
  • 网络industry isomorphism
  1. 文章通过分析认为,产业同构可以和产业分工并存,即由传统的部门间分工逐步发展为部门内的产品间分工。

    By analyzing , author consider the industry isomorphism can coexist with the industrial division , namely from the traditional division of labor between sectors to the division of labor between products within the sector .

  2. 本章采用PANELDATA模型分析方法对1992年以后长江三角洲地区产业同构的演化趋势及在这一过程中各种市场化因素所发挥的作用给予了翔实的分析。

    In this case , we analyze fully and accurately the evolvement trend of ' industrial isomorphism ' and the effect of all marketing factor on Yangtse Rive Delta Region since 1992 . and the method that we use is named Panel Data Model .

  3. 长江三角洲地区产业同构根源剖析

    An Analysis on Assimilated Industrial Structures in the Yangtze River Delta

  4. 西部地区产业同构现象的博弈分析

    Game analysis on the similar industrial structure between western regions

  5. 我国高技术产业同构性与集聚的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on Industrial Isomorphism and Agglomeration of High-Tech Industry in China

  6. 区域产业同构的演化轨迹及其原因分析

    Analysis on the Evolvement Track of Isomorphism of Regional Industry and Its Causes

  7. 同时也引起产业同构化问题趋向弱化。

    Industries isomorphic relations problem has weakened .

  8. 但由于研究分析都建立在静态分析基础之上,对造成产业同构的原因无法给出清楚的答案。

    But all the researches are based on static analysis , which result in obscure answers to the cause of assimilated industrial structures .

  9. 中国与东盟的产业同构性和出口竞争性,影响了双方贸易合作的收益。

    The benefits from traditional Inter-Industry trade cooperation is limited because the similarities of industrial structure and the competitiveness of products between the ASEAN and China .

  10. 产业同构现象已成为长三角区域经济发展中的显著特点,众多学者对导致该现象的原因进行了分析并对其可能引致的后果展开论述。

    Industrial structure assimilation has been a remarkable characteristic in the Changjiang River Delta economic development , on which many scholars have analyzed the different influences .

  11. 在中国华南地区,港资北移推动了粤港经济垂直一体化,也造成了香港制造业空心化和粤港产业同构化。

    In south China , Hong Kong 's capital northward flow caused its manufacturing industry hollow and economic vertical integration both for Hong Kong and Guangdong .

  12. 其发展面临着协调制度及协议规划的约束力不够,交通设施存在重复配置,产业同构、同质竞争现象严重等问题。

    The main problems include the unbinding of the coordination system and area planning agreements , redundancy construction of infrastructure , and the unnecessary competition inside the area .

  13. 关于产业同构现象的影响有两种观点:一种观点认为是长三角地区经济一体化的障碍;另一种观点认为是长三角地区经济一体化的基础。

    The are two viewpoints about the influences of same structure of industries : the one is the view of the obstacle , the other is the view of the basis .

  14. 分析结果表明,自1992年以来,我国经济体制的市场化程度一直在不断提高。第三章分阶段对我国改革开放以来产业同构的演变趋势进行了分析。

    The result shows the marketing degree of our economic system has been increasing since 1992.Chapter 3 : We analyze the evolvement trend of ' isomorphism of industry ' in our country by stage .

  15. 分析结果表明,除了商品市场发育外,市场化的其他因素的发展都能促使产业同构的弱化趋势,其中,作用最大的是所有制结构中非国有经济的发展。

    The result shows all marketing factor except the growth of commodity market can impel the weaken trend of industrial isomorphism ', and the non-state economy in ownership structure plays the most important role .

  16. 第一章首先阐述了产业同构的涵义及其测度方法,并对我国的产业同构程度演化趋势进行了实证分析。

    They are as follows : Chapter 1 : We expatiate on the meaning and the measurement of ' industrial isomorphism ' , and give demonstrative analysis on the evolvement trend of it in our country .

  17. 学术界多年来对产业同构问题一直存在分歧,部分学者认为,重复建设、同质竞争导致区域产业同构,进而加剧区域内耗,阻碍了地区经济一体化,影响了区域经济的可持续发展。

    Some scholars believe that the " duplication "," homogeneous competition ," resulting in a regional industrial isomorphism , exacerbating the internal friction of competition within the region , hindering regional economic integration and sustainable regional economic development .

