
  • 网络industrial tourism
  1. 论工业产业旅游

    On discussing industry tourism

  2. 作为增长最快的朝阳产业旅游业发展循环经济有其特殊的优势。

    As the fastest-growing " rising-sun industry ", the tourism industry has some unique advantages to develop circular economy .

  3. 长春市旅游资源类型多样,内容丰富,主要有生态旅游资源、电影文化旅游资源、产业旅游资源、殖民遗迹旅游资源、辽金文化旅游资源等五大资源优势。

    Film culture tourism resources ? industry tourism resources ? colonial relics tourism resources and Liao _Jin culture tourism resources .

  4. 工业旅游是产业旅游的一个重要分支,是旅游业发展的产物和工业化发展的结果。

    Industrial tourism is an important branch of industry tourism , an outcome of industrialization and the evolution of tourism industry .

  5. 作为永远的朝阳产业旅游业,能否继续平稳向前与政府的指导和支持密切相关,这是由旅游业自身发展的要求和发展趋势及国际经验证明而得出的结论。

    As an " eternal young industry ", the steady development of the tourism depends greatly on the governmental instruction and support .

  6. 三亚由于其特殊的气候条件,适宜在主导产业旅游业之外重点发展养老产业。

    In view of its unique climate condition , Sanya is suitable to develop the industry for retired elder support except for its dominating sector of tourism .

  7. 在此基础上,通过对海南旅游市场供给与需求的分析,设计了一系列海口火山旅游资源开发项目,提出了建设海口火山生态文化旅游区和海口火山产业旅游区的构想。

    According to the analysis of supply and demand of Hainan tourist market and tourism development theories , a series of development programs were designed and the idea of building a tourist attraction with volcanic ecological culture characteristics was put forward .

  8. 观光茶园,一方面逐步地改变了原有的传统农业耕作方式,另一方面客观地促进了第三产业旅游业及服务业的开发,更有效地促进了当地城乡经济的快速发展。

    Sightseeing Tea Garden , on the one hand and gradually changed the original traditional agricultural practices , on the other hand the third objective to promote tourism and service industry development , more effective in promoting rapid economic development of local urban and rural areas .

  9. 道森市目前人口为762人,主要产业是旅游业。

    Tourism is now the chief industry of Dawson City — its present population is 762 .

  10. 文化产业与旅游产业的整合创新是产业发展的必然要求。Natural(天然等同)相近。

    The integration and innovation between cultural industry and tourism is the natural demand of industrial development . Take Foshan as an example .

  11. 旅游产业与旅游增加值的测算

    On the Calculation of Tourism Industry and Tourist Adding Value

  12. 产业生态旅游理论及养生旅游开发模式探讨

    A Probe into the Theory of Industrial Eco-tourism and Wellness Tourism Development Model

  13. 墨西哥湾沿岸另外一个重要的产业就是旅游业。

    Another important industry along the gulf is tourism .

  14. 但是,作为第三产业的旅游产业对什邡的经济发展做出的贡献却是非常有限。

    But as the tourism industry to economic development Shifang contribution is extremely limited .

  15. 作为崛起的支柱产业,旅游业日益成为理论界研究关注的重点。

    As a pillar industry , tourism is increasingly becoming the focus of research .

  16. 当前,被称为朝阳产业的旅游业已经受到人们的广泛的关注。

    Nowadays , the so-called ' Rising Sun Industry ' tourism has aroused extensive attention .

  17. 旅游地基础设施、旅游产业和旅游目的地品牌三者相互促进与制约。

    Tourist infrastructure , tourism industry and tourism destination brand are mutually promote and constraints .

  18. 柳州市鱼峰区传统产业及旅游业发展战略规划研究

    Research on Traditional Industries and Tourism Industry Strategic Programming in Yufeng District of Liuzhou City

  19. 都市创意产业与旅游产业融合发展的态势及其整合对策研究

    Study on the Integration Situation and Measures of Creative Industry and Tourism Industry in Metropolis

  20. 本文从三个方面对旅游产业与旅游纪念品设计和旅游资源之间的关系作一些探讨。

    In this text , tourism products design and tourism culture will be introduced as follows .

  21. 另一关注的领域是旅游产业,旅游产业的发展已经过于石油产业而受压抑。

    Another area of focus , tourism , has previously been hindered by the presence of oil .

  22. 体育旅游不仅是一种活动的表现形式,更是体育产业与旅游产业交叉渗透而产生的一种新经济领域。

    Sports tourism is a new economic field created by the joining of sports and tourism industries .

  23. 现在,观赏鲸鱼是全球最大的产业&旅游业中增长最快的部分。

    Whale-watching is now one of the fastest growing segments of the world 's biggest industry , tourism .

  24. 作为创意产业与旅游产业融合的一种产物,旅游演艺正成为我国异军突起的新型旅游业态。

    A combination of creative industry with tourism , tourism performing art has become a newly-flourished tourism business .

  25. 旅游业成为贫困地区的支柱产业,旅游扶贫才能成效显著。

    While tourism grows key industry of poverty regions , poverty-relief by tourism can get an obvious effect .

  26. 进入21世纪后,随着经济与社会的发展,旅游业已成为我国重要的产业,旅游业迎来了黄金时期。

    Into the 21st century , with the economic and social development , tourism has become an important industry .

  27. 尤其强调近期云南要优先发展静脉产业、旅游业和物流业这三大产业。

    It emphasizes the necessity of giving priority to the development of vein industry , tourism and logistics industry .

  28. 我国旅游业虽然起步较晚,但是作为我国的朝阳产业,旅游业具备很好的发展前景。

    Chinese tourism industry started late , but as a sunrise industry , tourism has very good prospects for development .

  29. 文化产业与旅游产业整合创新模式研究&以佛山市文化与旅游产业为例

    Analysis on the Innovation Model of Cultural Industry and Tourism Integration & A Case Study of the City of Foshan

  30. 为什么合作:从旅游合作对旅游产业、旅游企业、区域经济及经济一体化角度来阐述旅游合作的重大意义。

    Why need to cooperation : explain the significance of tourism cooperation from tourism industry , tourism enterprise and economic integration .