
  1. 竭诚为电缆电线业、漆包线业和不锈钢产业服务。

    Dedicated cable wire , enameled wire services industry and the stainless steel industry .

  2. GIS产业服务体系不健全;

    The industry service system was not perfect ;

  3. SCI内容产业服务模式的案例分析

    A Case Study of Content Industrial Service Mode in SCI

  4. 产业服务如何能实现顾客满意(TCS)受到越来越多的关注。

    How to fulfil TCS ( Total Customer Satisfaction ) of industrial customers has caused more attentions .

  5. 由于移动电子商务具有较强特性,尤其是基于3G的移动电子商务,相比于传统电子商务,需要更多的产业服务作为支撑,其产业链条更长,产业链状况更加复杂。

    Since its mobile commerce has strong features , particularly those based on 3G mobile commerce , compared with traditional e-commerce services as the industry needs more support , more of its industrial chain , industrial chain , the situation is more complicated .

  6. 通过良好的全方位服务的物流供应商及许多优质产业服务公司提供的服务;

    By fine surrounding service promoted by logistics suppliers and many excellent logistic company ;

  7. 产业服务市场细分研究

    Research on Industrial Service Marketing Segmentation

  8. 家务劳动被视为第三产业服务,属于社会劳动,能够创造价值。

    Household is regarded as the tertiary services , as social work , can create value .

  9. 海南省通信产业服务有限公司

    Hainan Communications Services Company Limited

  10. 加强可再生能源规划,建立和完善产业服务体系。

    The renewable energy program should be strengthened and the industry service system should be built up and perfected .

  11. 天津在第三产业服务输出上,总体明显弱于北京,主要为大区服务。

    Beijing is regarded as national service center in Tertiary Industry , while Tianjin is a regional service center .

  12. 港口对形成物流中心和信息中心的影响将有别于其它游离性的产业服务,并将付货人、承运人、收货人、代理人等汇聚成为一个综合性的物流信息服务网络。

    It unites shipper , carrier , consignee and agent etc. to be a comprehensive logistics information service network .

  13. 一是将引导私募基金为实体经济服务,为产业服务。

    It is to will guide illicit collect fund to be hypostatic economy service , serve for the industry .

  14. 澳大利亚以高等教育和旅游为龙头的主导产业服务业,也越来越依赖中国客户。

    Australia 's leading services sectors , led by higher education and tourism , are also increasingly dependent on Chinese clientele .

  15. 而高等教育的社会公共职能、产业服务职能、社会精神财富的传承与创新职能等是高等教育立法的客观依据。

    Social commonality function , industrial service function and inheriting and innovative function of social spirit property are objective fundamentality of higher education legislation .

  16. 其次,表现在种业管理和产业服务方面,如政事不分、事企不分和政企不分;

    The second is seed industry administration and industry service , such as no distinction between government administration , enterprises management and public institution administration ;

  17. 组织师生开展社会实践和大学生志愿者社区援助活动,提供第三产业服务;

    Provide the tertiary service by organizing teachers and students to carry out social practice and the college student volunteers to take part in community aid activities ;

  18. 各类细分市场之间存在具体的产业服务需求差异。弄清这些差异,对于产业服务供应商搞好服务供应,加强服务营销管理具有重要的现实意义。

    There are many differences of demanding for industrial services among segmentations , which is significant and realism for business to strengthen their industrial service marketing management .

  19. 中心将致力于收集、储备合适的、合格的生物材料,以更好地为生物研究小组及产业服务。

    The centre will be dedicated to the collection and storage of appropriately consented , quality-assured biomaterials for distribution to biomedical research groups in academia and industry .

  20. 针对以上问题,深圳应切实采取整合现有物流资源、加强物流人才培养、完善物流基础设施、健全产业服务体系等对策。

    To solve those problems , Shenzhen should integrate existing logistics resources , strengthen training of logistics professionals and improve logistics infrastructure and service system of the industry .

  21. 第二章论述了以顾客以核心的产业服务组织结构,这是整个产业服务体系的基础;

    Then the major issues that will be discussed for the study of industrial service system are presented . Chapter 2 analyzes the organization structure of industrial service .

  22. 作者认为,近代证券市场不为产业服务,产业发展也不依托证券市场,产业与证券市场严重脱节。

    In this part , my opinion is that , Modern Securities Market does not serve for industries , and industry development also does not rely on securities market .

  23. 因此,为了提高中小型企业创业效率,兴起的一种科技产业服务机构&科技企业孵化器,逐渐成长起来。

    Therefore , science and technology enterprise incubator which is a technology industry services , is gradually growing up in order to improve the business efficiency of the medium and small-sized enterprise .

  24. 本文意图论述旅游智业对旅游业发展的意义,探讨其推广的模式,为发展旅游产业服务。

    To develop the tourism , the article intend explain the significance which the intelligence means to tourism , then discuses on the model of promotion , in order to promote the tourism .

  25. 通过对天津地区有关企业的调查研究,可以将产业服务细分为四类市场,即关系导向型、客户导向型、高期望型和价格敏感型。

    After survey and empirical research on some companies of Tianjin area in China , we can segment industrial service market into 4 types : relationship searching , customer oriented , high expectation and price sensitivity .

  26. 新农业技术推广体系是由企业产业服务体系、农技推广政府机构、农业科研机构和大专院校、农村经济技术合作组织和其他社会群众团体组成的。

    And new agricultural technology extension system structure : the Government agricultural extension agencies , industrial technical extension services system , rural economic and technical cooperation in agricultural research institutions and universities , organizations , other social mass organizations .

  27. 建模结果表明,资本投入与技术水平对制造业与服务业地区集聚水平均存在正向影响,且它们对战略性新兴产业服务业的影响强于制造业。

    The modeling results show that the gathering capital input and the technical level both have a positive impact on the agglomeration level of manufacturing and service industry , and the impact on strategic emerging industries of service industries is stronger than manufacturing industry .

  28. ShineTechnologies是一家为许多澳大利亚能源产业公司服务的IT咨询和开发服务提供商。

    Shine Technologies is a provider of IT consultancy and development services to a number of companies in the Australian energy industry .

  29. 中国加入WTO后,为武术产业在服务贸易、知识产权贸易、货物贸易带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    Therefore , it is more than necessary to probe into the industrialization of the art in respect of service trade , property right trade and tangible trade under the conditions of WTO .

  30. 中国应借鉴印度的做法,充分运用加速折旧政策,将需要扶持的行业纳入优惠范围,如高新技术产业、服务业等,以吸引FDI流入这些行业,加快这些行业的发展。

    China should make the industry which should be supported enjoy the accelerated depreciation incentives , such as high-tech industries , and FDI will be attracted to invest in these industries . 3 .