  18. 然而,高外贸依存度带来的影响、高比重的加工贸易产生的一系列问题、经济圈的产业同构现象以及沿海地区的环境污染和资源浪费严重等问题也随之而来。

    However , it had negative impacts such as high foreign trade degree of dependency , shortcomings of processing trade , industrial isomorphism of the most three important economic zones in coastal areas , environmental pollution , resources waste and so on .

  19. 文章对中国改革开放以来区域产业同构的演化轨迹进行了实证检验,结果表明:中国各省市区之间的产业同构程度表现为先强化、后弱化的变化趋势,转折点为1992年。

    This article presents demonstrative analysis on the evolvement track of industrial isomorphism in China during the reform period . The result shows that there first is a strengthening trend , then weakening trend , and the year 1992 is the turning point .

  20. 关于产业同构问题的成因则有经济发展水平观、行政管理体制观、区域资源禀赋观、市场开放程度观等。

    Many researchers sum up the causes of same structure of industries , such as the level of economy development , chain of command of the government , resources traits of the areas , the degree of market open , and so on .

  21. 但是,由于跨区域合作的相关体制还不健全,跨区域的公共问题不断涌现,如地方保护主义、区域封锁、产业同构、不正当竞争等问题日益制约着跨区域合作的发展。

    But , because of the inter-regional cooperation system is still not perfect , inter-regional public problems are emerging constantly , Such as local protectionism , regional blockade , industrial isomorphism , unfair competition , which Increasingly restrict the development of inter-regional cooperation .

  22. 总结归纳出最显著的优势是自然资源禀赋和空间区位的优势,而最突出的劣势则是四州市产业同构化现象较为严重以及企业间跨区域合作仍有许多障碍,优势产业集中度低。

    We concluded that the most significant advantage is that natural resource endowment and spatial location . The most prominent disadvantage is the industrial structure of four Cities are isomorphism , and inter-regional co-operation between enterprises are still many obstacles so that competitive industries with low concentration .

  23. 因此,对地区产业结构同构化现象产生的深层次原因进行挖掘是十分必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to find out the essential cause of the industrial structure convergence .

  24. 同时兰州-西宁经济区各城市的产业结构同构性较小,产业地域分工已开始初步显现。

    Meanwhile industrial structure isomorphism in Lanzhou-Xining economic zone is smaller , regional division of labor has begun preliminary revealed .

  25. 本文首先通过对中部五省地区产业结构同构化现象进行现状分析,说明了地区产业结构同构化问题的普遍性和严峻性。

    This paper firstly illustrates the universality and urgency of the industrial structure convergence in China by analyzing the industrial structure of five provinces in central China .

  26. 最后,文章从博弈主体、博弈收益、博弈环境等方面出发提出解决地区产业结构同构化问题的措施构想。

    At last , the paper raises some measure advices to solve the problem of industrial structure convergence from the view of game body , game payoff and game circumstance .

  27. 继珠三角和长三角城市群之后,山东半岛城市群渐露雏形,城市体系不断完善,但是与成熟的城市群相比,还存在着诸如经济水平低、产业结构同构化等许多问题。

    Shandong peninsula urban agglomeration has gradually come into shape and urban systems are becoming integrated . But compared with other mature urban agglomerations , there are still some problems such as low economic level and industry isomorphism and so on .

  28. 目前长株潭三市的产业结构存在着同构化、低度化、低层次化等诸多因素。

    At present there exist many problems in the industrial structure of Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan Cities like " repeated structure " ," low Ievel " , and " low grade " .

  29. 同时,由于区域内各行政区地缘关系相近,大部分地区选择发展的产业又十分相似,产业同构问题就成为了人们关注的焦点之一。

    At the same time , because of the geographic proximity and the similarity of industries between subareas , the problem of the manufacturing structural homogeneity in the area becomes a focus .

  30. 环渤海经济圈内产业结构不合理、产业同构化严重、产业链残缺不全、产业创新未形成合力,导致环渤海经济圈发展缓慢。

    Bohai economic circle irrational industrial structure , industry structure of the same serious , incomplete industry chain , industry innovation does not form a cohesive force , resulting in slow development of the Bohai Sea Economic Circle .