补功能,以及生态优势和应用优势;

    Agroforestry system has many advantages , the function of industries compensatory each other , ecological and applicative advantage and so on .

  4. 根据先易后难的原则,首先选择与韩国产业互补并且对本国弱势产业冲击小的国家作为贸易合作伙伴。

    According to the principle of " easy things first ," firstly choose the countries that are complementary to Korean industry and have weak impact to the Korean industry as their trading partners .

  5. 同时,由于株洲市与港澳台地区的产业互补性较强,因此,港澳台投资商对株洲这片土地投资热情日渐高涨。

    At the same time , because Zhuzhou and the Hong-Kong , Macao and Taiwan area industrial complementarity is strong , therefore , the Hong-Kong , Macao and Taiwan investor are extremely warm .

  6. 两岸大三通与闽台产业互补探析大三通下厦门港口物流的机遇与挑战

    Analysis on Three Direct Links of Trade , Mail , and Air and Shipping Services across the Taiwan Straits and Industrial Complementation between Fujian and Taiwan Opportunities and Challenges of Xiamen Port Logistics when Three Direct Links are Realized

  7. 作为合肥周边市县之一的舒城县,与合肥区位相邻,文化相近,产业互补性强,唯有顺势而动、主动融入,才能共享合作共赢带来的发展机遇。

    As one of the surrounding counties of Hefei , located adjacent , having the similar cultures , industries are highly complementary , only the flow moving and active integration can Shucheng share the development opportunities brought by win-win cooperation .

  8. 产业互接互补是融合发展的主要内容。

    Industrial complementarity is a key aspect of integrated development .

  9. 试论强化农业龙头企业核心能力管理闽台高科技农业产业竞争互补机制研究

    The Study of the Competitiveness and the Co-Operation Mechanism in the High-Tech Agriculture Industry between Fujian and Taiwan

  10. 在城市群建设中,政府应促进统一规划、资源优化与重组、产业结构互补、统一市场建设。

    In the urban agglomerations construction , the government should facilitate unified planning and resources reorganization , the industrial structure optimization and complementary , unified market construction .

  11. 文章结合目前双方合作的现状并利用贸易互补性指数等研究中国和东盟在哪些产业上互补性较强,从而为今后的合作提供实质性支持。

    Combining with the present situation of cooperation and making use of China and ASEAN trade complement index , this paper will show us how industries complete for both China and ASEAN , and provide substantial support for the future cooperation .

  12. 中澳同为世界主要经济体,但中国是最大的发展中国家,澳大利亚是成熟的发达经济体,两国文化背景迥异,发展水平不同,产业结构互补,在一些价值观念方面也存在差异。

    Though both are major economies in the world , China is the largest developing country whereas Australia is a mature developed economy . The two countries have distinctively different cultural backgrounds , different levels of development , complementary industrial structures and some differences in values .

  13. 城镇体系中城镇群协同的基础和实质是资源互补和企业集群间的协同,如果城镇之间的产业不互补,城镇群中各城镇功能的合作互补就无法实现。

    The basis and essence of coordination between of cities are the mutual supplementation of resources and coordination between enterprise clusters . If the industries of cities are not mutually supplementary , the functional and cooperative mutual supplementation between cities in a cluster would not be achieved .

  14. 内部优势条件包括:良好的地理区位;便利的交通条件;丰富的自然资源;独特的旅游资源;互补的产业结构;互补的地缘经济关系。

    The internal advantages include : favorable geographic location ; convenient traffic conditions ; rich in natural resources ; unique tourism resources ; complementary industrial structure ; complementary Geo-economic relationship .

  15. 中日韩三国经贸往来日益频繁、贸易量逐年增加、产业具高度互补性,建立中日韩自由贸易区具有可行性。

    Because of the increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges of three countries , trade increment year by year and industry highly complementary , the establishment of a China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Zone has feasibility .

  16. 拓展帮扶领域,健全帮扶机制,优化帮扶方式,加强产业合作、资源互补、劳务对接、人才交流,动员全社会参与,形成区域协调发展、协同发展、共同发展的良好局面。

    We should expand the fields for paired assistance , improve related mechanisms and common regional development .

  17. 广佛产业发展比较及互补开发研究

    On industrial comparison and complementary development between Guangzhou and Foshan

  18. 合作策略上以外生比较优势为基础,联合开发为主,积极拓展双方产业内的优势互补。

    Cooperation strategy based on comparative advantage and joint development , actively expand complementary advantages both with industries .

  19. 京沪穗经济发展的对比分析广佛产业发展比较及互补开发研究

    The compare of economic development of Beijing Shanghai and Guangzhou ON INDUSTRIAL COMPARISON AND COMPLEMENTARY DEVELOPMENT BETWEEN GUANGZHOU AND FOSHAN

  20. 东北亚各国产业梯次明显、互补性强、地缘毗邻、文化相近,有着巨大的合作潜力和广阔的发展前景。

    Each country in Northeast Asia has an obvious industry echelon , strong complement , and similar culture , great cooperation potential and broad developing prospects .

  21. 在开放产业系统中,互补产业可以直接导致产业耦合。相互竞争的产业在某些特定的强约束下可能促进产业耦合。

    In the open industrial system , the supplementary industries led directly to industrial coupling , and under certain strong constraints , competing industries might promote industrial coupling .

  22. 同时,外商直接投资的产业结构与本土产业的互补性,促进了我国产业结构的高级化,带动了主导产业的升级。

    Moreover , the diversity of FDI has greatly promoted the native industrial development to a high level , shifting to capital and technology intensive industries .

  23. 出口加工基地产业的选择应以新疆与中亚市场产业结构的互补性为依据。

    The choice of industry in exportation manufacture base should base the industrial structure complementarily between Xinjiang and the central Asia .

  24. 台湾信息产业发展相对福建高出许多,闽台信息产业发展的互补性很强。

    Taiwan 's information industry has been developed faster and earlier relative to Fujian province . Therefore , there is a strong complementary relation between Fujian and Taiwan 's information industry .

  25. 从产业发展角度来看,产业集群具有地缘接近、产业要素共享、产业链互补、产业内知识创新速度快等鲜明特点。

    Form the perspective of industrial development , Industrial Cluster is characterized by geographical adjacency , industrial elements sharing , mutual complement of industry chain , fast knowledge creating speed within industry .

  26. 城乡产业间的转移与承接、培育城乡关联产业、发挥城乡特色产业优势,实现城乡产业错位而又互补式发展、坚持走特色产业集群化发展道路等是城乡产业发展的路径。

    Inter-industry transfer of urban and rural areas and undertake to foster urban and rural related industries , and to play the urban and rural characteristics of industrial advantages , adhere to the path of development characteristics of industrial clusters such as urban and rural industrial development path .

  27. 经济要素的流动和产业的地区转移使得资源的空间配置更有效:促进了区域产业整合,强化了产业集聚效应,产业互补效应也开始显现。

    Finally , the flowing of production elements and the regional shifting of industries make the resource allocation more effective , promote the integration of regional industries and simultaneously strengthen the industrial accumulative effect .