
  1. 北京高科技产业集群衍生效应及其影响分析&基于中关村科技园区的案例研究

    Analysis on the Derivative Effect in Beijing 's Hi-tech Industrial Clusters and Its Implications : Based on the Empirical Study of Zhongguancun Science Park

  2. 物联网技术在服务外包企业中的应用,必将引起全球服务外包市场竞争格局的巨大变化,朱晓明(2010)认为,物联网将成为万亿级别产业能衍生出千亿级的服务外包业务。

    The application of the technology of the internet of things will lead to great changes of the global service outsourcing in the competitive landscape . Zhu Xiaoming ( 2010 ) believes the internet of things , as a trillion-level industry , can rise to one hundred billion outsourcing business .

  3. 促进产业集群企业衍生的关键软因素分析&以浙江块状经济企业衍生的经验为例

    Analysis of Key " Software Factors " Enhancing SMEs Spin-offs in Industrial Cluster : The Case of SMEs Spin-off in the Zhejiang Agglomeration Economies

  4. 动漫企业应在提高优秀动漫作品市场占有率的同时,打造产业链,重视衍生产品开发。

    Animation companies should increase the market share of outstanding anime while to build the industrial chain , attention to the development of derivative products .

  5. 信息技术与互联网市场的迅猛发展使得网络游戏成为席卷全球的一种产业,进而也衍生了虚拟财产这一新生事物。

    The rapid development of information technology market and Internet has made online games become an industry which is sweeping through the world , and also caused the derivative of this new thing of virtual property .

  6. 资源型城市产业转型过程中产业链网络的衍生

    Industrial Chain Network Derivation of Resource-driven Cities in the Course of Industry Transformation

  7. 其次,结合实例分析了自发集聚型、政府主导型和产业规划型这三种创意产业集群衍生方式各自的特点,并从主体、目标和手段等方面将这三种衍生方式进行了比较。

    And this dissertation also analyzes the derived power of creative industrial clusters . Secondly , the respective characteristics of three derivative modes are analyzed combining with instances . The three modes include spontaneous gathering mode , government leading mode and industrial planning mode .

  8. 实践证明,动漫行业成功的产业模式是通过拓展和延长产业链,在衍生产品开发和授权上赚钱。

    Practice has proved a successful model of industrial animation industry is to expand and extend the industrial chain in the derivative product development and licensing money .

  9. 影视产业是文化产业的重要组成部分,而作为影视产业衍生产品的重要一环影视城,在经济飞速发展的当今社会,更是引起了极大的关注。

    Movie and Television industry ( MTI ) is a derivative product of the culture industry , motion picture city ( MPC ) as the key part of MTI is drawing a large attention in the modern society with the rapid economic development .