
  1. 由于氯碱化工企业B规模比较小,所在地区没有资源优势,缺少足够的资金进行上游或下游业务的拓展,适合于以氯碱化工企业为核心的主导型产业共生网络的规划与建设。

    The chlor-alkali chemical industry B is relatively small-scale , without resource advantages and sufficient funds for the expansion of upstream or downstream business , which led to the leading type of industrial symbiosis networks with the chlor-alkali chemical industry as the core role .

  2. 并对福州青口汽车城生态工业园区的产业共生网络进行了共生分析。

    Meanwhile , symbiosis analysis is provided to analyze industrial symbiosis network of Fuzhou Qingkou Eco-Industrial Park .

  3. 从产业共生网络的经济性、生态性以及网络自身演化的复杂性出发,定性分析了产业共生网络成长的动力机制。

    From the economy , ecology and complex evolution of industrial symbiotic network , we analyzed its dynamic mechanism of growth .

  4. 将旅游产业集群共生网络的资源集聚效应、分工协作效应及信息、资源共享效应三个方面构建模型来分析旅游产业集群共生体的共生演进程度。

    Models are constructed in resource agglomeration effects , labor division and collaboration effects as well as resource sharing effects to analyze the evolution level of symbiosis in tourism industrial clusters .

  5. 国际竞争环境的复杂化、信息通信技术的进步和经济制度的变革推动了产业间的共生发展和产业间共生网络的形成与演化。

    The complication of international competitive environment and the progress of information communication technology and the reform of economic system promote the formation and development of inter-industrial symbiosis network .