
  • 网络industrial evolution;Industry evolution
  1. 产业演化是企业不断进入、退出和成长的过程。

    Industrial evolution is a process of continuous entry , exit and growth of firms .

  2. 第一部分是介绍了产业演化相关理论基础,以此作为本文的理论研究框架。

    The first part introduces the basic theory of industrial evolution as the theoretical research framework .

  3. MP3技术与美国音乐产业演化

    MP3 and the Evolution of American Music Industry

  4. 微电子产业演化创新分布模式的原因探析:以MPU为例

    The distribution pattern of innovation in microelectronic industry : example of MPU

  5. 微电子产业演化创新模式的分布规律&改进的A-U模型

    Innovation pattern and regulations of microelectronic industry-improved A-U model

  6. 高技术产业演化的生态组织形式及策略选择

    Research on the Ecology Organization Form and Strategy Choices of High-tech Industry

  7. 总体上来看,我国中心城市产业演化相对落后,中心城市产业演化水平与技术进步存在正相关关系。

    Comparably , the industrial evolution of Chinese central cities lags behind in general .

  8. 产品竞争的产业演化模型研究

    Evolutionary Model of Industrial Dynamics for Product Competition

  9. 航空运输业产业演化过程也是学习和知识累积过程。

    The evolution of airline industry is also a learning and knowledge assumption process .

  10. 猕猴桃产业演化发展探析

    Analysis on the Evolution of Kiwifruit Industry

  11. 这样,研究产业演化就转变为研究某种特定组织形式的扩散。

    So , industry evolution can be transferred to the diffusion of some special organization form .

  12. 最后对浦江水晶产业演化发展的提出相关建议。

    Finally , there are several suggestions are put forward for the development of the crystal industry in PuJiang .

  13. 产业演化是指随着经济的发展,一国或一个地区的产业结构由低级到高级、不断优化升级的变动过程。

    Industrial evolution indicates a constant upgrade of the industrial structure of a country / region , as a result of the economic development .

  14. 第三部分主要从理论角度对我国海洋油气产业演化内外动因进行归纳分析。

    The third part mainly summarizes the internal and external evolutionary motivation of Chinese offshore oil and gas industry from the theoretical point of view .

  15. 通过回顾产业演化的相关理论,指出第三方支付产业价值链的演化方向。

    Through the review of the related theories of industry evolution , This chapter point out the evolution direction of the third party payment industry value chain .

  16. 主要结论:第一,海洋油气产业演化拐点出现在2011年,演化过程基本呈现出s曲线趋势。

    Its conclusions are that : Firstly , the evolution of offshore oil and gas industry inflection point occurs in 2011 , showing the basic evolutionary trend of s curve .

  17. 首先,本文将我国海洋油气产业演化内在动因归结于利益驱动机制,在这方面本文的研究还有待进一步深化。

    First of all , the dynamic mechanism of the evolution of offshore oil and gas industry is attributed to the interest-driven mechanism , which remains to be further deepened .

  18. 论述了企业竞争战略理论的演变过程以及不同产业演化阶段、不同规模和不同竞争地位企业竞争战略选择问题。

    It discusses the evolutionary process of enterprise business strategy and how to choose the business strategy according to different industry evolutionary stage , different scale and different competition status .

  19. 本文以新的视角看待企业家,将企业家成长视为一个不断进行组织创造的连续统一的社会过程,基于新价值创造从产业演化角度分析企业家成长与产业环境的关联。

    This article regards the growth of entrepreneurs as a social process to continuously create new values from a new view and analyze the relevancy of entrepreneurs ' growth and industry environment .

  20. 本文认为,环境选择和企业的适应变革都不是产业演化的唯一决定因素,产业系统演化是由环境选择作用和企业组织适应行为共同决定的。

    It is believed that enviromental choice and organizational adaption are not only determinate factor of industrial evolution in the article . Industrial evolution is determined by both environmental choice and organizational adaption .

  21. 该理论平台的主要内容为:加工贸易的广义与狭义的内涵界定、加工贸易发展的经济实质、加工贸易产业演化与区域演化格局、经济全球化进程中加工贸易的比较利益论等。

    This theoretical platform is composed of following main parts : the broad and narrow definition of PT ; the PT 's economic essence ; the PT 's evolution situation in industry and district ;

  22. 论文首先利用文献研究法归纳和梳理了有关企业演化、产业演化和共同演化的相关理论与研究,奠定了研究的理论基础。

    Firstly , this paper summarizes and combs the relative theories and researches about enterprises evolution , industries evolution and co-evolution by the literature research methods and it lays the theoretical foundation for the whole research .

  23. 仿真结果表明,该模型很好地再现了产业演化的典型事实,是一个比较简单并且相对全面的产业演化模型。

    The evolution of industry structure is simulated by computer experiment , and simulation result shows that EMID can represent stylized facts of industry evolution and that EMID is a simple and relative general model of industry evolution .

  24. 本文以技术进步为主线,以产业演化为研究内容,以中心城市为着力点,用理论与实践相结合的方法,研究技术进步对中心城市产业演化的影响作用。

    With technical improvement as the backbone , industrial evolution as the target and central cities as the focus , this paper integrates theories and practical experiences to explore the impact of technical improvement on the industrialization of central cities .

  25. 区域产业集聚演化机理及演化过程研究

    Research on the Evolution Mechanism and Process of Regional Industry Cluster

  26. 土地资源利用与产业发展演化的关系研究

    Study on Land Resource Use and the Industries Developing & Evolving

  27. 基于网络理论的高新技术产业集群演化机理研究

    The Research of High-tech Industry Evolution Mechanism Cluster Based on Network Theory

  28. 基于产业链演化的物流网络资源配置策略

    Logistics network resource allocation strategy based on industrial chain evolution

  29. 融合背景下信息产业结构演化的实证研究

    Empirical Research of Information Industrial Structure Evolution Based on Convergence

  30. 中国民营科技产业集群演化趋势的理论与案例分析

    Chinese Private Technological Enterprise Cluster : Theory and Case Study